
It's alright to cry

Raziel's head was buried on Luciana's shoulder, as he drank her blood, his tongue wiping the ones that flowed down her skin.

Luciana did not expect she would feel the way she felt. She felt tremor run down her body with every swipe of his tongue on her skin. She didn't even realize the moment she gripped him tight. She thought she was going to feel pain, but what was this?

A sigh she could not believe came from her left her lips, and she quickly covered her mouth with one hand. What was this man doing?

"Your highness..." She murmured, but even that didn't sound like it came from her. Why was he licking her skin?

She hadn't let any man get this close to her, even Duke Elric. He had once tried to kiss her, but she refused. She had only let him hold her hand and hug her. She was sure that if she wasn't so focused on her studies, something would have happened between them.

Raziel finally forced himself to pull away from her. When he looked at her, she was surprised at the look she saw in his eyes. His grey irises were already gone, and it had turned red instead.

"What is wrong your highness?"

"I want more."

"I asked for your protection, and now you want to suck me dry." She then gestured for him to go on.

Raziel pulled her to himself again, but before dug his head on her shoulder, she spoke.

"You may refrain from licking my skin your highness."

Raziel's eyes narrowed at her, before he went back to his business.

"Your blood tastes good Luciana." He whispered in her ear, and she couldn't control the shiver that ran down her spine. One of his hand held the side of her waist, and he pulled her closer. Luciana wondered if he had totally lost it.

He pulled away again with great difficulty, as he didn't want to suck her dry.

Human blood could be compared to fruits. There could be two fruit of the same kind, where one taste better than the other. He had tasted different human blood. Some didn't taste so good, some were okay, others were great. He could say Luciana's own happened to be one of the best he had tasted.

When he stared at the human girl, she had her eyes closed and her breathing was still heavy. Even her gaze was different. He knew he had affected her more than he visualized.

"You are not immune after all." He teased her.

"Did you expect me to stay still when you kept on licking me like that?"

"You said it like I licked your whole body." He said, and she narrowed her gaze at her. "I only wiped the blood from your shoulder, preventing it from staining your dress."

"You are being very naughty your highness."

Raziel's eyes widened as he was not used to being spoken to like that. But he did not hate it, not even a little bit.

"You have studied so much about vampires. Do you know that our blood have powers?"

"Yes. Your blood can heal, but only the pure blooded vampires have that ability."

"You are really impressive Luciana. No wonder the duke of Wesborne was interested in you." Raziel remarked, and Luciana sharply turned to him.

"I never told you that."

"You described him as 'so kind'. He is noble, but I don't think he is as kind as you say he is. I believe he is only kind to you, and he would only be if he was interested in you." He narrated.

Luciana wondered how he kept that in his mind, but she quickly brushed it away.

"He wanted me to marry him, but I refused."

"Did you regret it?"

Luciana didn't like to think about it. But she knew the answer to that question. She did. If she had married him, Lord Kruger would not dare come for her family. They wouldn't even owe. But she didn't want to burden him with her family and personal problem. She thought they could clear their debts.

It pains her any time she remembers that her family almost paid off the debt. It was remaining just a little, and yet they were heartlessly murdered...

"Luciana." Raziel's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. He had an idea what was going through her mind. "I told you my blood can heal."

He then pulled her closer, and bit his wrist until it began to bleed.

"Drink. I know it's not as pleasing to humans as it is to us, but it will help heal your scars."

"I don't want to heal the scars. They remind me of everything I have been through."

"Why are you so stubborn?" He stared at the difficult human girl. "Now have only a little. A drop or two won't heal your scar, but it will help replenish your lost blood. I would have suggested healthy food for you, but you don't eat."

"Only a drop right?" She then took his wrist, and tasted the red liquid. She grimaced at the taste. "This should be enough."

She then moved away from him.

Raziel turned to leave, but stopped when he remembered something, and turned back to her.

"You don't always have to hold back how you feel. You don't always have to bottle up everything you feel..."

"No." He was trying to comfort her again. He shouldn't.

He took a step towards her, and she moved back.

"It's okay to break down sometimes Luciana."

Luciana felt her eyes sting.

"It's alright to let your anger show."

"Stop saying that to me please." Her voice croaked, and she blinked rapidly, trying to prevent tears from falling. She had held it so well for a long time, why were his words affecting her so much?

Raziel zoomed to her and caught her arm. "It's okay to cry Luciana."

And that was all it took, and her eyes moistened immediately. A fat tear fell from one, followed by the other.

"No please."

"Luciana look at me."

Luciana shook her head vehemently as tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes. Her chest hurt so badly, and she didn't seem to be able to numb the pain in her heart anymore. It came stabbing at her like a sharp dagger, being pierced and twisted in her heart. She felt suffocated, and at that moment she wished she would just close her eyes and never open them again.

Any time she breaks down in the past, her father would usually comfort her, and sometimes her sister and mother. But now, they were no more.

"Luciana..." Raziel didn't expect her to break down in such manner. He knew that she needed to cry, but he didn't expect it to be this sorrowful. She looked like she had nothing to live for.

"It hurts." She admitted. "It hurts so badly."

"It is going to be okay. I am going to protect you from now on."

Luciana felt like running, escaping reality for a while. But she didn't know where to run to.

"I miss them. I miss home."

Raziel who held her just watched her in misery. He didn't know why, but he felt pained watching her. He wanted her to stop, and for her to feel better.

He used one hand to wipe her tears, but the tears didn't stop. He felt like he had broken a dam.


She pushed herself away from him and went to sit on the bed. She covered her face with her palms, while her elbows rested on her laps. After a while, she began to wipe her tears.

"You must be having a headache." The prince stated.

"I just want to sleep." Her voice sounded hoarse and her eyes were red from crying. She lay on the bed and covered herself. Soon she drifted to sleep.

Luciana's sleep was restless as she was haunted by nightmares. The same nightmares she always had. It was as it it was now a part of her life.

Soon she sprang up, and she was startled to see Raziel standing beside her bed.

"You need this tunic for your headache."

"Have you been here all along?" She asked.

"No. I went to see the physician, and that's how I got the tunic."

Luciana stared at him for a while, before taking the tunic and drinking the content.

"Do you mind sharing with me your nightmare?"

Luciana had never told anyone her nightmare before. Even when Annalise persuaded her, she didn't tell her. Not because she didn't trust her, she just didn't see the need to, and it was something so personal to her. Yet, she felt the need to tell this prince.

"I dream about the day my family was killed. Every time I close my eyes I see it. It's suffocating."

Raziel had no idea what to say to her or how to comfort her. He had not had to comfort anyone before.

"Do you ever go out? I don't mean the laboratory and library. I mean out to have fun."

Luciana gave him a ridiculous look.

"You don't strike me like someone that likes fun."

"Really? What do I strike you as? Someone that likes war?"


He shook his head in amusement.

"Get ready Luciana, we are going out."