
Bound To You For A Lifetime

"There will be stars, but you'll be the brightest of all. There will be music, but everyone will be entranced by you instead. There will be laughter, but the sound of yours will bring peace to their hearts. Then, there will be us. You and I for a lifetime because you are bound to me amd I to you." This was his promise to her. "I will wait for that day to come. This is our first steps to forever. You are my final destination." That was her promise to him. This is the third installment of the THREE AMIGOS story. Welcome to Flora's happily ever after.

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"To what do we owe this surprise?" Joy said awkwardly.

"I called her over," Frank's clear voice sounded as he walked Flora in.

Greg and Joy skipped past their son, and their sight landed on Flora.

"Young and beautiful," Joy thought as she nodded approvingly.

"Calm girl. From her looks, she should have a great personality. We will definitely get along well. I still need to test her, but I'm sure she'll pass the test. This son of mine definitely takes after me. He knows to go after the young and pretty ones. Ha ha ha, what a good son of mine."

During his "evaluation," Greg's eyes remained on Flora which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Joy pinched him back to reality. She walked closer and grabbed onto Flora's hand.

"You must be Flora. Welcome to our humble home. Frank's told us all about you."

Joy gave her a good feeling, so Flora felt very comfortable.

"Hello ma'am. Hello sir."

Clara didn't feel good. She looked at how Joy held on to Flora and felt disgusted. She glared at them, but she remembered her purpose and smiled again.

"Just call me Joy. His dad is Greg. We've been looking forward to meeting you."

Everyone took a seat, and Frank dragged his girlfriend back from his mom.

"Aunty, how have you been? I remember you liked this kind of coffee, so I brought two packs from my mom." She pulled out two bags of Joy's favorite beans from her bag and handed it over.

Flora noticed how her nemesis emphasized "aunty and uncle," and just smiled to herself. She took note of the coffee's brand before looking around the sitting room. The decorations were very beautiful and in different shades of blue.

"Nice. I was just running out. Thank you amd say thanks to your mom also. I'll call her before the day runs out."

Clara smirked at the clueless Flora, "see, this is my turf. You only get to call them sir and ma'am. I'm definitely going to be their daughter-in-law."

What Clara was forgetting was that her identity was already sealed. Joy and Greg did see her as a daughter but not a daughter-in-law. The reason they asked Flora to call them by their name was because they didn't want to scare her off if they made her call them 'dad and mom' on their first meeting.

Like that, Clara got Joy engaged in a totally meaningless conversation just so the spotlight won't be on her competition.

"So you're Flora." Greg smiled in a rather creepy way at his soon to be daughter-in-law.

"Yes I am," she smiled awkwardly.

As if it wasn't awkward enough, Greg's next words threw the whole atmosphere off scale.

"Do you love that rascal?"

"When will you tell him you love him?"

"When are you going to marry my son?"

2 of 2

Goodnight guys.


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