
Chapter 18


"See I told you not to worry, now you've only wasted your precious tears that you'll use in the bed at night, don't do that next time"

Yna glared directly at the girl in front of her.. how shameless just like her brother, both cheesy

"It's almost lunch let's go have lunch, you know, mother's birthday is coming up next month, I told you in advance so you'll think of what to buy"

Gina said finally being considerate as they walked out of Yna's office to go get lunch

"hmm, so what does mother like I'll get her everything she likes"

Lin Yna said as she slowly thought, she never even have a motherly love once so she don't know what mothers really like or hate, she never had a real one

"Hmm, mom mostly have everything she wants so anything by you will be really dear to her! I bet she never had a grandchild, make her one"

Gina said with a chuckle and Lin Yna glared at her slowly

coming to think of it, she never really had the idea of making a child, anytime she and Ginze did it, they always will put on condoms, she didn't also want to loose her figure yet so a child is not the best option


After the dinner with Gina, Lin Yna went to visit Ginze at the office, they might just go home together..

"Is Chen Ginze inside? or he's busy?" Lin Yna stared at The secretary Han Wan slowly who was lost staring at Lin Yna

It was the first time they were this close, she was so pretty indeed she saw why the great CEO fell immediately for this girl

"Oh yes he's inside" Seeing the weird gaze Lin Yna was giving her she composed herself and said that without thinking

"O... okay" Lin Yna said and was about going inside but Han Wan stopped her that moment

"He doesn't want to be disturbed, that's what he said" Lin Yna nodded her head but was about heading in again when Han wan stopped her with a pleading eye

"Madam Lin please don't go inside, the boss had been moody,he was just signing and reading he didn't even care to look at us, then he instructed that anyone who enters would loose their life and I would loose my job" Wan's face was pale as she spoke

Lin Yna held her hand slowly and said..

"Trust me I'm his wife, if he sees I'm outside here, he'll be more angry than he was, so let me, I promise he won't do anything"

saying this wan nodded her head and finally let Lin Yna go inside as she sat to listen if something would happen in there but sighed happily as she didn't hear anything and the boss didn't come out

"Ginze...." Lin Yna walked in slowly towards him and he stared at her before dragging her to his laps

"You came at the right time, I've been thinking about you all day, I'm saying the truth here" Saying this he pulled her into a kiss as he kissed her slowly

"Ginze this is the office, you're going too far" Lin Yna blushed slowly as she bit in her lower lips to stop her wide moans

"this if the office, and this is my wife, both are mine so why worry about anything else, I need you Yna" his voice was hoarse and it made Yna aroused

"How about the condoms? I... are you okay with it?" Yna asked and he slowly opened her legs with a wide grin while he cleared the table falling everything

From the outside Wan eyes widen when she heard things broke, what was wrong? it had been long so sound and now? did she make the boss angry and where is that stupid Gu jingyu? isn't he the secretary?

"It's fine by me wifey" saying that he thrusted him deeply in one go which made him earn a loud moan from her


Outside they could hear faint moans of sweet pleasure no matter how much she did not to sound loud she couldn't control herself

Soon the couples walked out from the office as though nothing had even happened between them before and this made everyone surprised, they acted Soo cooly

Lin Yna turned to Han Wan and slowly winked at the secretary who gave a weak smile at her hopelessly on what to do just then Gu Jingyu walked in

"You idiot! where have you been, you could have heard alot today, but anyways hmmph!" Wan said sarcastically and Gu jingyu inches closely

"I can still hear it, if i want to" his hand wrapped around Han Wan's waist which made the later blush hard before pushing him away

"We're at work, behave" she said worriedly in a whisper which made Gu jingyu chuckled lowly

"Are you saying we can do this at my house? I'm ever ready!!" Gu jingyu teased slowly which made Han Wan's poor heart skipped a bit just by the thought of that

"I never say that, you pervert, hmmph, get away from me" She said and immediately ran off, she needed cold water, she was damn hot right now"


"I thought about gifting your mother something, but I don't know what exactly to gift her"

Lin Yna was she worried as she stared out of the window while seating on it, that was indeed her favourite spot while standing just there was Ginze's favourite spot

"How about this..."

Her eyes immediately twinkled as she stared at Ginze who had a serious face, so by now he must surely be serious today or many at this moment "Tell me"

"Well happy birthday mom, guess what's I'm pregnant" Ginze said his face still serious and I frowned hard at him

He turned to look at me and burst out into a great laughter, it was indeed a moment of joy and she found herself laughing too

But why? his laugh was rare and Intruding, so she laughed even though she knew she'll be laughing at herself.

"I'm serious that will do" his face soon turned normal, he was indeed so quick in changing mood, appearance and expression

"Hmm" Lin Yna only hummed but soon felt that he was just staring at her without moving his gaze

"Take a picture it'll last longer" she blushed while teasing him, unknowing to her this man took it seriously and she could hear a click

Did he just take a pic of her?

"Give me that? I must look ugly in it" Lin Yna cried out as she ran to get the phone but he had placed it high above knowing she was short

She jumped and jumped while he made sure she was safe by holding her waist , she already looked a mess but wouldn't give up

"Ginze!" she yelled loudly and he burst out into a great laughter

"I'm Lin Yna!, I don't give up, hmmph!" she said with great pride and Ginze looked at her sweet milky face with a smile

"Of course I know, that's why I love you"

saying that even the time paused as she paused as well, he was for once surprised at what he just said, it was the first time telling someone that he loved him..

He might have said you're the woman I love, or she's my lover, or so many other things but this was the first time he had said he loved someone and even added the reason why he loved

"I... I'll go to bed now you can go have your bath if you're ready" Lin Yna said as she walked towards the bed.

He sighed at her expression, she was suddenly moody after he had confessed but why? he didn't know why

Even she herself didn't know why, maybe she just didn't know how to reply because it was the first time someone had told her blankly that they love her just because if her personality

she smiled to bed that night, she felt at ease


written by Sharon Raj

printed by Sharon Raj

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