
Untitled Chapter

Elena's Pov.

 I dialled Katie's number, wanting to inform her about what had transpired, she did not pick up, so I left a text message for her to read, I was not going to dilly dally around outside here, if someone had tried to get into my house then they might still be lurking somewhere, waiting for me to go inside so that they can slide in behind me and possibly harm me, so instead, I tossed my phone in the backseat of the car and jumped in, making a U-turn and heading in the direction that I had come from, I had no idea where to go and I did not want to go to some restaurant, I was already filled to the brim, I did not want to eat anything, so I diverted to the mall and went to the clothing section, I was not recognized, probably owing to the nose mask that I had on.

I rummaged through the different clothes that were displayed, none of them really caught my eye, I was in need of some casual clothes and as such I did not need anything elaborate or spectacular, my eyes landed on a cow print jean trousers that were flared at the bottom, I grabbed it and a white and black corset styled crop top that was sleeveless and had only one strap, a fancy handbag and a chic sunglass would complete the look.

I made to change into it, and it was a perfect fit, I looked nothing like the suit clad woman that had been looking back at me before, now I just looked like… Elena, simple and plain and chic Elena.

The handbag I got was a black little handbag that matched with my boots which I had purchased not so long ago and the sunglasses sat on my nose bridge and I smile to myself, I had purchased all these at a whim, I never planned to go shopping but here I am, shopping out of the blue, and the best part was that, it was my own money, my own friggin money.

   Perks of being rich

I smiled at myself, I deserved to be happy, firstly because, this month was a festive month for Tyler and Annette, the joy radiating from the two of them was enough to make me feel so good about myself,it was like a virus that contaminated everyone around them, it was the smile that was stuck to Annette's face enough to light up a whole room, or the look of pride that Tyler carried around when he looked at his bride to be or the glistening ring on her finger, no one could te me that this month was not meant for joy and secondly, I would be seeing my mother soon. I sometimes felt as though I was the worst daughter alive, like I needed to push more so that I couy see her, but I held myself back, I did not allow myself to wallow in dark thoughts, I would be seeing her soon, that was all that mattered, and when she was strong enough, I would take her shopping out of the blue, just like the way I was shopping now, I smiled, swinging the shopping bags in my hands. 

   This felt good.

Elena's Pov.

 I dialled Katie's number, wanting to inform her about what had transpired, she did not pick up, so I left a text message for her to read, I was not going to dilly dally around outside here, if someone had tried to get into my house then they might still be lurking somewhere, waiting for me to go inside so that they can slide in behind me and possibly harm me, so instead, I tossed my phone in the backseat of the car and jumped in, making a U-turn and heading in the direction that I had come from, I had no idea where to go and I did not want to go to some restaurant, I was already filled to the brim, I did not want to eat anything, so I diverted to the mall and went to the clothing section, I was not recognized, probably owing to the nose mask that I had on.

I rummaged through the different clothes that were displayed, none of them really caught my eye, I was in need of some casual clothes and as such I did not need anything elaborate or spectacular, my eyes landed on a cow print jean trousers that were flared at the bottom, I grabbed it and a white and black corset styled crop top that was sleeveless and had only one strap, a fancy handbag and a chic sunglass would complete the look.

I made to change into it, and it was a perfect fit, I looked nothing like the suit clad woman that had been looking back at me before, now I just looked like… Elena, simple and plain and chic Elena.

The handbag I got was a black little handbag that matched with my boots which I had purchased not so long ago and the sunglasses sat on my nose bridge and I smile to myself, I had purchased all these at a whim, I never planned to go shopping but here I am, shopping out of the blue, and the best part was that, it was my own money, my own friggin money.

   Perks of being rich

I smiled at myself, I deserved to be happy, firstly because, this month was a festive month for Tyler and Annette, the joy radiating from the two of them was enough to make me feel so good about myself,it was like a virus that contaminated everyone around them, it was the smile that was stuck to Annette's face enough to light up a whole room, or the look of pride that Tyler carried around when he looked at his bride to be or the glistening ring on her finger, no one could te me that this month was not meant for joy and secondly, I would be seeing my mother soon. I sometimes felt as though I was the worst daughter alive, like I needed to push more so that I couy see her, but I held myself back, I did not allow myself to wallow in dark thoughts, I would be seeing her soon, that was all that mattered, and when she was strong enough, I would take her shopping out of the blue, just like the way I was shopping now, I smiled, swinging the shopping bags in my hands. 

   This felt good.

Elena's Pov.

 I dialled Katie's number, wanting to inform her about what had transpired, she did not pick up, so I left a text message for her to read, I was not going to dilly dally around outside here, if someone had tried to get into my house then they might still be lurking somewhere, waiting for me to go inside so that they can slide in behind me and possibly harm me, so instead, I tossed my phone in the backseat of the car and jumped in, making a U-turn and heading in the direction that I had come from, I had no idea where to go and I did not want to go to some restaurant, I was already filled to the brim, I did not want to eat anything, so I diverted to the mall and went to the clothing section, I was not recognized, probably owing to the nose mask that I had on.

I rummaged through the different clothes that were displayed, none of them really caught my eye, I was in need of some casual clothes and as such I did not need anything elaborate or spectacular, my eyes landed on a cow print jean trousers that were flared at the bottom, I grabbed it and a white and black corset styled crop top that was sleeveless and had only one strap, a fancy handbag and a chic sunglass would complete the look.

I made to change into it, and it was a perfect fit, I looked nothing like the suit clad woman that had been looking back at me before, now I just looked like… Elena, simple and plain and chic Elena.

