
Bound to a spirit seal

"What's happening?" the confused Mei jingjing asked. "Oh, they're here for you." her aunt stated leaving her the more confused. "Me?, why?" The guards glanced her way. "You have to come with us to the palace, your wedding to master Li Jie has been fixed." What would you do if you returned home after enjoying your day only to find out you'll be getting married the next day? Mei jingjing couldn't run away from a prince known to be a demon and decided to marry him She had nothing to do with him untill he decided to make her his wife Master Li Jie was feared by his people but what happens when he's the only one who can save them from seal beasts and at the same time, face a terrible lightning which can lead to his death, which there's no way of escaping it. Will Mei jingjing find a way to escape his clutches or Will she stay to be his protector and experience his soft side? Excerpt "I had no intention of getting married to you!" Mei jingjing raged, anger flashing in her big brown eyes. "I'm only fulfilling a promise your parents made." Master Li Jie said nonchalantly not caring about what she thought about it. "So what if they made a promise, I didn't make any promises, I want nothing to do with you, go away!" "Behave yourself!" Master Li Jie was quite temperant, she might be his wife but he won't let her display such attitude towards him. Mei jingjing got tired of trying to convince him to free her and headed for the door instead but a force suddenly swept through her locking the door. She turned around to meet Li Jie's arrogant gaze. "Were do you think you're going?, We just got married and you'll be sleeping in this room on this bed tonight!" his words were final. vol 2: Li Jie's return for vengeance Mei jingjing remains locked in the palace hoping for her Li Jie to come back to her. What's going to happen when Li Jie returns with nothing but vengeance in his heart. what's going to happen when he starts avoiding Mei jingjing, what are his reasons for that?, is Mei jingjing going to remain being Weng Lie's pet forever?! Check out my novel and give me a review on what you think, thanks in Ads

Sky_Li · Fantasy
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49 Chs

She called me handsome

Mei jingjing's eye's flutter open, it was still dark and they were heading Into the woods. She suddenly realized she was actually taken away by someone who carried her on his shoulder, she was weak to the bone and couldn't do anything, the drug had done more to her than she thought it would, she held unto her flute tightly as she was taken away, she could hear them talking about something.

"We've got her, so what do we do with her?" the man with a mask on asked.

"I have no idea, she's actually pretty, why not do away with her then sell her off."

Mei jingjing's heart raced at their words, do away with her?!. The two men laughed in an amused tone scaring Mei jingjing to her wits. what's going to happen to her now?, she was too weak to do anything and her eyelids where still heavy like she was going to pass out soon again.

She suddenly felt the two men tense up like they just saw a ghost, she wondered why, not untill she heard an unfamiliar but pleasant deep voice.

"Where do you think you're going with her?" Li Jie asked in a calm and unhurried tone but something about him made them shudder.

"W.... who are you?"

Li Jie's beautiful eyes darted at the purple flute in her hands, it looked exactly like the flute the girl from earlier used in playing that magical tune. He tilted his head at them.

"It'll do both of you a lot of good if you let that girl go."

The look in his eyes gave them such a fright, it was dark in the woods but they could make out the glare in his golden eyes, although frightened, they weren't going to back down. They pointed their blades at him with shaky hands.

"Get out of my way now!!, else I'll kill you and the girl."

"Is that so?" Li Jie always loved a little combat. "Those who refused to listen to me do not live to tell the story."

"I'm not afraid of you, do as you please!."

Meanwhile Mei jingjing didn't care if they end up killing one another, they better drop her down if they know they wanted to get physical.

Li Jie kept his face pockered and said in a cold tone.

"Let's just get this over with." he clapped his hands and twisted his palm outward making the masked man smash into a tree, caught in a wave of energy, the one who held Mei jingjing began to tremble at his feet and slowly dropped her on the soft grass, how did the stranger do that?!, could he be what he think he is?, even Mei jingjing was struck by it, her big expressive eyes stared at the man who was smashed against a tree, was he dead?

"H..... how did you...." the man's voice trailed of the minute he noticed Li Jie standing in front of him, Li Jie gave him a light tap on the chest and whispered.

"Sleep tight."

The man collapsed on the floor and remained unconscious. Mei jingjing couldn't run nor move, who was this man and how was he able to knock them both out without even doing a thing?!, his movement were now hidden and obscure.

Li Jie crouched next to her on the floor, her eyelids were super heavy and everything around her was a blur, she couldn't make out who he was but noticed his beautiful golden eyes and his handsome sharp features still stood out, a small smile crossed her lips.

"Hey, you're handsome." her soft tiny voice rang in his ear, Li Jie froze at her words, Mei jingjing had no idea if it was the drug that made her say them, she wasn't thinking straight, she couldn't keep her eyes opened any longer and they closed shut.

Li Jie stared at the unconscious girl in front of him, she looked beautiful and attractive with her eyes closed and her long dark lashes resting on her cheeks, she had a small delicate face and when she had her eyes opened before, they were big and expressive, with a cute sharp nose and defined, delicate pink lips, she had the most fairest skin reminding him of a white snow, her fair tender hands still clutch to the flute tightly like it was going to be taken away from her, for her to hold it so tightly even unconscious, it must mean the flute is really special to her.

Li Jie carried her in his arms, took her out of the woods and set her down across a pillar where he knew she'd be safe. A loyal servant of his showed up.

"Young master, we have to leave now before anyone spots you."

Li Jie nodded and took one last glance at the unconscious girl before leaving.

At the palace, Li Jie arrived and everyone bowed at his presence, some trembled at their feets at the sight of him, some couldn't dare to look him in the eyes, he carried such a powerful aura that would make one shiver just at the sight of him, most of the maidens stared at him with infactuated eyes taken away by his charms.

His looks made the ladies drool over him, he had the most beautiful pair of golden eyes that reminded one of the fresh blooming of sunflowers. His long ink like hair swept past his back and he let a strand of his hair fall at his face making him look bewitching, his thin lips were a total pink, he had an imposing height and was well built. he walked through the hallway in an imposing manner which always made him stand out from the rest, all eyes were on him with guards following his trail. He walked into his chamber and took off his royal garment. That flute girl suddenly crossed his mind and won't leave his head, images of her innocent looking face popped in his head and it was starting to annoy him. Two loyal servants of his walked in.

"Young master, why did you save that girl?, you know no one is allowed to see you" he asked. Li Jie liked him the first time he saw him cause he was the only one who spoke without fear.

"Haorang, I saved her for a reason."

Chao Xua furrowed his brow in confusion "I hope you don't mind me asking but what reason could that be?"

Li Jie wore his silk robe and a hint of smile crossed his lips.

"I'm going to make her my wife."