
Bound by Fate: The Villain's Hold

An ordinary young woman who mysteriously transmigrates into a novel she was reading. She assumes the role of a previously Tragic character and finds herself entangled in a complex relationship with the captivating yet enigmatic villain. Her main objective is to survive in this dangerous world, navigating treacherous challenges while uncovering secrets and confronting her own destiny. Will she overcome the villain's hold and find her way back home?

Ana_Axle_4444 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Life Within the Castle Walls

Age: 11

Amelia's POV


After three long years, I have come to observe certain aspects of my life within these castle walls.

Firstly, the maid consistently assigns all her work to me. It seems I have become the one responsible for the tasks she wishes to avoid.

"Amelia, make sure you clean all the corridors and polish the silverware," the maid grumbled, dumping a pile of chores onto my small shoulders.

"Yes, I understand," I replied, my voice filled with resignation as I accepted my fate.

Secondly, I have discovered that I can only venture out under the cover of darkness. However, there are certain areas I must avoid altogether, as they are heavily guarded and off-limits.

"Curfew has begun, child. Make sure you stay within your designated area," a stern guard warned as I attempted to venture beyond my restricted zone.

"I won't go any further, sir," I assured him, scurrying back to the safety of my assigned space.

Thirdly, it is evident that this child, referring to myself, is utterly neglected. There is no trace of a family, and I am left to fend for myself.

"I have no parents, no family," I muttered to myself, the loneliness in my voice resonating through the empty room.

Fourthly, I must remind myself that this place is not a mere house but a grand castle. Its vastness and opulence are a constant reminder of the stark contrast between my humble existence and the lives of those within these walls.

The towering walls and intricate tapestries served as constant reminders of the immense privilege enjoyed by others within the castle.

Fifthly, acquiring books has proven to be a formidable challenge. The library remains strictly off-limits, heavily guarded and beyond my reach.

"I wish I could read those books," I whispered longingly as I peered through the locked library doors, forbidden from exploring the knowledge that lay within.

Each day, I receive a solitary piece of fruit as sustenance. I often find myself gazing at my rumbling stomach, the hunger gnawing at my insides.

"Oh, my stomach... I wish I had more to eat," I whispered, clutching my abdomen as the hunger pangs intensified.

As I contemplated eating the fruit covered in dust and grime, I realized the scarcity of clean clothes. It seems there is little I can do to remedy this situation.

"I can't bear these dirty clothes any longer," I lamented, holding up a tattered garment, my voice tinged with frustration.

"...This is not a fairy tale. This is reality," I whispered, perched upon the rooftop of my room.

"Even though I yearn for a better life, I must face the harsh reality of my circumstances," I reflected, my voice barely above a whisper.

Gazing upon the bustling market and the enchanting night sky, I find solace in these stolen moments. It has been two long years since I began my arduous journey of survival within these walls.

"Out here, even if just for a moment, I feel free," I murmured, captivated by the twinkling stars above.