
Bound To The Vampire Lord

Warning:This book contains mature content. ... I want you, despite the danger signals... Young and sheltered Amberlynn Hale, who had been protected possessively all her life by her father, finally received the freedom she had always craved for on the night of her eighteenth birthday. And that single act of rebellion changed everything about her life when she met Draco Birmingham. ... Draco Birmingham was one of the wealthiest billionaires in the city and not even the police could interfere in his business. He was ruthless, cold, merciless, the kind of man ladies desired. And he had a dark secret no one knew about. When he saw Amber that particular night, the lust that took hold of him was unexpected and he swore to have a taste of her that night. Never did he expect that he would end up marrying her a few weeks later. Amber can't deny the sizzling chemistry she feels anytime Draco is beside her and she hoped she would finally get a shot at happiness... until she discovered the deadly secret shrouding Draco's life. Not only was Draco an ancient vampire who had managed to perfectly fool the public with his young appearance, he also had a deadly goal, a goal that originated from something that happened years ago. This goal was to destroy the sworn enemy of the vampires if she ever got reincarnated. As if fate was playing a cruel joke on them both, it turned out that Amber wasn't human like everyone thought. She was the reincarnation of Draco's sworn enemy, Andromeda the last pure blooded witch. Now Draco finds himself torn between love and duty. What choice would he make? Was he willing to kill the woman he loved before she became a threat to the vampires? Or would he risk the entire race of vampires for the sake of love? Excerpt... "Your lips are so perfect Amber",Draco murmured against her ear, his hot breath fanning her neck and making her spine tingle. His hot lips trailed down her jawline, nipping lightly at the soft skin until he hovered over her lips. Amber shut her eyes in anticipation and arched her back. Her lips parted with a throaty moan. "Draco",she whined when Draco just stared at her in silence, his blue eyes filled with so much passion and intensity. She gasped breathlessly when his large palms grabbed her hips and tugged her sharply against his hard erection. "I've crossed the line Amber and there's no going back",Draco whispered against her lips. "Stop me now before it's too late" Amber tightened her arms around his neck and rubbed against the bulge in his pants. Draco's groan of pleasure gave her a feeling of satisfaction and she opened her lust clouded eyes. "Claim me Draco",she whispered huskily and guided his hand to her wet entrance. "Mark me and make me yours" Draco's blue eyes flickered and bled black as he felt the dampness between her legs. His fangs slowly emerged and with a muttered oath, he slammed his lips on hers.

BellaCupid · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Crazy day

Sneaking out was easier than Amber thought. The large mansion was silent, except for the ticking of the old grandfather clock at the dining room.

She held the boots in her hands as she tiptoed passed the living room towards the window. Sneaking out through the door was impossible. The heavy bolts would surely wake Clarissa up and ruin all her plans.

As she prepared to push the window open, something caught her eyes from the left. She turned slightly and saw a scrolled up paper. There was a black ribbon wrapped around it and she instantly got curious.

She tiptoed up to the couch and carefully picked the paper. Removing the ribbon, she opened it and the moment she saw what was in it, her heart caved in.

It was the marriage contract between her and Draco Birmingham. It had already been signed. The spot that should hold her own signature was already signed on by her father. Her future had been sealed even before she could do anything about it.

Seeing the marriage contract only solidified her intention to sneak out that night. Since she would be married to a total stranger any day now, she wanted to have this one night to herself. And she would do it, no matter the consequences.

Dropping the contract back on the coffee table, she turned and walked back to the window. A little pressure asserted on the glass nudged it upwards and she threw her boots to the grass. Fortunately, she was able to squeeze through the tiny space and she landed on her feet, the iPad tucked securely in her arm.

Her heart pounded with nerves. She was doing something so daring and dangerous and yet, she was excited. She felt chilled, and at the same time, thrilled to be out in the open and she breathed in the fresh air. How long had she been locked in? When was the last time she saw the sky?

A quick look at her watch told her it was a few minutes to nine. It was time to begin her adventure. The night was cold and she felt goosebumps appear on her skin. There was no going back now. She wouldn't change the dress because it was the perfect one for tonight. She would just have to put up with the cold.

Pulling on her boots, she straightened and examined her reflection on the window beside her. The boots rode up her slim legs snugly and stopped a little above her knees. There was an exposed space of creamy thighs between the boots and the gown.

