
BOUNDED TO HELL (sold...mated...to...you)

There is always a point of paradise in one's life and that was the case of Lola Baldwin. Her life in Seattle, America wasn't perfect but to her it was like paradise. She's twenty five years old, graciously endowed with a beautiful face, green eyes, an hourglass shape and a crazy personality. Lola Baldwin lived in a small house with her loving and sweet boyfriend till one day everything changed. She finds herself sold as a s£x slave to one of the most heartless and inhumane men alive. Who is he? Would she escape this hell? Wanna find out about her fate then continue reading…

Sharimam_Saleh · Horror
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Myles rushed Summer to the hospital and she looked lifeless.

"Oh goodness" Myles gasped while pacing back and forth in the waiting room.

He was scared for her life, she was everything to him and if he lost her. It was over for him.

"Sunshine, be fine for daddy; I beg you" Myles said with a shaky voice.


He heard and turned to Lance who had followed the car when he saw it racing out of the mansion.

"What happened?" Lance inquired, worriedly.

"I don't know, I think Summer got poisoned" Myles replied while scratching his head.

"Poisoned!" Lance exclaimed. "How?"

Myles recalled how Summer had a terrible reaction after drinking the milk. He remembered Lola and he clenched his fists angrily.

"I don't know" Myles yelled, he felt so scared, more scared than he had ever been in his life.

"I don't know" Myles said more softly, it made him sound vulnerable.

Lance sighed and embraced him.

"She's going to be fine, you don't have to be worried" Lance muttered and patted his back.

He was bothered about Summer's health but he couldn't show it because that would trigger Myles' misery.


Sully's house>

Gwen stared at her phone and reluctantly answered the call.

"Greetings, father," Gwen said over the phone.

"Have you made any progress?" Beta Collins inquired.

Gwen frowned before responding. "No"

"What do you mean by 'No'?" Beta Collins yelled.

Gwen had the urge to hang up on him but she had to control herself.

"I just arrived here and I need to gain their trust especially Scarlett who isn't really willing to let her son become the ruling Alpha" Gwen replied, containing her anger.

"Remove every obstacle in your way, we need Jacob as soon as possible!" Beta Collins yelled and hung up.

Gwen sniffed and dropped her phone by her side.

"The only obstacle is his new human mate" Gwen grimaced. "She's the only obstacle that has to be gotten rid off"


Ballard high school>

"I need your help" Molly said and pulled him into the restroom.

"First get your hands off me" Nathaniel sneered at her.

Molly released Nathaniel's arm.

"What do you want?" Nathaniel questioned and folded his arms. He knew what she desired but wanted to hear it from her.

"I want Jake to break up with Summer," Molly replied.

" What does that have to do with me?"Nathaniel frowned.

" Please help me, I know that you won't want Summer to be with someone else "Molly muttered and blinked rapidly.

"You aren't cute, so stop that" Nathaniel rolled his eyes. "I'm not interested in f*cking you, so I will ask you only one favor"

"I will do anything" Molly said, desperately.

"What is Jake? I know it's a weird question but there was a time I saw claws in his fingers" Nathaniel muttered and moved closer to Molly.

"You both dated for a while, do you know what he is?"

Molly stared blankly at him, even though she had threatened Jake; she wasn't going to expose his identity.

She only wanted him to herself and she still did.

"Tell me and I will help you" Nathaniel said and Molly opened her mouth to speak.

"I don't know,"Molly retorted. "Go ask him," she added and left from there.

Nathaniel smirked and rubbed his beardless chin.

" I will find out whatever he is, even if it's the last thing I do"Nathaniel snarled.


Zane's mansion>

"Boss please" Shawn begged with tears streaming from his reddened eyes.

Shawn was held by two men and his little finger was on the floor. It had been severed.

"Should I cut the other finger?" Zane sneered at him.

"No boss, please!!!" Shawn screamed in tears. "I promise to bring her"

"I asked for the little b*tch and it had been weeks without you bringing her and you dared to spend my money!" Zane said angrily and took his seat in front of him.

"Boss give me a second chance, I promise that Lola will be yours" Shawn wailed in pain.

"Alright but I give you only two days to get that bambina(girl) and if you don't turn, be ready to die," Zane said and chuckled sinisterly.

"I will boss, Gracias"

"It's actually Grazia(thank you), cut off his middle finger for wasting my time"




Myles sat in the waiting room, not the least relieved by the news from the doctors.

They had stabilized her condition but unfortunately the poison made her go into a seizure which reached her brain causing her to go into a coma.

Lance had left to take care of things in the company and some of their assassination victims.

"Sir Myles" Hennessy called and walked closer to him.

"How is she?" Hennessy inquired and sat beside him.

"She's not good," Myles sighed. Hennessy used the opportunity to get close to him.

She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Summer will be fine, she's a strong girl"

"First she got kidnapped and now she has been poisoned, these attempts on her life are becoming frequent. We would double the security and you have to check the security cameras" Myles instructed.

"It was Lola who poisoned her and we both know that" Hennessy muttered to ignite Myles' anger.

She interrogated Lola and knew that she must be innocent but she had to get rid of her.

" I will throw her in the dungeon and have punished"Hennessy smirked.

" You will do no such thing"Hennessy heard and her smirk slowly faded.

" Don't do anything to Lola till I come back,"Myles said bluntly.


"No buts, just do as I say" Myles ordered and looked away from her.

Hennessy was so shocked that Myles was defending a slave, this was worse than she thought and she had to do something fast.


Hunt's mansion>

Hennessy arrived home and went straight to the surveillance camera room. She checked every one of the footage and watched Cherry poisoning the milk.

"This girl doesn't know how to keep her business clean" Hennessy smirked and deleted the footage.

"Deleted!" She tapped and smirked.

She left from there and ordered guards to take Lola away from the Slave's quarters.

"Miss Hennessy, I didn't do it," Lola yelled.

"Sir Myles ordered your imprisonment and you would be denied food and water and also tortured by electrocution and also given a hundred whips" Hennessy ordered in a heartless manner.

"Miss Hennessy please" Lola sobbed.

"It's not my orders dear, it's from Sir Myles"

Lola felt strange when she heard he had ordered her to be electrocuted and whipped, she thought he was… maybe changing.

She made a huge mistake by assuming that a monster like him would ever show her compassion.

'I hate him so much,' Lola cried inwardly as she was being dragged away.