

In a world where arranged marriages are the norm, the young and independent-minded female protagonist finds herself betrothed to the powerful and enigmatic Mafia King. As she navigates the complexities of her new life, she discovers hidden secrets and a forbidden love that challenges the boundaries of her arranged union. Will she find her own path and break free from the constraints of tradition? Or would she fall in love with her betrothed with all the obstacles and challenges. Would she break free from the bonds of duties? Would she submit to her husband and family? Or would she make her own path for herself and make her husband submit to her?

Seraph_Nathan · Urban
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10 Chs




That's what he is calling me?

I gave him the best stink eye that I found muster up, but that didn't seem to phase him. He just kept on looking at me in that weird way of his.

'How long have you been there?' I asked him. He looked at me for a very long time. I just admired the view, he stood at six foot five and I'm only five foot two, he had the body of a giant, his hair was out of its bun and I just want to run my hand through its silky texture. I let out a small sigh. I miss my bestfriend.

'I give you 10 minutes to get ready and meet me in my office' he said as he walked out and closed the door with a bank.

'What an asshole' I said out loud to no one in particular. I had my bath and got dressed in a sundress because that was the only appropriate outfit there. I took my phone and stepped out of my room. I didn't even know where the hell his office is, but maybe this would be the nice time for a little tour, and make him wait a little, I said with a smirk.

It took me more that 15 minutes to find his office and all thanks goes to Olive. I knocked at the large doors and went it.

'You are thirty minutes late. I hate lateness' he said without even raising his head from what he was looking at.

I snorted out loud and replied 'if you would have at least told me where your office was instead of making me wonder all around the house'.

He dropped the papers he was holding and looked me dead in the eyes 'Next time you are late, I'll bend you over my knees and spank you'. My eyes widened, I don't know if it was caused by fear, but my heart raced in my chest. What was wrong with me?

'You wouldn't dare' I told him.

'Oh, I would and no one would stop me because I own you and your body and this continent. Now, is that understood'

I bit my lip in order to avoid me saying something stupid.

'Yes, it's understood'


'What' I replied. He sighed.

'You are to address me as 'sir' when we are alone'

'What! You can't do that' I nearly shouted.

'I can and I have' He said with a scowl on his face. 'Before I forget, you are not allowed to leave this house without a bodyguard and you are not allowed to leave until I give you the permission to do so, is that understood'

I stared at him with my eyes wide opened. What the hell? I'm not even allowed to leave this place. I expected this and I was right. I'm in a gilded cage.

'What am I supposed to do?' I said with tears in my eyes. My freedom is being taken away from me and I can't do anything about it.

He looked at me for a moment. His eyes sparked and I could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

'We have two pools, we have a library, for Chrissake we have a fucking cinema in this mansion. You are not allowed to leave this HOUSE without MY permission and no one else's, I ask again, is that understood' he said while shouting. I can't let my tear drop, never ever show the enemy's your weakness. I plastered a huge fake smile on my face.

'Yes sir, please sir, is that all' I said while still smiling.

'You are also not allowed to associate with any males in and out of this mansion except from you personal guard'

'Yes sir' I said still with my smile.

'You can go'. He didn't even look up as he dismissed me. I made it to my room before the tears came. I cried into my pillow, I cried for my bestfriend, for myself and my situation. Why did he sell me off, his own daughter at that. I could have worked to try to pay off his debt, we could have worked out a way together. Now I would never know how it feels to be in love. I can never know.

I need to find a way to run from here. I can't do this at all. They brought me here to be a breeder, but I just want to be free.

I looked towards my bedside and saw my new gadgets, they were all the latest brand new Apple products. I snatched the laptop and set it up. I had to continue my work, but no one has to know it's me, it's for their safety.

I set up my laptop and downloaded the necessary apps that I would need for hacking. My stomach tumbled, I checked the time and I realized it was past noon and I hadn't even had breakfast. I debated on calling Olive but decided against it. I wanted to look around also, so that would be like killing two birds with a stone. I used the elevator to the kitchen and peeped inside, it appears to be deserted. The kitchen was bigger than my former apartment and that is saying something. I went to the fridge and picked out food items that would last me for a week in my room. Even though my freedom has been taken away, I don't have to starve. I quickly went back into my room and locked myself from the world.