
Bottoms Up, Top Down

A combination of interactions that had, happen years ago, now written as short novels and stories. Which story will you fall into?

ShayYuki · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 10

"Your parents do care little do you know! I had someone secretly watch them see how much social media cares but most of their social media talks about 'I loved my son' and all the old photos of you and report cards are on their social media! Even if you ran away I don't care if anyone else comes looking for you because I would look for you!"

Shaking his head Justin walked into the kitchen and stood there listening to Zeke talk and when you mention a whore for half of his life he froze and didn't move for a while. He turns and looks at the blond as anger flashed across his face as he started to yell.

"I would love to hear you explain this! Was spreading your legs everywhere worth it? Being imprisoned to me, when you can be free and have all the sex you wanted in your life!" As pissed off as Justin was he took his phone out calling someone and spoke nonchalantly.

"Andrew? It's Justin. You were right...Bring the divorce papers and we will meet you at my old place in a few."

An invisible hole opened up in the blond's heart. He stumbled toward Justin not evening bothering to argue against his husband about his past. Everything was done to keep up their appearance. His parents never loved him. His father had but after his death, his mother was never the same. And his stepfather was a monster.

"Justin..." Zeke collapsed to his knees in front of Justin. He kept the fact he was a whore hiding because no man on earth would ever marry someone like him. And now he knew why. They could never commit to one person but Zeke had tried. At least for a little while until he got lonely.

"Justin, please! That's not what I wanted! I don't want a divorce. Don't do this, please. I won't sign them. I'll stay here! I swore I'd stay here with you. Please... I love you. I've always loved you. I thought I could make it work. Keep my job hidden from you. But you found out. I never had the courage to explain it to you so I let it go."

He reached out for Justin gripping the hem of his pant legs between his fingers. The blond was a wreck. Crying as he spoke the truth about himself. He didn't care if Andrew heard him on the other end. He just didn't want to be abandoned because of what he was. He was always abandoned.

"You would never have looked at me if you knew I was a prostitute. So I lied about my job. I did work at that Cafe until I was fired. My co-workers found out. I bribed them to keep silent. Y-you caught me with one the other day... Justin please I love you. I've always loved you but I can't help that I work as a whore. My situation is not one you can understand easily! God please don't do this to me. I'll stay here. I stay in that room. I'll be what you want. Justin, please don't do this..."

Justin realized he was still on the phone when Zeke was babbling. He quickly hung up, to avoid hearing Andrew nag him, about how right he was. Anger still surges through the man.

"I was told by several people that you were a whore but I didn't believe it because I use to love you... Keyword use to… Maybe if you would have told me from the start I could have made an arrangement with my job to work things out about your need but no! You kept quiet and where we are now! I can't stand the fact you lied to me about everything!" Justin yanked Zeke off the hem of his pants and walked upstairs. He could look at his husband at the moment, all he could think of was beating the man up.

Zeke covered his mouth with his hand drowning out the sobs that filled the kitchen. He had messed this up. Lying was the worst choice he ever made. He had lost his husband and now he was losing their marriage. Zeke would have nothing left.

"Just... Hic- in... Justin..."

He cried for more than ten minutes. He pushed himself up and wiped the tears from his eyes and went after Justin. One last try. One last surrender before he gave up. Zeke walked into the bedroom where he thought Justin would be. He slammed the door behind him and stood blocking the entrance.

"No... We're not signing those divorce papers. I don't care what people warned you of. I loved you, I still love you. I'll quit. I'll quit but I need your help. I'll... I'll surrender myself this room. The bed. You." Zeke looked away inhaling a deep breath. "You don't need to love me anymore if that is what you have come to... I will surrender myself to you. If hurting me will make you not go through with the divorce then so be it. But I will not sign those papers. You couldn't force me to sign them."

"How am I suppose to help you quit!? You can barely contain yourself! What is the point of surrendering now? Do our vows not mean anything to you?"

Justin sighed hard and sat on the bed as he tried to calm himself down. He glances up at the blond and narrows his eyes.

"What is the point of not being in a relationship if there is no love Zeke? I'm only having Andrew bring the paper… If you can't prove to me that you completely changed within a week, I will make you sign them. Whether you like it or not. My signature has been placed since affair one."

"I don't know Justin. If I had the answer to that we wouldn't be here arguing over this!" He sighed and started pacing the floor. When he grew tired of pacing he sat beside Justin on the floor rather than the bed. He brought his knees to his chest and shook his head.

