
Bound to an Immortal System [hiatus]

At the peak of his career, Lotus White can't imagine a world beyond gaming. Amongst the many forums, they say that only the top one percent are selected to enter a beta trial called New Life Online. When the pop-up screen appears on his computer one evening, he doesn't hesitate to select yes. However, he finds himself bound to an immortal system that has a glitch: the world ends in descruction. Every character, if not dead, lives miserably. There is no happy ending. His mission is to prevent the end of the world and reform the black-hearted protagonist turned villain. With a zero percent chance of survival and equipped with only his gaming skills, Lotus will soon find that his new life is much more than a gamer's fantasy: it's a real nightmare. He must find a way to reverse the events or die trying. *Disclaimer* 1) I do not own the cover art so kudos to the original artist 2) There may be some triggering themes or content so please be advised.

Emmy_a_Gemmy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"Because I could not stop for Death –

He kindly stopped for me –

The Carriage held but just Ourselves –

And Immortality"

~ Emily Dickinson

Whether it is a blessing or a curse, he knows he would be better off dead.

"It's coming!" One of the soldiers shouts in vain as another cannon goes off. Around them lies a barren wasteland of a desert: cold, frozen iced over deserts the temperatures drop ten degrees below the closer the mist gets.

Disrupting his thoughts, Lotus cocks his gun aiming at the violent shadows that swirl rapidly creating optical illusions. It was terrifying what the mist could do. Hands still, but legs shaking, he steadfastly begins to fire. Beside him, Jie Chen is already tending to their fallen comrade. He can barely make out anything beyond his hands, struggling to shoot at the creatures beyond his line of sight. Pausing to reload, he can't help but glance over at Jie Chen again. Blood is spilling onto the ground like a river staining the white landscape crimson. Deep and as dark as the obsidian nails that cut him, Jie Chen looks up at Lotus with solemn eyes. Those phoenix eyes are hard-set and distant.

In another life, they would have been screaming over a monitor about how messed up this was. Lotus would laugh suggesting they grab a pizza and Jie Chen would joke about his grotesque appetite in a time like this. Now, it felt like a stone had dropped landing heavily in his gut. The blood-stained Jie Chen's hands, soaking through the tattered bandages that are being pressed into his side: the blood will never wash away. The needle is slippery in his grip as Jie Chen lets out a string of curses. Lotus had never heard him curse before. In fact, he had never imagined them being here together in the first place.

It felt like a bad dream: a nightmare. One moment, they're having the times of their lives playing this new game called Evening's Mourn. The survival, modern-age fantasy world where faeries, goblins, and shadow beasts had raged war on the human nation. At the height of his career, Lotus had no real ambition to play video games anymore. Between the competitions and grueling hours of staring at the computer screen, it had begun to take a toll on his eyesight. His mother, ever the worrier, though he might go blind from all the hours he spent locked away in his room playing. Lotus, pushing his cracked glasses further up his face had sworn her off. At that moment, he almost teared up at the thought of his mother.

What would she think of him now?

The fact is he had gambled his life for the thrill of coming here. The beta system had made it sound so easy.

"Are you ready to enter a new world?"

That was all it had said with the glowing box of yes or no. Lotus didn't hesitate to click yes ready to leave behind everything he had thought was mundane to begin anew. No more competitions, no more grueling hours, no more nagging mothers, and no more worries. It had seemed so simple of a choice for a twenty-year-old who didn't have his life planned out, so why not start anew?

"Focus White, Focus!" Someone yelled from behind him. Blinking twice, he had found himself, mid reload, staring as Jie Chen shakily weaving the thread through the skin. It is nothing like how his mother would mend clothing. The flesh is soft and pliable- it's easier to tear and it cannot be fixed after that. Lotus feels a shiver go down his spine as he swallows back vile. He will never get used to the sight. Instead, he turns his head and keeps firing. The sounds of the bullet flying don't shock him anymore. At first, he couldn't even sleep at night without trembling when a gun went off. Being thrown into the middle of a war, Lotus had no recollection of training. It happened all too suddenly until Lotus found himself crawling through the snow as cannons fired and orders were issued.

The sudden dip in the air, as the jarring ice desert cold sinks into the ominous night chill. His breaths come out as small puffs of vapor; goosebumps formed on his skin. It was getting lighter by the minute: the mist had a strange way of brightening up the landscape. Lotus had a numb feeling in his hand, slowly draining his energy...

"It's coming!" Sojah screams, holding up his assault rifle (an m16 if he remembers correctly from the brief discussion, they had one night as they were getting their rations. It used a .223 Remington round, effectively the best rifle in the world is both accurate in combat situations as well a relatively reliable weapon). He jumped out of the trench they were currently in playing his role perfectly. If he wasn't stuck in this gawd awful game, he would have definitely chosen Sojah's character: the strong and noble soldier who dutifully protects those in need. His golden halo was large enough to grant those around him victory. It was the small window of hope that reminded Lotus not to smile to widen as he could not hide his expressions as well as others. In the grim situation, Sojah looked at him with a perplexing gaze. Feeling this, Lotus quickly stood up and saluted his commanding officer.

