
Bottles and Jellies

Sophie Adams is an orphan who works hard to the bones and gives her all to earn money. She's the famous Tobermory's "runner" after all. Her life in the village was so simple, laid back yet fun. She got one goal- to save enough money so she can move to the city and find a rich young man to marry. Everything was falling to its right place until she once found an injured man in the forest and saved him from dying. With just a single but rare heroic decision on a regular summer day and suddenly all hells broke loose. Sophie's simple life turned upside down. Her once happy village life began to change because of a man. He came to her life like a thief in the night and ruined her house, her plans and her life. He even dissipated her entire savings! She kills him in her mind, every single day. Alexander on the other hand, is an arrogant, bossy yet annoyingly handsome stranger. He lost his memories because of an accident. Luckily, Sophie found him and reluctantly took him in as he waits for his family to collect him. He drives her insanely crazy day and night! Sophie is his savior. Alexander is her waterloo. Sophie is his most favorite person-- to annoy. Alexander is her ultimate and worst decision. They started really bad. She suddenly needed money to pay her debts--because of him! He was useless, lazy and stupid. She was desperate to get out there and marry a rich young man. Yes, he was handsome but was poor and has the worst kind of memory loss. Plus, he was a total pain in the ass. Is there a slight chance that love would blossom between them despite the odds of their taste, goals, backgrounds, and fate?

Marylla_Amor · Urban
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15 Chs

9 Summer storms

"You don't have a brolly or a raincoat, lass?"

Sophie turned to her side and saw her boss, Mr. McGregor, standing by the window next to her.

He was still wearing his favorite plaid apron as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched the heavy downpour outside Celestine Wheel.

Her shift was over but due to the storm, she decided to stay at the lobby upstairs and wait for the rain to stop.

It was already half past ten in the evening and yet there were no imminent signs that the rain would be over soon, so she decided to gaze upon the terribly dark sky pouring everything it got and hammering every roof in the village with its unusually larger raindrops. Even the whistling wind was wildly dancing as the torrential rain continuously soak their village.

Another streak of thunderbolts and lightnings broke into the sky in random fashion cascading the entire horizon with sharp silver-white crooked lines tearing the pitch-black atmosphere.

It seemed that the dark clouds hovering above them will keep on drenching the village until it satisfies and completely dries out.

It was her first summer storm experience since she moved in Tobermory four years ago.

The weather in most of Scotland was very unpredictable and most areas are wet due to frequent rainfalls. Something that is unusual in Tobermory. It never rained during summer that's why many tourists flocked to their town due to its warmest and nicest weather.

Suddenly, she remembered her weird dream the other night. It was as if the sky was sending her a sign.

No! It couldn't be.

She shook her head and refocused her mind.

Getting worked up with some weird dream won't do her any good. Besides, she has a goal to achieve. It would be better to focus all her energy on making them happen rather than worrying about some vague tragic dream that might not even happen in reality.

She finished all her duty at the pub that night early and since there were few customers downstairs, she was able to wrap up her work even before her shift ended.

Also, it was summer and they were almost hitting the peak season for the inns and B and B's around the village so she'll get extra busier during her cleaning duties at the Twin Thistle Inn. Well, that was aside from her other "running" duties for the inn's guests which she adored doing the most.

Extra errands meant nothing less than extra cash.

Yey! Money is her life!

She'll do everything it takes to reach her goal.

Right after she delivered the last order from Mr. Finn, she rushed to the pub and started with her night job.

"I'm a girl scout, boss!" She showed him her waterproof hooded parka jacket tucked in her armpit.

Mr. McGregor nodded.

"This storm's quite unusual, don't you think?" His voice was quite louder due to the continues ramming of rain outside.

"Yeah. It's weird cause it's summer." She answered almost yelling. Another lightning appeared in the sky followed instantly by a loud thunder.

"You know? My old folks used to say something ominous about summer storms in Tobermory."

She looked at her boss with inquisitive glance.

"Some elders would even say something twisted is soon to happen in this village." Mr. McGregor continued.

"Twisted? That's quite fatalistic, boss." She laughed it off. "Can we charge it to climate change, instead? The whole world is changing, you know? One or two summer storms might only mean the world is not like the world we had before."

Unsurprisingly, her boss had the same thought as hers.

How strange?!

"Hey, Pa!"

It was Diarmuid, Mr. McGregor's nephew and adopted son.

"I was looking everywhere for you." The teenager turned to her. "Why are you still here, Soph? I thought you're at home sharing some steamy hot night with your new boyfriend." He was grinning at her meaningfully.

She smirked.

"Not funny, D. Can we all agree starting tonight not to talk about that man again, please? Just hearing someone mention him or anything about him brings my blood to boil over the roof."

"So, the rumors about you getting yourself a new boyfriend is true, huh?" Her boss eyed her skeptically.


"I heard he's a handsome young fella, Pa."


"I'd like to meet that lad, young lady."

She rolled her eyes and turned to the two men gazing weirdly at her.

"First, he's not my boyfriend. Second, he's not in a million years gonna live with me and third, I'm going home now because I'm sleepy. I need to rest and earn more money tomorrow. Okay?"

"A word of the wise, Soph. Don't talk in conclusion. You never know what might happen tomorrow. Right, Pa?"

Her boss gave her a knowing smile.

She looked at the two men already making funny plans for her and her non-existent 'boyfriend'.

"Sad to turn you two down but you won't see him nor even meet him since I drove him away already."

They were both gawking at her.

"But why, Soph? Why?!" Diarmuid's face was exaggeratedly crossed.

"Just because." She turned her back on them and donned her jacket. "Goodnight Boss! Goodnight D!"

"Wait up!" The young McGregor grabbed her arm. "We need an explanation."

She glared at her.

"I don't need to. Besides, I don't want to talk about him anymore." She removed his hand on her arm and wore her hoodie before she opened the wrought-iron door behind her.


The father and son duo silently watched as the door shut before them.

"That's odd. I thought she already agreed to take care of him temporarily." Diarmuid rubbed his chin as he dove into his own thoughts.

"What are you not telling me boy?"

Diarmuid grinned slyly at his father.

"Nothing. I'm just excited for what's upcoming in your most diligent employee's boring life, Pa."

"What if that man is a psycho?" Mr. McGregor's was like a father for Sophie.

He placed his arm on his father's shoulders.

"Don't worry, Pa. Mr. Finn told me he lost all his memories."


"Yes. Sophie and her amnesia man."


"This storm is insane."

Sophie cannot even see the street clearly as the rain got stronger and the wind kept on blowing hard towards her direction. The wind was pushing her back to where she came from as she struggled to pedal her way back home.

There were falling branches and trees all over the place. Good thing, the lights were still on.

She was totally drenched all over so she pedaled a little slowly as the street was quite flooded and slippery already.

Her tire screeched as she reached the entrance to her house.

"Home! Finally!" She exclaimed as she stood in front of her door after she parked her bike at the side.

Another thundering noise bolted in the sky.

"This storm is never stopping anytime soon."

She took out her keys and grabbed the knob.

The lock clicked and as she turned the knob, she felt a heavy, cold, and clammy object fell on one of her shoulder.

Her back straightened, her shaking hand formed a fist as she slowly turned to her back and check what it was.

"W-Where have you been? I've b-been w-waiting for you f-for a c-century."

A tall, dark, cold, and drenched shadow showed up before her.
