
Bound By Fate

Things that weren't meant to happen, unprecedented events, different from the actual path. Those mistakes and accidents gave birth to this Paro (it means pair/couple). Nothing happening as it should, unknown to them that they were bound by fate.

Erica_Lee251 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


After his talk with Li An, Yi Chen is on his way home. Already in his neighbourhood.

Yi Chen walking and going through his phone, begins to hear noises, like someone was being beaten up. He decided to do what he normally does and ignore. But the voice of the person Wailing and crying sounded familiar. He thought about whom it could be and finally realised that that was De Guo's voice. He immediately ran to where the voice was coming from. There in a narrow dark alley, he saw his friend being beaten up by some gangsters, they are acquaintances of Chen, they 7 in total.

Gangster 1 "oh hi Chen, we were just giving your friend here, a message to deliver to you, but since you are here...I might as well just deliver it straight to you"

Yi Chen "what do you want"

Gangster 1 "now-now, no rush...we'll have to rough up a little" gives the other six a signal and they gather Chen and beat him up. When they finished, they placed him and De Guo next to each other "the boss is expecting his all of his money by this time next week, with interest included" he turns to leave.

Yi Chen comforting De Guo

Gangster 1 "he also told told me to motivate you" he takes out a gun and fires a bullet into De Guo's leg.

De Guo screams in pain

Yi Chen "what was that for, why didn't you shot me instead" angry

Gangster 1 "how can I do that, then you won't be able to work and that means no money."

Yi Chen comforting his friend

Gangster 1 "just look at you, look at the sad situation you put yourself in... if you weren't so ambitious and hot headed, you wouldn't be in this mess. You know my boss liked you and was willing to lend you money past the minimum range, so that you could pay easily. That money would still have been sufficient for what you wanted to do, but no. Not only did you increase the amount, but you also doubled it and what happened after that you only sold 50 copies out of the 5000 you printed of that damned book of yours."

The other gang members laugh.

Gangster 1 "you are an ambitious failure Yi Chen, and it's sad you didn't realise it on time. Anyways, I have delivered the message I was sent to give, be sure to do as you have been told. How you are going to get the money, we do not know and neither do we care but make sure it's ready. You don't want me to visit your friend a second time, cause this time the bullet will go into his head" points the gun at De Guo's head but Chen protects his friend. He didn't pull the trigger, because he was only trying to scare them, the other gang members laugh, and they all left.

De Guo bleeding and crying, Yi Chen rushes him to the hospital. He his later forced to call and tell Li Hua about the incident, because he didn't have enough money to cover the medical bills. He called Li Hua and she paid for everything. Yi Chen was in the lobby giving his statement to the police when, his mother and 2nd elder sister pass him, accompanied by their bodyguards. They didn't see him, because he was by a corner and his back was facing the direction they came from. After giving his statement he went back to De Guo's ward, there he saw his mom and sister.

De Guo is unconscious

Mom "how dare those rascals threaten my son" worried

Big Sis Ru "doctor, how's the boy's condition" she asks the doctor in standing there with them, with two other doctors.

Doctor "he'll be fine, no life-threatening injuries, although that bullet wound will leave a scar."

Big Sis Ru "and the guy who was with him"

Doctor "he is also fine, don't worry"

Mom "where is he"

Doctor "where is he" he asks the other two doctors standing next to him

They both don't know. "How about we ask the nurse taking care of them" one the doctors said

Doctor "and who is that"

"Nurse Lee" he answered

Doctor "Nurse Lee" he calls for the nurse.

Nurse Lee "yes doctor" she goes to him

Doctor "where is the man that came with him"

Nurse Lee " he went to give his statement to the police, he should be back soon"

Doctor "okay thank you"

Nurse Lee goes back to pushing the patient on a wheelchair, into the elevator.

Doctor "he'll be back soon"

Mom crying

Big Sis Ru "oh, don't do this mother"

Mom "then what do I do...I don't care what your father thinks anymore, I am bringing my son home with me. It is better to have a son with no achievements, than not to have a son at all. I don't care, I just want my baby"

Big Sis Ru comforting her mother.

Yi Chen was sad and left the hospital, without meeting his mother and sister. On his way out he is confronted by Li Hua, who just arrived.

Li Hua grabs his hand "where, are you going to"

Yi Chen takes it back forcefully "somewhere far - far away, where no one can find me"

Li Hua "is it because I told your family"

Yi Chen "it's not because of anything...I just want...I want to be alone...for a long time...to think about...stuff"

Li Hua "but you can still..."

Big Sis Ru "Li Hua" she calls out to her, and she (Li Hua) diverts her attention "what are you doing there" she starts walking to her.

Li Hua "I am talking to...." looks forward and there was no Chen "CHEN"

Big Sis Ru gets to where she was standing "you were talking to Chen

Li Hua nods in agreement

Big Sis Ru "then where is he"

Li Hua "he is gone...he said he wanted to think about stuff" confused

Big Sis Ru holds her hand "don't worry, it'll all be over soon. Chen will be returning to us, ok. Let's go inside" and they both went into the hospital.

Chen is a stuborn person and sticks to what he believes , but do you think what happened in this chapter broke Chen. And what do you think he mean't by "to think about stuff". Comment your thoughts on this.

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