Being only a foot soldier in the war, Lotus was sure his cannon fodder of a character should have been dead by now. Possibly the only reason he had lived was due to sticking so closely to Sojah, but this comfort was only temporary as another cannon went off. Standing at least a foot taller than him, Sojah clasps his shoulder causing Lotus to wince in pain. Without realizing what he's doing, the man begins to physically drag him back towards whatever may be left behind of their makeshift base.

"Leave him, you're done!"

Lotus struggles against his iron-clad grip watching with wide eyes as Jie Chen continues to work on his patient. The man's face, which is usually light and golden, is now covered in soot bearing a heavy grimace in those dark eyes. His fine features and youthful charisma seems drained by the prolonged exposure to such hardship. Lotus calls out to him and watches as the man looks up. Lotus knows he only has a few stitches left, so why didn't Sojah take the valuable doctor over a mere foot soldier.

"Buy me more time, White!" Jie Chen says, babbling now, the triggers loud as rounds echo making Lotus jump. He elbows Sojah who grunts before the grip loosens up enough to let the boy run back to the doctor. It doesn't feel like his feet even touch the ground as he tries to make the stretch of land shorter than the actual distance. Surprisingly Sojah had dragged him quite a few meters away.

Lotus slides into the trench, coughing up blood. Spitting, he looks over at Jie Chen who barely acknowledges his presence.

"I can save him. Just give me-"

"It's too late for him now. Just go!" Lotus wraps to arms under Jie Chen's pit and tries to drag him away. The other struggles a bit trying to reach his hand out. Lotus allows him this one mercy. Closing his eyes, the doctor touches the wound and focuses. Lotus looks around them trying to find a clear path. Sojah has turned back seemingly run at them with full force, a snarl on his face.

Jie Chen stirs abruptly before he starts to spasm. Lotus adjusts the other man's body, preparing to carry him on his back.

"Get Down!"

Somewhere to his right, an explosion goes off. Lotus flies awkwardly to the side preventing Jie Chen from exposure to the impact. Shielding the doctor's body, Lotus gets the wind knocked out of his as ice penetrates his uniform piercing his skin. Grit gets stuck behind closed eyelids as he bites his tongue in pain. Sucking up a breath, he forces himself to sit up. There is a piece of ice lodged in his eye. Hands now shaking, he carefully tries to pull at it, but it seems to melt in his grasp. Painful and discomforting, Lotus tries to ignore it as he closes the eyelid and uses his other eye solely.

"Jie Chen-" He strains to call out.

Sojah jumps down into the trench, fist clenched. Grabbing a shirt full of Lotus, he raises the smaller up before throwing him over his shoulder.

"Not now... we have to"

"What the... ahh!" Someone yells from beyond their view. Both men look up, fear-stricken at the sky. It seems to be bleeding (like a scab that's been pulled off too early). It is truly maddening- very few have lived to describe such a phenomenon.

Lotus suddenly shivers in his parka as the temperature drastically drops, colder than any day since he's experienced since his transmigration.

More shots were fired. Lotus shivers violently feeling his sweat begin to stick to his body. Something flashes and he finds his body flying out of the comfort of Sojah. In an instance, a piercing glint shines against the crimson sky as it slices into him. Screaming out in agony, hot tears run down his face. The mist is nearly upon them seemingly mocking the group of soldiers as if deciding to spare some or finish them all off. A shadow jumps from his peripheral vision, but it's too blurry to tell if it's close or another trick of depth. He can feel something dragging his right leg. Something cold seeps into his body. He hears his name being called. In his heart, Lotus wants to leave.

He shuts his eyes tight hoping that when he opens them, he'll be back at home. All he can think about is the glowing words that flash behind his eyelids.

"Congratulations on being chosen as the user for the new life system."

When he opens his eyes, Lotus doesn't see anything. He hears more gunfire in the distance followed by frantic steps and yells. He stares at the wall of mist that devours his sense of direction betraying just how close he to the others. The wind carries favors- voices that sing to him.

Spells, he thinks, the spells of dark faeries.

A curse on thee, it murmurs softly, a curse on thee.

In this world, every human being is either blessed or cursed with one particular fault.

This fault, whether it be beneficial or detrimental cannot be predetermined by modern medicine: it simply existed as it did until a child displayed their power.

Since the turn of the century, it had always been this way. The dark faeries and goblins preyed on the greed and envy of their hearts catalyzing some of the greatest disasters the world has seen (if you considered that the war originally began with people who had made deals with powerful beings to bring favor to their side only to betray the agreement established).

