When the pizzas arrived, Declan was still quiet. Too quiet. I knew he was still obsessing over the incident with those men earlier. But I was hoping that the game and the pizza would take his mind off it.
Declan grabbed the money off the table, paid the guy, and was back a moment later with the pizzas.
“Where are the plates, and I’ll get them?” I quickly moved the money, clearing a place on the table for the pizzas.
“No, Trent can get them.” Declan gave him a stern look.
Trent huffed as he pushed off the sofa and headed toward the kitchen, keeping his eyes on the game the whole time. He came back a moment later and handed a plate to each of us.
Declan and I spread the pizza’s across the coffee table so everyone could get what they wanted.
“Here.” Declan reached for my plate. “What would you like?”
But I shook my head. “No, I’ll get mine. You go ahead and get yours.”
He smiled, gesturing toward the pizza boxes, refusing to get his until I had gotten mine.