
Chapter 12 : Familiar Faces

Catalina POV

After going through a side exit, presumably to avoid getting caught at checkpoints since I was technically ‘stolen goods,’ we arrived at a sleek gray Porsche. I was surprised that we didn’t have to navigate through a million different secret passageways to get here. I was expecting my papa’s lesson that it’s always easier to get into things, than out.

Oh, was he so wrong about this one. I wasn’t even here a few days and I already was out of that hellhole. However, I wasn’t in the clear yet. This man, although it didn’t quite seem like it, could be my next worst nightmare. Only time would tell.

He walked over to the passenger side of his speedy gray sport’s car, the color matching the peppered tints in his long, brunette hair. I’d never met a man his age—at least early forties I assumed—who had such majestic hair. I guess I was used to bald heads like my father.