

"I have standards that I don't plan on lowering for anybody... including myself."

- Zendaya

Kiara's Point Of View:

After I left the kitchen just when I was going to leave the pack house Kadin(Twin 2) came up to me and said.

"your life wouldn't be so horrible if you just kept your mouth shut and take the beatings."

I looked up at him so fast I thought I'd get a whiplash.

I told him.

"I'd rather take 100 beatings,200 scars, and 1,000,000 taunts and kicks if it means yelling back at you assholes for the way you guys treat my sisters."

He looked shocked but before he can say anything I interupted him.

"My "brothers" or even the world can turn their back on them but i'm not a coward to do the same; now if you excuse me i have to take care of my girls, after all none of you guys would bother to do the same."

I concluded and walk past him with my head held high leaving him stupified.

I see my girls skipping to me with a brand new smile like nothing happened.

I look at them with a sad smile wondering what kind of luck did I have in my old life to have these 2 amazing sisters as a blessing.

Joy looks at me and grabs my hand, "Are you hurt if you are let me know i'll give you the biggest hug in the world."

I smile at her and pull her cheeks, "Yes i am hurt but your hug will make me feel so much better."

I picked her up so quick and spun her around.

While Lovely jumps on my back and says, "Don't forget me!!!!"

Then I stop and tell her; "Forget you?! Never!" Then I pick her up on my back and spun both of them around while laughing without a care in the world of who says anything.

Sometimes you gotta be happy, even if you are in dire situations.

You gotta find and protect that thing that makes you happy; and in my case that's my sisters' I wanna protect them from everything, even from themselves.

Third person point of view:

After 5 minutes of the girls laughing and giggling in front of the packhouse, the girls start walking to school since they don't have enough money for any car/transportation. They walk and laugh all the way to school; not knowing they are being watched.

Coby's Point of view:

Me and my brother looked at the way Kiara cared for her sisters and the way she talked to Kadin suprised us.

Normally many pack members would either be quiet or try to butter us up but the way she was blunt with it suprised us entirely.

I mean the freak basically told us off and it took a lot of willpower to stop my wolf(Ryder) and demon(Faze) from going crazy.

Me and my brother both inherited our demon from our grandfather, he was a ruthless coward and didn't like blacks and treated woman below him.

His genes passed our father to us so he was happy that his failure of a son birthed "Genuises." Me and Kadin get ready to drive to school, I sit in the front seat with a lot on my mind.

Kadin's Point of view:

While driving to school I can't stop thinking about Kiara for some reason.

"Coby do you think she's Luna material?"

I say out of nowhere which made Coby looked at me crazy.

"No dude she's not, why would you ask something so stupid. She's weak, dumb, have no rank, and might have already fucked around like her slut aunt and cousin.She's no different from them, and so is her sisters, and her future daughters will turn out just like her. I feel bad for her mate hope he rejects her the moment he see's her ugly ass."

He says as he gets out the car to enter the school building.

I agree, "Your right bro but she might be a good fuck, just like her cousin, might make Peaches our Luna she's a good fuck, plus Jordan and Trey are her cousins and going to be future beta and gamma."

Coby nods"Ya your right, let's give that loser hell today" I smirk as we take our seats in our 1st period class(History).

Kiara's Point of view:

When the twins walked passed us they didn't think that I was listening to their conversation but I was and right now no matter how angry it makes me I have to take care of my girls first.

When I take leave imma leave letting those haters know how I felt about they bullshit.

I look up and see the the elementry part of the school and feel the Florida breeze; one thing I like about Florida is the tempature and their beaches, it's like a natural land.

But when I leave im leaving Florida for good and never looking back.

Feeling Lovely tug on my shirt she said, "sis the schools right here what time are you picking us up today."

They both know that I fight illegally so they know how and when to walk home.

I stiffen and and reassure them,"Yes imma be fighting tonight and I packed your dinner in your backpack, eat it while walking home from school or eat it while taking a "Bath" so no one sees you guys eating.

Imma have to come home and make dinner they are already suspecting you guys being in the kitchen, if I have time imma try to buy and sneak some snacks tonight so you guys don't starve."

Joy gives me a sarcatic eye roll,"We know mom you don't always have to tell us we know the drill."

My heart warms anytime they call me mom. I hug them goodbye and we gave each others I love you's and they went inside.

The school is called Northwind elementry.

