

"Yes, well…"

He smiled, taking those two words as wholehearted agreement. "There you see?"

But she was beyond answering. He was peeling off his shirt and revealing bronze skin covered with silky black hair over sculpted muscles that tapered to a narrow waist and an intriguing arrow of hair that hinted at more. He was so incredibly gorgeous and overwhelmingly masculine.

He undid the button on his trousers and she sucked in air. It didn't help her feeling of light-headedness, though.

The man was simply too delicious for words.

He started pushing his trousers down  and she thought maybe she should be doing something, too. Though it was hard to move when her body was trembling so hard. She reached for the buttons on the front of her silk jacket.

"Don't," he said with a shake of his head. "I want to undress you."

"You're going to torture me, aren't you?"

"With pleasure…. perhaps."

She quaked inside where he could not see. "I'm not going to survive."

"I had not pegged you for such a pessimist."

She laughed, but the sound choked off as he divested himself . His erection sprang out from a nest of curly black hair. Even though they'd made love twice the night before and once again that morning, she still felt a frisson of trepidation skitter up her spine at the prospect of taking the big shaft inside her.

"You are looking at me as if I am a snake ready to bite."

She bit her lip. "More like a tree trunk ready to impale."

He laughed out loud, his head going back as amusement shook his tall frame. "You are priceless, Ash."

Her heart squeezed. To see him like this was so rare andshe had made it happen. It increased her sense of being special to him.

He was still grinning, looking at her. "You know we fit. Perfectly."


"But you still look nervous."

"I am, a little."

"Let me see what I can do about that." He moved toward the bed and the closer he got the faster her heart sped.

He stopped when his knees pressed against the end of the mattress and reached down to take one of her feet in his hand. He slid the sandal off. "Did you know that there are numerous pleasure points in your feet?"

She shook her head, her throat suddenly too dry to speak.

He cupped her heel in his big palm and used his other hand to massage her arch, sending pleasure arcing through her.

She gasped and moaned, her head falling back against the bed. "I do now."

He chuckled. "You like it?"

Her only answer was a moan as he found one of the pleasure points he'd mentioned. He massaged both feet thoroughly, pressing between her toes and making her squirm with feelings that did not resemble ticklishness in the least. It was both strange and wonderful to have a gorgeous naked Greek caressing her feet while the rest of her body was still fully covered.

Slowly his touch moved up her legs, finding sensitive dips and hollows on her ankles and behind her knees. One spot had her keening his name and arching off the bed.

"You are so beautiful in your passion, Ash."

"I've never felt like this before," she gasped.

"I am glad."

She was, too. Once again the word special came to her mind, but she still had no idea if what they felt was out of the ordinary for him.

But his fingers had just the slightest tremor as they made their way under her skirt. "Your skin is like satin, so smooth and soft. So perfect, petti mou ."

He massaged her, working his way to her inner thighs and touching flesh that felt as private as her feminine center. In a way it was. No other person touched her thighs like this. She'd never thought about it before, but many parts of her body were actually pretty private and Nikos would touch them all.

He caressed her there, not even slipping a fingertip under the elastic band of her panties and her pleasure grew until she was making little mewling sounds and had spread her legs in silent, begging invitation for more. But he slid his hands back down her legs.