
Chapter Twenty seven.

* May contain some age restricted stuff*

Elena's Pov.

I was still thinking about all that transpired yesterday, I still could not believe that we had so much fun, without having to go out.

He was the best person to be around and I could not dispute that, after having that sumptuous meal, I had gone ahead to ask him to play a game, it was none other than Truth or Dare.

He dared me to do strange stuffs and in return I dared him to do just as weird things, like asking him to prank call his secretary while making his number private and make fun of her, then he told me that his secretary was a he. I was surprisingly amused at this and had asked stupidly.

"Are you gay?" I uttered.

He looked at me funny and I wanted to shrink into the earth and let it swallow and cover me up. He did not respond immediately, rather he asked back.

"Are you gay?" He had asked.

I was completely befuddled but I could not help reminding myself that I had made it awkward, it was all my fault, I face palmed myself in my mind.

"Nope, I am not, that doesn't mean I'm not curious, now answer mine". I stated.

"Well, I will answer your question once you tell me what prompted you to ask such a question." He replied, rubbing his chin, in that manly fashion that men do.

" Well, big men like you always like to have sexy ladies as their secretaries, so it must be that you are gay to pick a man as your secretary." I babbled.

He laughed out loud and I could not help feeling embarrassed at my stupidity, I had made everything awkward, but not to him, he found me completely amusing. Then he gave me a flick on the nose and told me.

"You see, men like me don't behave like the crowd. We have our own paths that we have created and will walk on, on our own. So other men who really fancy using sexy women as their secretaries in order to have sexual relations with them are cowards and are not big at all" He smiled and I smiled too, he was completely right and I was more than foolish for asking such a dumb question.

I then dared him to prank call any of his female workers after making his number private, and tell them that they have been initiated into the illuminati and they have only forty minutes to live.

He did this and the poor victim burst out in tears and wailed as if it was the last day of her life, she kept on begging and we started laughing after Lorenzo must have ended the call.

"You are such a sadistic human being, I can't even start to imagine." He gasped dramatically as always and I sighed and shook my head then burst out in another fit of laughter and he gladly joined in.

After that we had decided we needed to cool off, so we went to the customized swimming pool, I didn't want to go in the water but he pushed me in fully clothed and I gasped, drinking in much water in the process, my loose gown became plastered on to my body and I was so shy as my nipples were erect due to the battering cold, he jumped into the water too, proceeding to press me down, I looked for a way to wiggle out of his grip as he was making to kiss me, I touched the line between his abs and he jerked. I smiled, I proceeded to tickle and give him feathery touches and caresses at that same spot. He looked like a remote controlled doll that was doing exactly what it was commanded to do, and this doll was at my service, I quickly latched on to his back as he made to escape and started caressing and romancing his sides. I did not expect him to be this sensitive, but I had completely forgotten that I too was unprotected.

He lifted on large hand and covered my hand, then he  used that grip to flip me over, I was astounded by his strength, but that was not the matter at hand, he tooke out of the water and kept me on a bench, taking his time to massage my bones, I was thankful to him, he made me feel so good. From my head he made his way to my neck which was very sensitive by the way, then to my shoulder blades where I started trembling with a touch. He skipped the other side of my body and made for my feet, he gave me such a good massage that I was sure I would be able to fly, or better still walk on water.

After my feet, my ankles took the lead, they were given such good care that I wanted to close my eyes and go straight to wonderland. My ankles were soon done with and he rode up to my legs, I was now trembling just like I had done before and he was smirking just like he always does.

My legs were given the ultimate care and attention and then my hips were the focus of attention, or not. When I was just about to relax and get into the feeling as it was so satisfying,then BOOM,I felt him grip me hard, holding me in place, he used the other hand to start tickling me, I tried to wangle myself out but I was not able to do so, he tickled me in my ribcage, my sides were hurting from pain and pleasure, I was laughing so hard that the laugh tears could not stop rolling and I was so riled up that I could not stop myself from laughing, my belly ached so hard that the laugh tears became heavier. I wondered if I was crying, but I guess he noticed because he stopped immediately and seem apologetic for what he had done.

I gave him a pat to reassure him that he had not done any wrong to me in any way and had not harmed me in any way, he seemed relieved that I was fine, but I knew that deep inside he was never going to try it again, I felt bad for him, he was feeling guilty for absolutely nothing, I immediately wrapped my arms around him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

He definitely appreciated my efforts because his face brightened up, I was satisfied but could not help noticing that this man before me was a boss man in public, but a total baby in private. I smiled fondly at him and decided to do something  mischievous, I immediately went silently to the kitchen. Sneaking about the kitchen, I finally found some ketchup, I poured it all over my legs,and the inside of my already wet clothes, then I took a false knife and put it on my thigh, the head of the knife was glued to my leg and the body of the knife had been removed by me.

Then I started screaming as if I had seen a ghost. He came running in and I started shaking and screaming in false pain.

"What happened" He asked.

"I don't know how, but I was just toying with this knife and... ahhhhhh, it hurts so bad" I moaned.

"Congratulations" was his only reply.

He didn't seem to care and immediately hissed at me showing that he was not concerned. I was shocked to see that, I could not believe that he would be as inconsiderate as that. 

I tried moaning again in pain to grab his attention but he eyed me ferociously. I wondered what could have changed his mood so fast. I immediately dropped the act and walked towards him, grabbing some wipes on the counter and making myself neat, then I walked up to him and gave him a shove in the shoulder.

"What did you do that for, and your leg, it's fine now?" He pretended to be ignorant.

"You.. how could you not even have a bit of Sympathy, for the record I only wanted to test you and see how caring you can be" I berated.

"Well, next time you want to 'test' me or play a prank on me, I suggest youkeept the ketchup closed and in it's rightful place' on the counter, to at least make it look real."

He was right, the ketchup bottle was wide open and slightly toppled as if it wanted to fall, I sighed, I can't believe had been caught so easily due to my own lack of common sense. We had both burst out laughing, and now that I remembered it I burst out laughing too.

Author's Note: 

Hey guys, your daily update 🎊😘 thank you for reading this book 🥰🥺 I am sincerely grateful to you guys, 🥺 thanks for that. ❣️❣️