When the sky began to bleed, there was no night anymore and there was no day either. There was no sun- with colder temperatures, plant life was rarely cultivated outside but instead, large greenhouses were established in major cities. The people, who wandered out whenever they could, began to fear the mist. With it came shadow beasts that prelude to a curse- a nesting ground for them to spawn children feeding off of the poor souls trapped inside.

No one ever talks about the rain. Lotus, who had spent most of his life hiding from the outside world found himself smiling at the memory of such a simple thing. Rainy days had offered comfort and sleep. His mother would turn on her jazz station and sway softly in the kitchen making dinner for the two of them. Since his father would be late that night, she would always make sure to leave him out a plate. Lotus would watch from the kitchen table as he played on his computer. He never gave much thought to what he would do after high school. Rolling with the tide, he found himself enrolled at a local college buying his time until he could escape the mundaneness of his life. Playing video games was second nature. As a gamer, it only felt natural that he would rather spend his days locked away inside than try to connect with that outside. Already apathetic to most people's feelings, he had never been emotionally engaged.

As a young child, his father had hated loud noises and his mother would be forced to lock him in his room when he was too rowdy. Eventually, this controlled environment worsened as he got older. A child was to be seen and not heard thus sparking Lotus to be rather sparse with his expressions. Maybe that's why he liked the rain: the violent pour of tears from the sky screaming out for all to see. Such bold declarations of nature's emotions excited the hollow young man allowing him to smile faintly.

He had once asked his mother what her favorite weather was. She, too, had loved the rain. Maybe not for the same reasons, but often he found her wandering to the back porch on days his father wasn't home and standing out in the downpour. At first, he had been worried she might catch a cold. Strange as it was, it seemed to calm her. He had wanted to call her about it but fished helplessly for the right way to bring it up. Biting his lip, he found himself walking up to her. Eyes closed, he joined her finding that the rain felt refreshing as if washing away everything that had tainted him. How could he have taken his life to grant it? It may not have been great, but it had been better than the alternative.

The wars that raged this world had been going on for so long, faeries and goblins, humans and humans, fighting against each other forgetting the pleasures of living. It was always dry. It was always cold. It never rained. Lotus, who closed his eyes, stood in the shower watching the illuminated words light up the back of his eyelids.

[World Setting: Tragedy]

Lotus took a deep breath as he imagined standing in the rain feeling the warmth of something against his palms. He held on tight to it, feeling his chest flourish with an unknown feeling. In this world, he only knew that it ended in tragedy. If he couldn't prevent it, then he would surely die. Every day he would check the system settings only to find that they never changed. The world was still set to tragedy meaning if he couldn't stop the protagonist from turning into a villain, the world would surely end in destruction.

He noted that the system didn't provide him any relative information about this world. With a vague knowledge of what will come, his gaming skills help with navigating through the story, but it won't keep him alive if he ever had to face one of the many creatures here. He leans against the wall for support as his right leg trembles. It was unlikely he would ever be able to walk properly again. Even after the surgery, it was almost impossible for him to get around without his cane.

Running a hand through his curly black hair, Lotus ignored the sudden weakness in his leg. He doesn't want to leave the warmth of the bathroom. Steam fills the small room fogging the mirror allowing him to avoid looking at his reflection. It had become a habit to give up vanity: there was nothing beautiful to look at in this world. Lotus had never been overly attractive- his features were relatively simple yet with a stroke of elegance and aloofness. He was shorter than his friends at 172 centimeters. Although he was smaller than most, he had regularly exercised giving him a sturdy build and average features that had a striking effect on them. Jie Chen had admitted that at first glance, no one would think much of him, but perhaps it was after a second and third glance one could appreciate his aesthetic.

Now, there was nothing but a withering flower left to die in the shade of darkness.

He chuckled harshly reaching out to turn the faucet off just before the cold-water spout out. Since his dispatch, Lotus tried not to think about his best friend. The obsidian beaded necklace that hung loosely around his neck felt cold against his flushed skin. Jie Chen had worn it every day alongside his dog tags.

"My grandmother gave it to me when I first moved away. She was never a wealthy woman but she always been there, Ya know. One day I would like to bring her home with me to the city and take her out to the fancy theater. Grandpa used to always take her to fancy places. These beads were his and I carry a piece of both of them with me."

Lotus fiddled with the foreign object rubbing a bead between his thumb and index finger.

Now You carry a piece of me, my friend.

These last words were written down on a piece of paper promptly given to him after he woke up strapped to a hospital bed. The first face he wanted to see (a soft smile, pale face, and dark eyes) did not greet him. Instead, Sojah bowed his head and held out the gift. Lotus didn't need to be told why he was alive and Jie Chen was not by his side.