The school is actually called The Northwind but it's divided into different sections; one for elementry, high school, and collage students.

I looked at the building and looked at my iPhone.

"Crap 15 minutes late and didn't even eat breakfast!"

I ran towards my school building with as much speed as my human body can let me.

I walked into my first period class which is Ms.Yelina a 25 year old that all the boys lust for and everyone knows she's been fucking all the boys and giving them a good grade.

She looks at my apperance and smirks, " Ms. Storm finally graces us with her presence. Do we also have to bow down to you too sweetheart?"

Everyone starts mocking me but I'm to tired to pay attention to them; I just sit in my seat and pay attention to the class knowing what's coming to me at lunch.

Lunch Time(Kiara's Point Of View):

I went to the cafeteria and went to eat lunch.

I sat outside near a tree and starting eating my sandwhich half heartedly.

I put the rest of my sandwhich down and look up at the sky only to be called out by Riley,( Alpha twins sister), who sneers.

"When's is your fat ass going to do my homework huh? It's not like your lazy ass do anything else."

You see I was in a really pissed off and seeing Riley, Peaches, my "brothers", and the Alpha twins looking down at me.

I just sticked the middle finger at her and said,

"When your hoe ass fuck off."

Then I was attacked by hits, punches, slaps, and knife cuts where all over my body.

By the time lunch time was over my body was covered in blood and my brother's laughed and spit on me with a knife in their hands.

Trey he only attacked me lightly but Jordan was far worse making sure each cut was painful and unbarable.

Riley and Peaches through down their homework and said to start working on it because they need it tomorrow.

The twins smirk and leave with bloody knuckles, I get up and leave school getting ready to make their dinner and get ready to start fighting.

At Aunt Mera's House(In the Attic) Kiara's Point Of View:

I took a shower, bandaged my body and went downstairs to cook their dinner.

After I cooked the food I put it in the oven and put on all black clothes and a black hoodie with the name Frost Storm written accross the jacket.

I left a note under the matress to the girls to let them know what to do incase of an emmergancy and went to the fighting ring.

When I got there I saw my 1st and only friend Joey, we've been friends ince I was 12 and he trained me to be a fighter.

Now im the youngest fighter there is and no one has seen my face but they have seen my arms and figure so they know I'm a young black girl.

I gave Joey a hug, "Whatzzup my boii!!!"

Joey laughed, "Girl get your butt on stage and make some money, remember don't work yourself if you feel like giving up."

I laughed and look at him with an arrogant smirk, "Me give up? Yah right i gotta defend my number 1 title."

Laughing again I go on stage, put my hoodie back on, and fight the next opponent.

This goes on until 10:00 at night I get off the stage, take my money i made 1,000 dollars tonight.

I say goodnight to Joey and he hugs me tight and hands me a plasic bag.

"Goodnight and here are some snacks to give to the girls, tell them I said Hi."

At Aunt Meria's House(after fighting ring):

I told him I will and ran to my Aunts house, when I get in there I go in through the back window, hearing Peaches fucking the twins, also with Trey and Jordan fucking Riley down the hallway.

Shaking my head in disgust I walk upstairs to the attic, making sure the floor doesn't squeak I hear my Aunt Meria and Her husband Rashard fucking in their room too.

I chuckle silently thinking "is everyone trying to make babies today or what."

I walk into the attic and I see the girls asleep, I kissing their forheads and change into some sleep clothes.

Just as I was going to sleep I see them both sit up, "where are my snacks?"

I laugh silently and give it to them, when they are done eating I put their garbage into my backpack; I put their leftover snacks into their back pack for tomorrow.

Before I let them go back to sleep Joy asked me,"Can you sing to us the "Get you the Moon" song please?" "Yah, please sing to us!!" Lovely says quickly.

I smiled "Ok, but after that go back to sleep so you don't be in trouble."

They smile and lie down to staring at me expectantly. I close my eyes, took a deep breath, and started to sing.

After I finish singing I look at the girls to see them asleep with a smile on their face, after giving them another kiss I go to sleep.

Coby's Point of view: I look up the stairs halfway from making out with Peaches and hear a song.

It's beautiful I think it's Kiara singing since none of the woman in here can sing like that...to bad she's a freak.

"What is it baby?" Peaches says in an attempted seductive tone.

I roll my eyes "nothing don't worry about it." And continue to kiss her.