
Boss, please be self-possessed

At first sight, Min Jiangxi was a tutor for the interview, but QinZhan mistook it for a woman who threw herself into her arms. He asked, "how much is it?" She replied, "two thousand an hour." "After sleep?" "Pre tax." "It's very cheap. I'll pay for it!" From then on, she was the teacher of children during the day and the shield of the black faced king of hell at night.

DaoistflOfXJ · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 2: Sell skill but no sell body

Qin Zhan didn't seem to hear it. He didn't even turn his head. He casually took out his mobile phone and said, "cigarette."

The VIP room is filled with laughter and smoke. The female publicist will light a cigarette and then send the cigarette with lip print to the gold Lord nearby.

Minjiangxi looked down slightly, picked up the cigarette box beside the table, knocked a cigarette out, handed it to Qin Zhan's lips, and then helped him light a fire. When the fire lit up, she saw that the man's lips were not thin and the lip shape was also very beautiful, but somehow it reminded her of the word mean.

Qin Zhan was smoking and looking at his mobile phone as if there were no one else. Min Jiangxi didn't care much. She talked about her resume. Qin Zhan's right hand went to hold the cigarette near his lips. A piece of ash happened to slide down his sleeve. Min Jiangxi saw this and quickly handed him the ashtray. Qin Zhan was not in a hurry. He pressed the cigarette in the ashtray and didn't hurry to shake it out. Instead, he handed his arm to her.

Minjiangxi frozed.

For a moment, she didn't move and he didn't move. The picture seemed to freeze in this second, but for a moment, min Jiangxi finally raised his hand and held Qin Zhan's cuffs in his fingers. Without touching his skin, he rolled them up section by section. He couldn't see the expression of the bottom of her eyes when he looked down. He only heard her say: "if Mr. Qin trusts me, you can let me try a few lessons first..."

The sleeve was quickly pulled to the elbow bend, revealing the man's long and tight forearm. The ash finally fell down. Qin Zhan withdrew his hand, his eyes still on the mobile phone, his lips moved, and asked: "how much is the charge?"

This is the first sentence he asked her after she sat down. Min Jiangxi immediately replied, "there is no charge during the trial."

Qin Zhan's face was dimly illuminated by the weak light of the mobile phone screen. He looked a pale face and a deep and sweet voice. "How do you try? Do you come to my house or do I go to your house?"

The man's magnetic voice makes people think, especially the bursts of low laughter coming from a distance. It seems that Min Jiangxi doesn't think too much alone.

She only paused for two seconds, then her voice returned as usual: "customer first, it depends on your needs."

Qin Zhan asked, "what is the price after sleep?"

Minjiangxi said, "it is stipulated that class B tutors charge 80 yuan a minute for a class of 100 minutes or 8000 yuan." Finally, she added, "before tax."

Qin Zhan suddenly glanced at her. She was wearing a white student skirt, the upper body was not exposed, or even conservative, but the skirt was slim, outlining a woman's radian and slender waist. She was tall, with a clean body of 1.73 meters, so the skirt that was not long was even more stretched on her. At a glance, it was all legs.

After only three seconds, Qin Zhan took back his sight and said in an indistinguishable voice: "I'll help you start the price and give you 10x price for each class."

His tone was casual, as if he was not talking about money but ordinary numbers. Min Jiangxi's face smiled more intensely, "Sow nothing, reap nothing."

Qin Zhan turned his head and looked at her for the second time tonight. The two people were facing each other in the dark. He opened his mouth with a deep voice and some meaningful bewitchment. "What if I say you have done meritorious service?"

The man's eyes fell directly on her face. There was a sense of pressure that could make people tense just by looking.

With a light smile, min Jiangxi said, "It is important to know one's limitations. I'm afraid I can't do a job at your price"

While talking, she stood up to go. Qin Zhan, who was leaning against the sofa, said, "you can make a price."

Her voice had returned to indifference, as if the previous bewitchment was just an illusion of her wishful thinking.

The VIP room was originally drunk and singing, but Qin Zhan's tone changed, and everyone lowered their voice. Minjiangxi wondered whether they were serious about entertainment.

Behind them were many pairs of eyes staring in the dark. Minjiangxi gradually took back the smile on his face, looked at Qin Zhan, and said calmly, "I came to interview as a teacher, not a prostitute."

As soon as she said this, she seemed to see Qin Zhan light smile. A few seconds later, he leaned forward and his face emerged from the dark. It was a particularly delicate face, delicate but not feminine. Whether it was extremely short hair or deep eyebrows and eyes, they all announced the domineering, extreme, indifference and even danger of men.

He looked at minjiangxi with his eyes slightly raised, looked her from head to foot, and asked sarcastically, "teacher? Where is it like?"

Min Jiangxi was not impatient, but looked calmly and said: "I didn't expect that Mr. Qin only looked at his appearance. I did as the Romans did when I was in Rome, but I can't really be vulgar. Don't make a price for me with this dress. Similarly, you can chase me, but you can't buy me.

With these words, she lifted her legs and left. It was quiet in the room. When min Jiangxi opened the door, a male voice suddenly came from the sofa: "what are you, come and go if you want?"

It was not min Jiangxi who wanted to stop. It was the bodyguard at the door who pressed her. She turned back slowly, looking not at the speaker, but at Qin Zhan in the corner.

No one dares to speak to Qin Zhan like this, let alone in front of so many people. The room is extremely quiet. At this moment, people's minds are no longer watching the excitement, but are eager to be deaf and blind.

No one dared to watch Qin Zhan's. He sat on the sofa and said, "let her go."

At the same time, the bodyguard stepped away. Minjiangxi walked out without looking back. Hearing the sound of closing the door behind her, she knew that she had offended another customer and was still a big customer. However, the colder her heart was, the hotter her heart was. Her body was like a trapped animal, struggling and bumping, stirring her blood and spirit.

Min Jiangxi just wanted to change his clothes and leave. She was not careful. She didn't see the door of the nearest room open and a figure appeared from inside. Both of them were trying to avoid dodging, so they bump together.

Minjiangxi was hit and staggered. She instinctively took a breath. She heard the other party's impatient "tut". She looked up and was about to apologize. But when she saw the person opposite, her expression changed, and then her face instantly returned to coldness.

Opposite minjiangxi was a short, fat man in his 40s. He was hit by someone. He looked up and wanted to scold. But his words were not spoken out. He was surprised and stunned for several seconds. When minjiangxi was about to leave, he said, "teacher min?"