The gown itself was sexy, the leather screaming out sin. It fit her perfectly, bringing out the curves of her hips. When she turned to the side, her bum shot out round and tight against the gown and she knew this night was going to get really crazy. The exposed part revealed the smooth flesh of her back briefly before her wavy dark hair covered the upper part. Around her neck was a necklace she had been wearing ever since she was a child. A gift from her mother, her father said.

Not wanting to think about it, she pushed it to the back of her mind and checked her watch. It was exactly nine. Time to go.

Placing one foot in front of the other slowly, she stylishly walked down the long narrow road that led to the main express where she would get a ride.

She was doing this for herself so she had no regrets.


The driver of the ride she ordered kept staring at Amber through the rearview mirror. In his eyes, there was a look of hunger, the kind of look men had when they wanted to devour a woman. His eyes landed on the swell of her breast above the deep neckline of her dress, and he suppressed a groan, pushing his hand down over the bulge in his pants. He had never felt this way by just looking at a beautiful girl.

Amber was clearly aware of the hungry looks he was passing to her and she smiled. There was a feeling of power within her, power to do anything she wanted. And no man had ever looked at her that way. It excited her.

Deliberately, she sat up further in her seat and arched her back, so her creamy cleavages could be plainly visible. When she heard his strangled groan, she smiled wickedly.

"What's your name beautiful?",unable to hold himself, the driver asked.

"Amber",Amber mumbled.

"Amber I gotta admit, you're sexy as hell",the driver complimented her, keeping one eye on the road and the other on the beautiful sight behind him.

"Thank you",Amber replied coyly and fluttered her lashes. So this was how it felt to be admired by a man, she thought. She loved the feeling.

"Any special occasion?",the driver continued in a friendly tone as he stepped down on the accelerator.

"It's my birthday",Amber said simply. Then added after a short pause. "I plan to celebrate it at the mall"

"Alone?",the driver frowned. A girl as beautiful as her shouldn't be alone on a night like this.

Amber said nothing and just kept her eyes on her iPad. She couldn't let him find out her secret.

The driver noticed her hesitancy to speak and he quickly came up with a plan.

"If you're looking for the best place to have fun on your birthday",he offered cheerfully. "There's a club at the heart of the city. Club Casino. It is one of the best and the perfect place to have some crazy fun"

Amber's ears perked up at the word 'crazy fun'. That was the reason why she sneaked out, right? To have fun this last night before she would be married off. This wasn't an opportunity she was going to miss.

"Alright",she said finally. "Take me there"

The driver made a U-turn at the intersection and drove back the way they came, towards the heart of the city.


The building Amber saw from the distance made her jaw drop.

It was enormous and magnificent. Brightly lit with winking lights. As the Lexus slowed down to a stop in the parking lot, she pressed her face close to the window, staring at the opened entrance and the couples that stood making out around it. She could hear the beat of music coming from the top and anticipation filled her. This was perfect.

"Security is a bit tight",the driver said, his eyes locked on Amber's exposed back and round bum. "But I'm sure you will get through just fine"

Amber smiled at him and stepped down from the car. She walked around to the drivers side, swaying her hips slowly with her movements.

"Here",she said with a smile, and handed a wad of dollar bills to him. "Thanks for the ride"

The driver slowly took the money, his hands lingering over hers for a brief second.

"Have fun angel",he said. Then looked her over again and licked his lips. "Or you could come with me and I'll make your birthday perfect"

As tempting as it was, Amber wasn't that stupid. Even if she was purely doing this for fun, she knew better than to go with a stranger she met today.

But she was also getting married to a complete stranger, one she had never met. She laughed softly at the irony of it.

"Thanks",she politely declined his offer. "But I'll be fine here"

As she turned to go, he lifted his hand and spanked her bum. Amber froze, eyes turning furious gradually. She turned back and glared at the driver, astonished that he would do something like that. Did he think she was some kind of whore?

"Have fun sexy",he said with a sly grin.

Amber decided to ignore him. This was a crazy day after all. So crazy things were bound to happen.

She turned and walked away from the car, heading towards the entrance. Her steps were purposeful and the nerves she felt a few minutes ago were gone.

With her head held high, she cat walked down the pavement until she got to the large open door with bright lights.