The handbag I got was a black little handbag that matched with my boots which I had purchased not so long ago and the sunglasses sat on my nose bridge and I smile to myself, I had purchased all these at a whim, I never planned to go shopping but here I am, shopping out of the blue, and the best part was that, it was my own money, my own friggin money.

   Perks of being rich

I smiled at myself, I deserved to be happy, firstly because, this month was a festive month for Tyler and Annette, the joy radiating from the two of them was enough to make me feel so good about myself,it was like a virus that contaminated everyone around them, it was the smile that was stuck to Annette's face enough to light up a whole room, or the look of pride that Tyler carried around when he looked at his bride to be or the glistening ring on her finger, no one could te me that this month was not meant for joy and secondly, I would be seeing my mother soon. I sometimes felt as though I was the worst daughter alive, like I needed to push more so that I couy see her, but I held myself back, I did not allow myself to wallow in dark thoughts, I would be seeing her soon, that was all that mattered, and when she was strong enough, I would take her shopping out of the blue, just like the way I was shopping now, I smiled, swinging the shopping bags in my hands. 

   This felt good.

Elena's Pov.

 I dialled Katie's number, wanting to inform her about what had transpired, she did not pick up, so I left a text message for her to read, I was not going to dilly dally around outside here, if someone had tried to get into my house then they might still be lurking somewhere, waiting for me to go inside so that they can slide in behind me and possibly harm me, so instead, I tossed my phone in the backseat of the car and jumped in, making a U-turn and heading in the direction that I had come from, I had no idea where to go and I did not want to go to some restaurant, I was already filled to the brim, I did not want to eat anything, so I diverted to the mall and went to the clothing section, I was not recognized, probably owing to the nose mask that I had on.

I rummaged through the different clothes that were displayed, none of them really caught my eye, I was in need of some casual clothes and as such I did not need anything elaborate or spectacular, my eyes landed on a cow print jean trousers that were flared at the bottom, I grabbed it and a white and black corset styled crop top that was sleeveless and had only one strap, a fancy handbag and a chic sunglass would complete the look.

I made to change into it, and it was a perfect fit, I looked nothing like the suit clad woman that had been looking back at me before, now I just looked like… Elena, simple and plain and chic Elena.

The handbag I got was a black little handbag that matched with my boots which I had purchased not so long ago and the sunglasses sat on my nose bridge and I smile to myself, I had purchased all these at a whim, I never planned to go shopping but here I am, shopping out of the blue, and the best part was that, it was my own money, my own friggin money.

   Perks of being rich

I smiled at myself, I deserved to be happy, firstly because, this month was a festive month for Tyler and Annette, the joy radiating from the two of them was enough to make me feel so good about myself,it was like a virus that contaminated everyone around them, it was the smile that was stuck to Annette's face enough to light up a whole room, or the look of pride that Tyler carried around when he looked at his bride to be or the glistening ring on her finger, no one could te me that this month was not meant for joy and secondly, I would be seeing my mother soon. I sometimes felt as though I was the worst daughter alive, like I needed to push more so that I couy see her, but I held myself back, I did not allow myself to wallow in dark thoughts, I would be seeing her soon, that was all that mattered, and when she was strong enough, I would take her shopping out of the blue, just like the way I was shopping now, I smiled, swinging the shopping bags in my hands. 

   This felt good.

Elena's Pov.

 I dialled Katie's number, wanting to inform her about what had transpired, she did not pick up, so I left a text message for her to read, I was not going to dilly dally around outside here, if someone had tried to get into my house then they might still be lurking somewhere, waiting for me to go inside so that they can slide in behind me and possibly harm me, so instead, I tossed my phone in the backseat of the car and jumped in, making a U-turn and heading in the direction that I had come from, I had no idea where to go and I did not want to go to some restaurant, I was already filled to the brim, I did not want to eat anything, so I diverted to the mall and went to the clothing section, I was not recognized, probably owing to the nose mask that I had on.

I rummaged through the different clothes that were displayed, none of them really caught my eye, I was in need of some casual clothes and as such I did not need anything elaborate or spectacular, my eyes landed on a cow print jean trousers that were flared at the bottom, I grabbed it and a white and black corset styled crop top that was sleeveless and had only one strap, a fancy handbag and a chic sunglass would complete the look.

I made to change into it, and it was a perfect fit, I looked nothing like the suit clad woman that had been looking back at me before, now I just looked like… Elena, simple and plain and chic Elena.

The handbag I got was a black little handbag that matched with my boots which I had purchased not so long ago and the sunglasses sat on my nose bridge and I smile to myself, I had purchased all these at a whim, I never planned to go shopping but here I am, shopping out of the blue, and the best part was that, it was my own money, my own friggin money.

   Perks of being rich

I smiled at myself, I deserved to be happy, firstly because, this month was a festive month for Tyler and Annette, the joy radiating from the two of them was enough to make me feel so good about myself,it was like a virus that contaminated everyone around them, it was the smile that was stuck to Annette's face enough to light up a whole room, or the look of pride that Tyler carried around when he looked at his bride to be or the glistening ring on her finger, no one could te me that this month was not meant for joy and secondly, I would be seeing my mother soon. I sometimes felt as though I was the worst daughter alive, like I needed to push more so that I couy see her, but I held myself back, I did not allow myself to wallow in dark thoughts, I would be seeing her soon, that was all that mattered, and when she was strong enough, I would take her shopping out of the blue, just like the way I was shopping now, I smiled, swinging the shopping bags in my hands. 

   This felt good.