
Chapter Forty Two.

Katie woke up with a banging headache, she opened her eyes and the light that streamed into the unfamiliar room almost blinded her, aiding the headache to continue, stronger this time. When her eyes finally adapted to the light, her senses kicked in, 'where am I? she thought, 'had the bartender succeeded in bringing them to his home? 'Where was Elena then? 'was she in danger? No, Lorenzo would not let that happen? was she still drunk? No way, this was morning, there was no way she could stay drunk till morning'.

 She massaged her temples and tried to stand up, bad idea, it felt like someone was playing drums in her head, or a blacksmith was at work in her head, she laid back down and wanted to scream. Turns out she had been exaggerating, this was the room she was in on the day she had been down with cold, the day Elena had sent her to check on her former apartment, which was currently in Annette's custody. 

But where was Elena? she contemplated, turning her head, she saw some pills and a glass of water, where those supposed to be pian killers? of course they were, so ignoring the banging pain in her head she stood up and went over to the table and immediately swallowed the pills.

 She returned to the bed right after and fell right back to sleep. 


Katie woke up with a start, she was still in the room, but the headache had gone down, how long had she been asleep, she did not know and did not care to know, jumping out if the bed, she headed straight for the bathroom, had a quick bath, brushed her teeth and when she was done, she fished fir sweats in the wardrobe, she saw a gray baggy sweatpant and put it on, with an equally gray T shirt.

When she went down, she saw Elena, busy at the kitchen counter, she looked like she just had a bath, she ducked out of Elena's line of sight for some minutes, then realized how childish she behaved, 'you deserve a smack you stupid twenty seven year old' she thought, 'of course I cannot hide here all day, eventually she will look for me and possibly go up to the room to call me, then what? '

So, resolving that there was no need to hide, she straightened and made her way straight to the woman at the counter. Sitting on one of the stools, she placed her hand on the counter and supported her chin with it.

"You are awake" Elena stated as if it was not already obvious.

"Well, I guess so, do I look dead or asleep" Katie responded, sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Elena rolled her eyes.

" what are you making" Katie asked.

" Uhm...brunch?" It came out more like a question rather than a statement

" okay" was Katie's simple answer. 

After that, there was silence. 

" Uhm... well... yesterday, I... I well I.... yesterday. "Katie started, but words failed her. 

Elena caught on to what she was trying to say and immediately helped out,"Yesterday, you said some things in drunken stupor, I understand that, so I wish to talk about those things today, when we have something in our stomachs". Elena said, looking glum.

Katie was confused, 'what did she mean by drunken stupor?' did she not accept me for who I am?' oh gosh, is this going to be the end of our friendship?' Katie thought.

Elena seemed to notice the expression on her face and immediately rushed to the defense, "do not think too much, I just want to sort some things out for the both of us, you do not have to beat yourself up about what you said to me yesterday, we just have to sort some few things out"

"Okay" She nodded, her heart beating rapidly. 

Some minutes later, the food was done, and they both gobbled  it down as if their lives depended on it, only just noticing the hunger that had been lurking in their in their intestines for a long period of time.

"Hmmm, that was a really nice meal, I am beyond satisfied" Katie said, patting her stomach.

"Ahh, I agree" Elena responded, slouched on a chair, patting her stomach as well.

"Now that my belly is full, I think we can now go ahead to discuss what is before us" Katie said, having the urge to get everything over with, she did not want to delay it any longer, enough time had been taken, the sudden confidence and enthusiasm shocked even her.

"Yeah, I guess" Elena joined in, rubbing her neck, " by the way, you should never try to drink alcohol in public, you had a really hard time counting from five to one yesterday at the bar, the bar tender was barely holding his laugh in" she chuckled.

"Hey, in my defense, I already had alcoholic wine at the restaurant, and six shots of tequila was a tad too much, don't you think? " Katie raised her two hands up in defense.

"I definitely do not think so, I had alcoholic wine too, in fact much more than you, and you got drunk on your FIRST shot of tequila, and you did not even drink all six shots, do you know what that means?" Elena returned, not giving in.

"whatever , you just have a really high tolerance for alcohol."Katie huffed.

" Yeah maybe, but the fact that you are the one that suggested the bar gets me every single time, I even tried to talk you out of it, but no, you did not want that, only for you to get drunk on your first shot, gosh girl" Elena mocked, making Katie smile. She just wanted Katie to be comfortable, so that the conversation that would ensue would not take a really huge toll on her, Katie at this moment was sensitive and Elena knew that and took that into consideration, she did not want to make her uncomfortable or uneasy, their friendship and her friends mental health was her ultimate priority at the moment.

"I am just happy that Lorenzo does not know about our little detour" Elena said," I am not sure how he would react with us getting drunk in a bar and flirting with the handsome bar tender."

'If only she knew, that Lorenzo had daily reports on how she was faring, where she went and what she did, that was how he knew that she was at that restaurant on that day, where she had stormed off without her phone, but I am not about to tell her that' Katie thought.

"You barely even drank anything, so there was no way you could get drunk, and the flirting was all you, I never had anything to do with it, so you would bear the brunt of the actions alone." Katie shrugged. 

" Okay then, what would he do, punish me?, I am looking forward to it" Elena but her lower lip and Katie slapped her on my arm.

" This is not the time to get horny, you do know that we have a lot of things to talk about"

" Sure, sure, lets continue, where did we stop again?" Elena asked.