"You don't get it, do you? That's my job! I didn't tell you because I thought if I told you after our marriage you would reject me. I thought you would leave if I told you beforehand. What person would love a whore? A whore can never belong to anyone! I thought I could back out. I have been... Compared to before..." He covered his face with his hands.

"Fuck, Justin I do love you! I want our marriage to be salvaged! I would do anything to prove it to you. But I don't know-how! I don't know how to stop and when I come to ask you for help you throw fucking divorce papers at me!"

"If you would have told me I'm a hundred percent sure I still would have married you and find a solution to your need. If you told me I would have never gone away for business and I could have a video called them about the meeting. I loved you and every time I see you I have fallen in love again."

He stood up and walked into the bathroom taking an Advil for himself and bring back one of the Aphrodite pills and holds it out to give to his bride. Then handing him the water bottle.

"If I did throw divorce papers at you I would have done it from the start, the first time I caught you cheating but no. Here we are now after affair number eight and I'm deciding on what to do with you and your problems. Here take this, don't touch yourself, and don't utter a thing to me about letting you cum. I'll see if you can persuade me with it…"

Zeke took the pill and the bottle of water from Justin. He popped the pill into his mouth and swallowed both it and the water. When he emptied the bottle he tossed it into a trashcan across the room and leaned his head back. He never asked for anything to help him.

"And if I can't persuade you with just this? Then what? You'll give up on me?"

As Zeke went to stand he felt the heat spread out across his body. He sat back down on the floor, drawing his knees back toward his chest. The blond felt his breathing grow more and more labored. He gripped the hem of his shirt until his knuckles turned white.

"Is there anything else y-you want me to do besides this?" Zeke panted.

"I won't give up so easily, like how you did to me. But I will give you many tries and if you fail to amuse me then welcome the divorce papers into your life." The man said, giving a slight smile. There was hope and if Zeke failed, sadly that hope will die.

He leaned down and gave the blond a little kiss on his neck and whispered into his ears. "Take off all your clothes and stand before me."

He shivered pulling on his shirt. It was so hard to resist the temptation of stealing a kiss from his husband's lips. Instead, he inched away from his breath fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. Zeke rose to his feet. He stripped his clothes in front of Justin. Piece by piece he let the clothes fall from his body. After he picked them up and folded them setting them aside and in the laundry basket in the bathroom. He walked back up to Justin swallowing what pleas he had ready to leave his tongue.

"Is this suitable enough for your tastes?" The blond said rather flustered.

The man gave a low chuckle and watched his bride move around the room. He wanted to kiss the man, but he knew that would set Zeke off even more. He shrugged.

"Maybe, but I don't know if that's all I want… I can already see that you need me to touch you or at least for you to touch yourself. But I won't give you that satisfaction of that just yet."

Justin pulled Zeke by his hips closer to him and looked up at him. "How badly do you need me, Zeke?"

He looked Justin in the eyes then flickered his eyes away. It was an easy question to answer but one he wasn't quite sure how to say it. Did Justin mean sexually right now or overall? Zeke was leaning to overall in general. How much he depended on Justin. How much he loved him. Desired him. The blond took one last step forward then sank to his knees in front of Justin. Just thought of losing him made the blond ill. Tears pricked his eyes as he rested his forehead against his husband's knees. Zeke rested on his knees, his hands gripped at Justin's pants.

"Words cannot express how much I need you, Justin. I am... I am nothing without you by my side. I've told you before but I would do anything to prove it. Anything to stay by your side. No matter how weak I may be I always need you... No one can replace you. No one but you can satisfy me..."

Justin's heart melted, he leaned forward giving Zeke a kiss on his head and pulled him on top of his lap.

"I love the sound of that, I just wish I can believe you at the moment... Tell me everything you did when I wasn't around to help you with this need." Justin really wanted to believe him, he doesn't know how long for all parts of him to agree that he was permanently his, without the aggressiveness of the man. He wiped away the tears that started to form in the eyes of the blond and slowly stroked his cock.

Zeke hesitated. To even speak of all the things he had done was difficult. But to prove himself to Justin he spoke of it anyways. Everything. Down to how each man held him the past couple of weeks. The blond flushed red at the thought of what he had done. Obviously, he enjoyed it all which defeated the purpose of this. To prove he still loved Justin and only Justin.

