“So, shall we get started?” Maxwell clasped his hands, smiling.
“Let’s say the blessing first,” Xavier said, surprising me. But I had no idea why since we regularly said grace before our evening meal. “Father? Would you do the honors?”
Maxwell smiled proudly at Xavier and then said a heartfelt blessing over the meal, thanking God for bringing all of us together and the bountiful food. Then he ended with, “Let’s eat!”
When we walked into the dining room, a long buffet-style table had been set up the entire length of one wall.
“Yeah!” Ashton and Jennifer ran toward the buffet, but Grayson swept Jennifer up in his arms, and Ari quickly caught up with Ashton.
“Whoa, there!” Ari said, grabbing his hand. “We behave like ladies and gentlemen... always.”
“Oh, it’s okay! Let them eat,” Maxwell said as a huge smile spread across his face, proud of his grandchildren.
“Ari, do you need some help?” I walked up behind her with Declan right behind me.