
Bound By Fate

Things that weren't meant to happen, unprecedented events, different from the actual path. Those mistakes and accidents gave birth to this Paro (it means pair/couple). Nothing happening as it should, unknown to them that they were bound by fate.

Erica_Lee251 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Yichen is a 19-year-old male, born on the 24th of September 2003. He is 6ft tall and slim, with toned abs and biceps. Yichen has a tall nose, thin lips (not too thin), sharp jawline, voluminous lashes, moderately thick eyebrows and hooded eyelids. He has black marble like eyes, thick black hair and clear white skin, overall, Yichen is considered a very attractive male. Yichen is the last child and only son of a wealthy conglomerate family in China, he has left home to make a name for himself, swearing never to return until he achieved that. However, making achievements and surviving outside home, hasn't been easy. Not to mention the fact that Yichen has gotten involved with bad company and won't ask his family for help, because of how stubborn he is. He now works multiple jobs, from Monday to Saturday. From Monday to Thursday, he works an early, 6-hour morning shift at Wang's tea shop, from 8am to 2pm, he teaches the violin to little kids at an academy from 2: 30pm to 4:00pm. Then works from 4pm to 9pm at a local eatery and bar, "That Noodle Place". Although that wasn't its original name, but it got famous for its noodles, but they don't serve just noodles. Yichen doesn't teach at the academy on Fridays, cause classes end for the kids by 2pm and he also doesn't go to the bar on Fridays and Saturdays, because those are the days people come out to celebrate and drink more, and he doesn't want to be harassed by some "heart broken or idiotic drunk lunatic" in his words. Yichen is a quiet guy, who thinks carefully before doing anything, some people might see this as arrogance and pride, but the dude just does not have the strength for stress. He is calm, down to earth and usually likes to be alone, but he does enjoy the company of does he wants to be around him. He is a playful person by nature, would goof off, if given the opportunity. He is kind, (brutally) honest, compassionate and humble. He has been taught by his mother and his two sisters to respect women, especially his woman. But to be honest they only made him fear women, so irrespective of his good looks and charm, Yichen is a virgin at heart and mind, and has removed his mind from the woman factor until later on in his life, "maybe when he is 27" in his words.

We Continue

Its 8:00am Monday

Yichen has opened the café and customers have started to come in, although, Mrs Wang has already spoken to him about, he just can't seem to let it go. A group of four ladies walk into the café, they are known as the aunties of that neighbourhood, an association of housewives in that area, whose husbands are well off and can take care of them. Mrs Wang is also in this group; her husband opened that café for her. These four aunties usually get tea and snacks in the café and will stay there talking with Mrs Wang for about an hour or so, before going to the next sister's place. They are jobless and not jobless at the sam time; they each have something they do to bring in money. Mrs Wang owns a café, she is the first sister, so she is visited first, the second sister owns a small restaurant, the third sister owns a salon, the fourth sister owns a small boutique, and the fifth sister owns a massage parlour. It is a daily something for them, they visit each other's businesses every day, and they pay for everything they take. It is a way of supporting and looking out for each other, but to be honest their clique isn't all that healthy, there are shady areas.

The four women walk up to Yichen, smiling and each brimming with wealth, with how they were dressed, well-done makeup, nice shoes, expensive clothes and bags and their perfumes were just, wonderful.

The Second sister "Good morning Yichen"

The other chorus "morning Yichen"

The Fourth "oh wow Yichen, you look good today. You put in more effort in your style today compared to your usual boring polo on blue jeans"

There is an awkward silence for 3 seconds and the other sisters stare at the fourth sister.

The Second sister starts to laugh to ward it off, and it becomes a chain of laughter, but it was obvious it was all sus. Yichen played along and chuckled.

Yichen "so what are my aunties getting today"

They all chorus with joy "the usual" like a group of cheer leaders.

Yichen "ok, four servings of Chocolate mint Capuchino and oatmeal raisin cookies coming right up"

The Third sister "by the way, what about your co-worker, the girl"

Yichen "Lian is running a bit late, had some issues to deal with this morning"

The Fifth sister "that girl and her issues, she always has issues, always, ugh"

The Second sister "we'll sitting over there for when our order is ready"

The four ladies go to take their seats on their special table. Normally you would order something and get it at counter, but these aunties get special treatment. And this wasn't an order from Mrs Wang, she would never do that. It was a treatment they manipulated to get.

Not long after the aunties sat down, Mrs Wang came out, also dressed and ready for today's outing.

The Other Four sisters see her and, in a chorus, said "wow, pretty"

Mrs Wang "ooouu thank you" she laughs.

The Fifth sister "Big sister, here is your seat" she directs her hand at an already prepared seat at the front of the table. And the second and third sisters are sitting on each side from where she is sitting. The arrangement is in like a hierarchy of age, superiority and dominance. The fifth sister is the youngest, in her mid-thirties and has a 13-year-old son. She is new in the group and is trying to gain favours, that's why she sulks up a lot. Another thing these ladies have in common, other than being housewives, is that they all have a son as their first child. The First sister Mrs Wang has one son and that's her only child, who is studying to be an engineer, he is 24 years old. The Second sister has 3 sons, age 22, 20 and 18 years old, one of which (the second son) is Yichen's best friend, he is studying to become an actor. The Third sister has a son and two daughters, the youngest daughter and her last child, ran away. She was a rebellious teenager whose parents all made life worse for her. The fourth and fifth have a son and a daughter.

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