"I... I always start off touching myself. Usually multiple times one time after the next but it's never enough..." Zeke began unable to look Justin in the eyes. It was hard enough being so close and so aroused but to add insult to injury the other had to touch him. He had to make him state all the lewd things he had done while he was away. Of course, Zeke didn't have too but if he wanted to stay with Justin, then he did. "I try doing it myself with my fingers but it's not the same. I tried toys and such but it's not the same as a real cock... So I used to go out when it's time for work..." The blond went quiet, pressing his trembling lips together in a thin frown. It was becoming harder for him not to resist that temptation of pleasure.

"H-ha... And when I found a suitable man who fits my taste I'd bring them home. S-sometimes I would go with them and we'd fuck at their home instead. It didn't matter where. It didn't matter how many or who was there. I'd like it rough because while you were away it was enough to sedate my desire for you. To replace that empty void... Nothing was enough. Not even the ones who used pain." Zeke admitted everything. Exposing exactly who he was in front of his husband and it was quite the blond was partly ashamed of what he did while Justin was away.

Justin lifted Zeke's chin up and kisses his neck and shoulder as he listens to him telling him everything that the blond did to satisfied his need, even though it made Justin made me feel hurt and angry inside. Justin didn't show much emotion other than love still. He kept stroking the blond more and a little harder

"Don't cum Zeke... Wait for me to let you."

The man lightly pinched Zeke's nipples and looks up at him.

"Why couldn't you suppress the need for me until I got back. I do the same to you. When I'm away from you all I think about is you and I'm hard instantly… I just wait until I come home from business to have you again." Justin felt broken, he tried so hard to suppress his need, those cold showers mocked him every day he came back into the hotel. His hand was in pure pain because he wanted to touch the man.

It became harder for the blond to resist the temptation and the need to release. He slumped forward resting his forehead against Justin, squirming against his touch. If this continued any further Zeke wasn't so sure he could hold himself back and then what? Would Justin leave just like that? No, he couldn't allow that to happen.

"Just-in..." He breathed out his husband's name, his hot breath cascading down on the other's shirt. Zeke was slowly cracking, breaking under the pressure of the need to cum.

"It wasn't as easy as it looks... I tried! I really did try for quite some time and it went well for a while but I couldn't help it. I had my job for the first two years of our marriage. I quit but fell right back into it on your longer trips. It sedated the lust for you... I want no other man than you. It was for my job I slept with other men. There was only one who I really ever had the affair with but I would always run back to you. I'm done with it all. I swear it on my life I'm done with it... I regret every last thing I've done to you. You didn't deserve it!" Zeke cried.

The man continued to stroke Zeke, and play with his chest. "And I am going to make sure you will never get a chance to have another affair as long as I am alive and with you…Don't make me back down on my decision."

Justin continued to torture the man, he knew he would snap and cum at any moment. He knew how well Zeke's body was weak to pleasure, but still, he said. "You better not cum Zeke. And if you do you will have to take another pill and we'll start all over again… You will cum eventually if you hold it." Would Zeke's body force him to give in, or hold it because Justin simply told him to? Justin wasn't sure, but he wouldn't be mad at which Zeke chose.

Zeke went silent panting and exhaling heavy deep breaths. If only he could hold it then perhaps it would have been easier. But the blond knew his body better than Justin or any man he laid with for that matter. Even if he wanted to hold back, to which he did very much, he struggled to do so.

"Can't… Justin, I c-can't..." He panted. The blond rubbed his head against his husband's shoulder. His breaths were short and heavy as he felt himself go numb. It wasn't long before his tip leaked fluids much to his dismay. He couldn't hold it and as a result, he slumped forward having coated Justin in his own bittersweet juices.

"Ha... H-ha... I'm s-sorry... Justin I-I'm sorry." Zeke sounded so defeated when he spoke. His eyes pricked with tears knowing his body could not resist the sweet temptation of climaxing even when he tried so hard on his own to prevent it. But it didn't matter. He would do this over as many times as it took. All to prove he wanted to stay with his husband.

Justin pulled Zeke back after he came in his hands and kissed him softly. "You know, I'm fully aware you were not able to hold much back with the pill in effect. So I'll let you break for now."

The man lifted his hands and watched Zeke as he licked the remains off his hands. He sighed softly after he finished because he knew his husband would be exhausted and if he went again he would have passed out. He leaned forward carefully kissing the man because he was afraid that the man would find him hard beneath him.

"It's okay, you did well for now. It's okay." Justin said wiping the tears from Zeke's face.