
BOUND BY FATE: Loved by the alpha

Emily, Daughter of the alpha of the crescent pack and Tyler, alpha of the red dawn can't stand each other. After a one night stand, they are forced to marry. So, they make an arrangement to stay out if each others business till they can find a way to get out of their marriage. But suddenly, tension starts to brew and they start having fillings for each other. "Tell me you love me." he told me, staring me dead in the eyes. "Just say it once and I wouldn't walk away." I looked at him, I didn't know what to say. All I knew was I couldn't hold back anymore.

_Gemma · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Letting the feeling take over.

The third point of view.

Oliver didn't understand why he was always let with Amelia. This was the same thing that happened when they were arrested. Tyler took Emily and he was left with her. Let's make something clear, he didn't like Amelia. Not that he has anything against her but he wanted to say away from her. the last he tried to take her home she tried to make out with him. He doesn't get how to friend can be complete opposite of each other. 

Amelia was at the back seat still hung over from all the drinking and make out. Oliver literally took her away from her make out session and she was upset. 

"So, what are we doing today?" she held him from behind.

Oliver inhale deeply, she ricked of alcohol, "I am taking you home." Making emphasis on "I"

"Don't tell me you pulled me out of my good time just to take me home."

"If what you mean by good time is making out with a random guy at the middle of the street, then no I am taking you home."