
Bound To The Ice Dragon King

"I was once killed by my previous lover." "Huh, then how are you still alive?" "I'm still alive because I'm destined to meet you." ----- Rheanna Villden finds herself thrust into a marriage that was never meant for her but her stepsister. Forced to wed a man with a reputation for hideousness, she desperately tries to break free from the chains of her predetermined destiny. But fate has a cruel sense of humor, and Rhea soon discovers that her escape only leads her right back into the hands of the very man she was running from. As the forceful wedding unfolds, Rhea unearths a stunning truth - the man she is being forced to marry is an imposter! ------- Excerpt "If I were the one you met then, our life would have been a happy one now. There wouldn't be betrayal nor revange, because I would only shower you with love and a blissful life along with children born from the fruit of our love. You wouldn't have anything to worry about except who is courting your daughter in secret." A smile threatened to break apart Draven's lips at her words but he didn't smile and stared at her in silence. Rhea waited to hear him say something, but even after minutes passed, he continued to stare at her with a blank unreadable expression. Rhea's patience ran thin, she took off her shoes and stepped into the pool. Without hesitation, she hooked her arms around his neck, she leaned forward and gently bit down on his lower lip. She stuck his lip in between her teeth playfully, then she used her tongue to seductively lick the lips, "You want me, don't you?" She whispered against his mouth and deliberately pressed her body against his naked body underwater. Draven muffled a groan as he felt her body pressed against his aroused body. And without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her and crushed his lips on hers in a hungry demanding kiss. Before Rhea could lose control of herself in the kiss, she quickly pulled away before he deepened the kiss. "Stop," she said breathlessly, "You have kissed me many times, you have seen my naked body underwater, you have held me to sleep on your bed. You have to take responsibility. Will you marry me?" She asked as she glanced up at his desire filled blue eyes. --- Welcome! I'd like to thank my old and new readers for dropping by. By the way, if you haven't checked out my other book, please do. Title: Wife Of The Demon Prince. Title: Loving The Temperamental Adonis Note: this book is a slow burn romance. Happy reading!

Ash20 · Fantasy
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229 Chs

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With tears welling in her eyes, Rhea shook her head but managed to hold them back as she uttered, "Draven... I think we should postpone the wedding for now until we are certain of..."

Draven, caught off guard by Rhea's words, swiftly swirled her around before she could finish speaking. His intense gaze met her teary eyes, and he asked with concern, "You don't want to marry me anymore?"

Rhea shook her head repeatedly, her voice shaky but determined, "No, I just think it might be best if we don't do it now, you..."

Interrupting her again, Draven said, "I never knew you to back out of your decisions. If you truly love me and want to marry me, nothing should stand in our way. The wedding will happen tomorrow, no matter what."