
Bound with you

Two broken souls. One prophecy. One sacrifice. Ivory fate was prophesied from she was born, she was to be sacrificed. To her, that's the worst kind of fate anyone can get bound to. But not all sacrifices are meant to be. Just as all souls are not to be barter for. Definitely not the one tied to Vald, who is more destructive than helpful. Ps. Check out my other book: Bound to a Night Creature Pss. Follow my on Instragram @skquinnwriter Psss. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/73JjdtcBzg

Sweetdreamer20 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

6. Dinner

Vald's Pov

It wasn't only Nora who was walking down the corridors but my father and General Shaw.

This cannot be good, I thought with clench jaw.

"His Majesty." I bow before meeting General Shaw gaze. "General." I acknowledge with a small nod.

"Lady Shaw." I pressed a kiss on the back of her hand.

"His Highness." She blushed and curtsy.

"Vald," Xander called, gaining my attention. "I was telling General Shaw that your ready to fulfil the duties of a Prince."

"I think you're doing the right thing." General Shaw spoke, "You have neglected you're duties for far too long."

"We should have a grand ball for the return of the young Prince..." General Shaw said before trailing off. "And officially announced your engagement to Nora." He suggested, looking to Xander for approval.

"It can be arranged." Xander nodded in agreement.

"I have to get to training," the words rolled off my tongue as I turned and went the opposite direction.

"I never had a liking for that man." Theodore mumbling, staring off into the distance.

"Power." I scoffed, "That is all that amount to him."

"Shall we?" Theodore reached for one of the sword from the sword rack.

Theodore wasn't just a servant but one of the best swords man throughout Eleanor. When I was younger he was appointed my guard. You know how I was called the abomination child.. Well, I was the main target of the hunters.

Yes, there are hunters in Elenor kingdom. Eleanor is like the human world with the exception of of technology and vehicles.

We are a race of Vampires, Witches, Werewolves and Elves. 

"Yes, let's." My lip curled as I retrieved my sword.

Theodore wasted no time in attacking, he charged at me in full speed swinging his sword. I raised my sword  and blocked his attacked as the metal clashed.



We fought back and fourth in full speed, neither of us slowing our pace. Until he swung his sword and knocked my sword from me hand. Without giving me a chance to recover Theodore swung his sword again. But I was quick and kicked the sword out of his hand.

Now none of us had a sword, I tried to pick mine fast, but Theodore had already placed a dagger on my throat.

"I told you many times, you always need to have an extra weapon." Theodore said.

"I almost had you."

"Right." Theodore mumbled, putting his dagger away and picked up the sword.

"When was the last time we fought like this?" I mumbled more to myself with a frown.

"I'm sure it's not that long. " Theodore smiled before he left the court yard.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I hadn't realized the female sitting next to me until she cleared her throat.


Turning my head to the side where the sound came my eyes landed on Nora. "Nora, what are you doing here?"

Her eyes fell to her hands that was in her lap before a sigh escaped her lips. "My father..." she trailed off. "He thought that if we spend more time together, you will take me as your wife sooner rather than later." She mumbled in a weak voice.

A gasp escaped her mouth when I Placed my hand on hers. "Look at me." 

Slowly, she lifted her head to meet my eyes, her blue eyes filled with sadness.

"Nora, would you join me for dinner?" I asked my silvery gray eyes never leaving hers.

"How could I deny your offer, Vald." She smiled at me before shifting her gaze.

"I'll have the servants set the dinning room in the grand garden." I informed   her as I stood to my feet and headed for my chambers.

On my way to my chamber I came by a servant girl. His Highness, Prince Vald." She curtsy.

"I want my dinner to be served in the grand garden and Lady Shaw will be joining me." I instructed her.

"Yes, His Highness." She bowed.

I Nodded at her but I doubt she even saw with her head hung low.

Up entering my room I removed my clothes and headed for the bath. Wasting no time I got in, my shoulders quickly relaxed from the warm water.

Once I stepped out of the bath a maid who was waiting at the side, walked to me and wiped my body with a towel in her hand.

"Leave me." I ordered, she bowed and leave the room.

Securing my body with a robe I stared out the window, thinking of the girl who haunted my waking thoughts. Until I was informed that the lunch had already been set up.

Shortly after I've arrived at the garden I saw Nora making her way towards the table.

A gasp escaped her mouth has she took in the scenery. The table was set with a red cloth spread on it with a candle burning in the center. Plates laid down along with fork, spoon and knife and food was placed in a trolley next to the table.

"His Highness." She curtsy her eyes never meeting mine.

"Lady Shaw." I rest my hand on the small of her back as I pulled the chair for her.

"Thank you." She blushed as she take her seat.

"What do you like to eat first? There is sizzling crab or spiced lamb which has been roasted in the fire." I said.

On as if on cue, a servant stepped forward, bowing her head before she started to served us lunch.

I asked about her childhood, her mother, how she grew up and what she liked to do. Nora answered all my questions politely.

After our long conversation over dinner, I took her on a tour around the castle.

When we entered the hall I stopped in my tracks when I saw her father taking with some men.

"I've enjoyed your company, His Highness. It was an honor and pleasure to this evening with you." Nora said.

"The pleasure is mine." I smiled at her and planted my lips on the back of her hand, my eyes never leaving hers.

I watched as she took slow strides to her father and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.

But why was I feeling guilty?

My plan worked out just fine, Nora had a wonderful evening.  But why did I felt a shamed?

That night I made my way to my favorite place in all of Eleanor, a vastly large and brilliantly blue lake. The lake extended as far as the eye could see and not a sound could be heard. Other than the branches of the willow trees moving in the wind, it was soothing.

I would often come here when I wanted to be alone; it was my secret place.

That night as I stared into the night while the wind blew through my midnight black hair. I saw the face that added to my torment. A face pale as ice with reddish brown hair and the most beautiful pair chocolate brown eyes. And perfect subtle lips.

Then wind blew her hair in all direction as she smiled and my heart flattered. And I knew what had to be done.

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