Swallowing hard, he laughed lightly until it turned into sobbing. Choking sobs that left him gasping for air and wishing he would suffocate. Sinking slowly to the bathroom floor, he sat there leaning his head back against the old tile crying.

Never before had he cried. Never before had he felt so many things- overwhelmed, Lotus would shut all his emotions away hoping he could contain them until he finished fixing this world. This system truly was meant to break people. The curse of new life is not knowing what this new life will offer only that it shall be received. Lotus's eyes fluttered rapidly growing irritated by him wiping away the tears.

Since every human was born with a fault, the nature of these faults differed from each person. Jie Chen had been a healer. Lotus had called it a curse (like the ones faeries cast), but Jie Chen had found it to be a blessing. This blessing had ultimately killed his best friend. Lotus bit his lip hard groaning as his leg cramped up. These faults were truly just that: faults. He had heard people call them punishments for the sins of humanity. Lotus had met a lot of stranger characters since he's been here. There was one man who spoke backward- a harmless sound fault if not for the fact that if he spoke a certain way a person would force to act out what he said (completely against their will). It was a unique power; he figured in a combat setting, it was useful for interrogations, but in any other setting, it really was a curse.

Sojah Oh had the gift of empathy. It was not an uncommon power for a golden haloed protagonist to have. Lotus had a theory this man was far more than he seemed. Sojah's fault allowed him to recognize other people's feelings but he couldn't distinguish his own. In the original context of the game, Lotus vaguely remembered this man became a raging alcoholic and went utterly mad. By chance, meeting this man was the first clue that he needed to stay close and observe him. Lotus wasn't told who the protagonist was but it was a safe bet that Sojah might be.

Jie Chen's system had told him to prevent the protagonist from darkening while his said only told him the world would end. Between the two of them, Jie Chen had adjusted to their new lives rather quickly. Whether there was a glitch in the system or not, they had chosen this and Jie Chen was determined to see through that they lived. He was the first one to realize Sojah was different: he could not die and would not die no matter the situation. Maybe it was a coincidence or maybe it was an invisible golden halo, but they quickly befriended the ambivalent soldier. Lotus agreed with Jie Chen's theories and they had planned to follow the man around especially after he had saved them from dying during their very first battle. Dragging both men to the barricades, he taught them how to hold a gun, reload, and shoot all within a few minutes. Like muscle memory, Lotus found he wasn't too bad in close-to-close combat and was a great sharpshooter. His nerves were steady, almost serene in the middle of chaos. It would be unsettling if not for the environment he was in.

Jie Chen, who had been less sensitive to their environment, had the gift of healing. He saw the best in others and gave all his energy into saving anyone who happened to become his patient. Lotus had often watched the man pour over medical books speaking out certain aspects of curses and the dynamics of their effects. His passion for trying to save this dying world was inspiring. With a few bandages and one-touch, he could heal anyone. Jie Chen quickly gained the nickname Saint in their unit as the man was both beautiful and kind. With a soft smile, narrow, intelligent eyes, and sharp features, he had gained a lot of favor amongst the soldiers. When he was promoted to head of the medical bay, Lotus smiled as Jie Chen told him all about the things he was trying to accomplish.

"What if we are able to stop the end of the world? I think I would like to travel more and set up relief stations to provide better medical assistance to areas that have been heavily impacted by the war." Jie Chen spoke with vigor. His optimism was infectious.

"Then I will gladly follow you." Lotus nodded. His voice was low, but there was a hint of affection in it. Jie Chen looked at him flashing a boyish smile. Clasping his hand, those slender fingers were warm against his cold calloused ones.

"Then I will gladly stay by your side." Jie Chen whispered.

That night they laid side by side neither speaking nor touching. Instead, they enjoyed the simplest comfort of knowing they were near each other. It was enough. A subtle reminder, in a strange world where death was inevitable, that they were not alone.

Jie Chen's gift had been healing. In exchange for saving a life, he lost a little bit of his own. The more serious the injury, the more energy he depleted- an equal trade. He does a little bit each time for every life he saves. Lotus would watch as those bright eyes grew weary and those warm hands began to shake. That bright smile began to grow into a straight line. Jie Chen never considered his fault a gift or a curse. It simply was who he was. Though he couldn't heal himself, he never stopped healing others. Lotus would always be by his side as the man worked on the battlefield. In a world shrouded in perpetuity, he can only accept that if he cannot save Jie Chen then he could at least keep him safe- he can keep him close.

Then Lotus gets swallowed by the mist and nearly loses his leg in the process. Jie Chen gives his life to save him.

His best friend dies, giving all of his heart, to save him leaving Lotus alone in a world that becomes nothing but dark and corrupted like the one he lives in.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Emmy_a_Gemmycreators' thoughts