Katie laughed,"We did not even start Elena, clear your mind if all those filthy thoughts that are not allowing you to freaking concentrate."

" okay, so where do we start?" Elena asked, she had thought earlier that she was ready for this, but now that the time had arrived for them to sort everything out, she did not know where to begin.

" Let's start from the part where I confess, that I am gay" she heaved a sigh, " I am gay Elena, a lesbian, homosexual, a dyke, a faggot."she continued, closing her eyes at the last word.

" Let today be the first, and the last, that you would use that derogatory term to identify yourself, you are a lesbian, so what, it does not stop me from liking your incredible sense of humor, from having a kind of sisterly and friendly bond with you, I did not become close to you because I thought you were straight Katie, I became friends with you because I genuinely like you for.....you, I am even hurt that you thought I would not support you, that you believed I would not stand by you, you had to lie to me Katie, for what, you lead me on and made me think that you were heterosexual, all the while hiding your true self from me Katie, I would have accepted you from the beginning without any qualms. Why did you not trust me with this Katie, why did you lie?" Elena's eyes were  now becoming teary from from all the emotions that had gathered up in her heart.

"I just could not bring myself to tell you, you looked kind and all at the beginning, when I got to know you, I knew for sure that you were a caring,loving, and kind person, you would have accepted me, but I do not think it was your fault that I did not tell you, it was my fault, I was the one with the insecurities, I thought you would like me more if you thought I was heterosexual, I thought that lieing would make our friendship stronger, I am sorry, it was my fault, I should have told you, to save us both the tension and all the lies,  I should have started our friendship with honesty rather than lieing to you, but I could not bring myself to tell you, what if you would reject me and call me names?, like the rest of them, what if you started thinking  of me in the wrong way?, what if you thought I was always hitting on you?,that would have made our friendship awkward and I did not want that, so much I lied, to make things easier and better" She confessed, her eyes getting red from the held back tears.

 Elena sighed, "I would not have put all those things in my mind, I mean, the fact that you are lesbian does not mean you would go around hitting on all the girls that passed you by on the street or mall or even at work, being homosexual does not make you abnormal Katie, I would have understood that, one does not get to chose where one's interests lie in these matters, you did not have a hand in your making, I am sure you understand that, you were just worried unnecessarily, you hurt both our feelings in the process, but that is okay, you are really strong and brave to be able to come out and tell me your truth, it was really brave of you, I am happy that we have crossed one boundary in our friendship. Thank you for trusting me and telling me the truth, no matter the time, better late than never, right?" 

" Right. But I should be the one thanking you, you are the first person that has fully understood me, I am grateful to you, thank you so much, for making me realize that something is not actually wrong with me, I am blessed to have you, the Boss is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him" Tears were now streaming down her face.

"I am lucky to have you too, I will always support you, okay. Now that we have gotten over with that, I would like to know more about Joe, does he even exist or is he a figment of both our imaginations?"

" Actually, that is a twisted .matter" Katie replied, bitterness and pain showing on her face.

"What do you mean by that, enlighten me, twist my mind if you may" Elena urged and Katie obliged. 

" You see the thing is this, I am actually in a relationship with a male, I know this sounds stupid so I will just.."

" No don't, continue, I promise to listen to everything you say, even if you think it's rubbish." Elena further encouraged.

" You see, to appease my parents, my parents did not know that I am homosexual, so they urged me to get in a relationship with their long time friend's son, they had just relocated to our block at that time, his name was Matt, I did not like him one bit, but I still accepted, I actually had a crush on his sister Josette,but I was sure she did not swing that way, so I accepted to date Matt, I am still dating him till now, dating Matt brought me the opportunity to get closer to his sister Josette,  and with time, I fell deeply in love with Josette, I was not able to detach myself from Matt even if I wanted to because that would mean I would  have to cut all contact with Josette and I did not want that to happen, so I stayed, when Matt moved to this city Josette followed and I joined them, I could not stand to be away from her, I got an apartment and they lived together, my apartment was barely in use as I was always around them. I did not know how to stop my feelings for her, they were too deep, but there is also no chance for us to be together because I don't even think she swings that way, I am left, stuck to my feelings and unable to leave, I cannot even stand to confess my true feelings for her,  I am scared that Matt would one day catch a whiff of the truth, he seems to have doubts about my true sexuality now, I am even shocked that he did not notice it sooner, we have been together for six years..."

" Is he really that dumb? Six years and he has not found out that you don't like him in that manner?wow!" Elena put in unable to control her incredulity.

"As I was saying, when I told you I had a boyfriend, Joe, I actually meant Josette, I call her Jo but it was easier to interpret it as Joe which is more manly, I do not know what to do or how to get myself out if the mess I created." She finished.

" Wow! that is some serious and deep shit, be strong, there must be a solution, you just haven't thought of it yet." Elena said.

" And my brother who has been having doubts for a long time now, relayed his doubts to my mother, she is not cool with it and I don't even know if I am welcome at home any more" her eyes reddened again.

" So that was what that phone call was about, sorry if I eavesdropped a little bit" Elena apologized.

" I knew you heard something, just not how much, I don't mind anymore though, I just have a lot going on I am really happy for your support." She uttered.

Elena shrugged, " of course, now are you ready to REALLY tell me about you and Valerie?"

Author's Note:

Whew! guys, I actually feel for Katie, not to worry, she has Elena by her side now. I hope you guys enjoy this one, remember to spread love and light guys. XD ( ◜‿◝ )♡♥️♥️.