
Bound by Deception: Billionaire's hostage heart

In the heart of New York City, a web of deceit and desperation unfolds as Ava Montgomery's twin brother, Ethan, perpetrates a daring heist against the enigmatic billionaire CEO, Jacob Blackwood. When the theft goes awry, Ethan goes into hiding, leaving Ava to face the consequences of his actions. Fueled by a desperate need to find her brother, Ava becomes an unwitting pawn in Jacob's dangerous game. Convinced that holding Ava hostage will lure Ethan out of hiding, Jacob takes her captive, intending to use her as leverage. As Ava and Jacob navigate the confines of captivity, they find themselves drawn to one another in unexpected ways. Despite the dire circumstances, a profound connection forms between them. Ava, initially resentful and frightened, discovers a different side to Jacob – a man scarred by his own past, driven by a relentless pursuit of justice. In the midst of danger and deception, Ava and Jacob's relationship deepens, blurring the lines between captor and captive. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the complexities of trust and love. As the truth behind Ethan's actions begins to surface, Ava and Jacob must confront their own demons and decide whether their burgeoning love can withstand the storm of secrets surrounding them. Will they find a way to trust each other, even when the truth threatens to tear them apart? In this tale of unexpected romance, Ava and Jacob must navigate the treacherous waters of deception and desire, learning that sometimes, love can bloom in the most unlikely of places.

Anita_Martins_1617 · Urban
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5 Chs


 Ava's eyes widened in shock, her heart pounding in her chest as she absorbed Jacob's chilling words. The air in the room grew heavy with tension, and the once-familiar surroundings of Jacob's office now seemed like a labyrinth of uncertainty.

She stammered, her voice barely audible,

 "What... What do you mean, Jacob? You can't be serious." 

Her hands trembled, and her wavy strawberry-blonde hair fell like a curtain, partially veiling her horrified expression.

Jacob's face remained impassive, his eyes cold and calculating. 

"I am very serious. Your brother owes me a significant debt, and until I find him, and he repays it every dime, you will stay with me as collateral. Consider it an insurance policy for his cooperation."

Ava felt a mix of fear, anger, and disbelief surge through her. She clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white.

 "You can't just do this! It's inhuman, it's... it's kidnapping!"

Jacob leaned back in his chair, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

 "Call it what you want, Ava. But your brother's actions have consequences, and I intend to make sure he fulfills his obligations. You're just a pawn in this game."

Ava's mind raced, desperately trying to find a way out of this nightmare. She took a step back, her body language expressing both defiance and vulnerability. 

"There must be another way, Jacob. Please, don't do this. There has to be some way to resolve this without resorting to such drastic measures."

Jacob's expression remained unyielding, unmoved by her plea.

 " This is the only way your brother will understand the gravity of his situation. You have two choices: stay here willingly or face the consequences if you try to escape. It's up to you."

Ava's shoulders slumped, a mix of resignation and determination in her eyes. With a deep breath, she steadied herself, her wavering resolve hardening into steel. "Fine. I'll stay. I don't have any other place to go though. But know this, I won't give up on finding a way out of this."

"First things first, my boxes are at the train station. I had nowhere to go, so I left them there. I'll have to collect them before anything else." 

"I'll have my men send the boxes back to my place."

"Your place? That's where I'll be staying? With you?" Ava asked, raising her brows softly.

"You'd prefer to stay where? Here, in my office? Out in the streets? Or perhaps, I should probably book a hotel suite to your liking huh?" 

"Okay. The hotel suite doesn't sound bad. You could rent out the whole hotel if you wanted to." Ava said with nonchalance.

"I could, but I don't want to. I want you close to me at all times. I want you within my reach, and if in any case, your brother contacts you, you'll do well to let me know of it."

His eyes wander and rest on his secretary, "James, see to it that Miss Montgomery's boxes arrive at the penthouse before dawn."

"Okay, sir," James answered, taking out his phone, he dialed a number as he walked out the door.

"Now what? Ava found her voice, not believing she agreed to this.

"Now we wait."

"Whatever for?" Curiosity seems to be setting in but Jacob ignores her, as he seems to be engrossed in what seems to be a folder before him.

As the realization of her dire situation sank in, Ava's wavy strawberry-blonde hair framed her face like a defiant halo, symbolizing her inner strength amidst the darkness that had engulfed her. The room fell into a heavy silence, the tension palpable, as both Ava and Jacob understood that their lives were now irrevocably intertwined in a dangerous game with uncertain outcomes.

 In the heart of the city, Jacob's luxurious billion-dollar penthouse stands tall, overlooking the glittering skyline. The entrance welcomes visitors with grand double doors adorned in intricate golden filigree, opening into a foyer paved with marble flooring. 

A cascading crystal chandelier hangs from the high ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow across the space.

The living area is a masterpiece of opulence, featuring plush velvet sofas in deep, royal blue, accented by golden throw pillows. The walls are adorned with ornate mirrors and priceless artwork, while the floor-to-ceiling windows offer panoramic views of the city below.

 A grand piano sits elegantly in one corner, waiting for skilled hands to bring its melodious tunes to life.

The dining room boasts a long, polished mahogany table surrounded by high-backed chairs upholstered in rich burgundy fabric. A dazzling chandelier hangs above, illuminating the gleaming silverware and crystal glasses set meticulously on the table.

Stepping into Ava's room, despite the dire circumstances, is a testament to luxury. The walls are painted in a soft, calming shade of lavender, and adorned with delicate floral patterns. A king-size canopy bed, draped in silk curtains, sits at the center of the room, its sheets and pillows soft as clouds. 

Beside the bed, a vanity table with a golden-framed mirror and an array of high-end cosmetics offers a touch of glamor.

She realized that this Man was way out of her league than she'd thought. A man of this caliber could order a hit on her brother if he wanted to. With his reputation, he can have Ethan delivered to him before the day's end. 

In one corner, there's a cozy reading nook with a plush armchair and a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf filled with leather-bound volumes. A balcony attached to Ava's room provides breathtaking views of the city, with a small bistro table and chairs where she can sit and contemplate her predicament.

As Ava explores her luxurious surroundings, Jacob, with a hint of arrogance in his voice, says,

 "I hope you appreciate the elegance of your temporary abode, Ava. You'll find that every corner of this penthouse exudes wealth and taste. Now, make yourself comfortable, because until I find your brother, this will be your home."

Ava, trying to remain composed, replies,

 "You may have surrounded me with luxury, but I won't forget the truth behind all this. My brother might have made a mistake, but this isn't the solution." Her stomach rumbles, signifying how hungry she is, betraying her.

"When last did you even eat something?"

"I might have forgotten to eat last night, and... the night before I guess."

"Well before anything, try cook up something and eat. Don't starve yourself."

"And back to our previous conversation,.."

Jacob smirks, "We'll see about that, Ava. Welcome to my World."