
Bound to a spirit seal

"What's happening?" the confused Mei jingjing asked. "Oh, they're here for you." her aunt stated leaving her the more confused. "Me?, why?" The guards glanced her way. "You have to come with us to the palace, your wedding to master Li Jie has been fixed." What would you do if you returned home after enjoying your day only to find out you'll be getting married the next day? Mei jingjing couldn't run away from a prince known to be a demon and decided to marry him She had nothing to do with him untill he decided to make her his wife Master Li Jie was feared by his people but what happens when he's the only one who can save them from seal beasts and at the same time, face a terrible lightning which can lead to his death, which there's no way of escaping it. Will Mei jingjing find a way to escape his clutches or Will she stay to be his protector and experience his soft side? Excerpt "I had no intention of getting married to you!" Mei jingjing raged, anger flashing in her big brown eyes. "I'm only fulfilling a promise your parents made." Master Li Jie said nonchalantly not caring about what she thought about it. "So what if they made a promise, I didn't make any promises, I want nothing to do with you, go away!" "Behave yourself!" Master Li Jie was quite temperant, she might be his wife but he won't let her display such attitude towards him. Mei jingjing got tired of trying to convince him to free her and headed for the door instead but a force suddenly swept through her locking the door. She turned around to meet Li Jie's arrogant gaze. "Were do you think you're going?, We just got married and you'll be sleeping in this room on this bed tonight!" his words were final. vol 2: Li Jie's return for vengeance Mei jingjing remains locked in the palace hoping for her Li Jie to come back to her. What's going to happen when Li Jie returns with nothing but vengeance in his heart. what's going to happen when he starts avoiding Mei jingjing, what are his reasons for that?, is Mei jingjing going to remain being Weng Lie's pet forever?! Check out my novel and give me a review on what you think, thanks in Ads

Sky_Li · Fantasy
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49 Chs


It was dark

Nothing but darkness

Mei jingjing's eyes slowly flutter open, she blinked twice trying to adjust her eyes to the light, Then blinked three more times before getting a better view of were she was. Her back suddenly hurt, she winced in pain touching were her birthmark was, why did it suddenly hurt?, she studied the room she was in, Noticing the refined structure of the place, she knew exactly were she was.

What tha?!!, she sat upright immediately but was held down by a maid whom she didn't realize was next to her the whole time.

"So you've finally woken up." she said with a cunning smile, The maid drew down her cloth to stare at her birthmark. Mei jingjing wondered why the maid kept gazing at her birthmark and tried to free herself from her hold but the maid held her down laying her back on the mat.

"Don't even think about running this time, it's your wedding day so you should get ready."

Mei jingjing stared at the maid wide eyed, marriage?!, the maid gently massaged her head with warm water.

"Look at this place, who do you think is going to clean them up?, I know you don't want to get married, I don't like the idea either but it's not like we can do a thing about it, you have no choice but to marry the demon."

Mei jingjing slapped her hands away and hurriedly got to her feet. "I'm not going to get married."

She headed for the door but was held down by the maid making her trip and they both ended up falling to the floor.

"Stop Mei jingjing, what are you doing?"

Mei jingjing struggled to free herself when the door suddenly opened, the two stopped dragging each other and glanced at the door.

A woman in red hanfu clothing showed up, she was an average woman with an apathetic look on her face.

"What's going on here?"

"She's trying to escape again." the maid explained. The woman in red darted a look at Mei jingjing with a serious expression as the maid still held her down.

"Behave yourself, acting like this won't get you anywhere."

Mei jingjing continued to struggle. "You can't force me to get married, I won't do it, let me go!"

The woman walked up to Mei jingjing and touched her forehead knocking her out completely, she fell unconscious to the floor.

"That will hold her off while you get her dressed immediately."

The maid nodded politely. "Yes ma'am."


Mei jingjing stared at herself in the mirror as she was all dressed up to get married, she watched the maid and couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Is he really a demon?, I don't wanna get married to an old man." she stated cause clearly she has never seen him before.

"I haven't seen him either but I've heard he's not old."

"I really don't want to get married."

"That is not my decision to make, you can talk to your future husband about it when he shows up at the wedding." she added the last piece of hairpin on Mei jingjing's hair and stepped out of the room locking it behind her.

Mei jingjing stared at her reflection on the mirror, is she actually getting married?!

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