
Boss, please be self-possessed

At first sight, Min Jiangxi was a tutor for the interview, but QinZhan mistook it for a woman who threw herself into her arms. He asked, "how much is it?" She replied, "two thousand an hour." "After sleep?" "Pre tax." "It's very cheap. I'll pay for it!" From then on, she was the teacher of children during the day and the shield of the black faced king of hell at night.

DaoistflOfXJ · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 14: It's time to change face

Min Jiangxi went back to "the Pineer" with confidence. She was sure that she was the same as when she went out in the morning. She didn't change her clothes or her hair. However, everyone looked at her with more meaningful eyes. She immediately guessed that the matter of signing a contract with the Qin family had been spread all over the world. After all, there was no secret in the office.

Sure enough, a colleague asked min Jiangxi over. With a gossip expression on his face and lowered his voice, "Miss Min, is Qin Zhan the one who came this morning?"

Min Jiangxi hasn't waited for an answer. Suddenly, there were at least 20 people around her. Everyone was curious and eager to learn. They looked like a large number of students approaching the college entrance examination.

Nodding, min Jiangxi answered truthfully, "yes."

The voice fell, and the atmosphere ignited instantly. Someone asked, "when did you finish the Qin family? The Qin family has changed 80 or 100 tutors. I don't know how much refunded even if the first grade A."

"Hey hey, Qin Zhan himself came to pick you up. Did you two know each other before?"

"Is Qin Zhan easy to get along with? I heard..."

"Have you seen Qin Zhan's son? What does he look like? Is it super difficult to deal with?"

Minjiangxi was surrounded in the middle. For a while, she couldn't get a word in. Finally, she heard someone said: "look at all of you look like a hick.Pay attention to your teachers' appearance."

Min Jiangxi hears the sound and sees that it is Miao Yun who is sitting in her seat and doesn't get up and doesn't look at this.

Miao Yun, like minjiangxi, is a B-level tutor. She is not the most advanced. However, it is well known that she has a close relationship with Hermanyi in private. Therefore, everyone has heard what she said and never refuted it.

However, some people like to challenge her. "Yes, the person who has seen the world and has the most say in the world is Miss Miao. After all, Miss Miao has also applied for the Qin family. Unfortunately, she hasn't."

The speaker was Lu Yuchi, who had just dodged from the tea room. With a cup of ice juice in his hand, he walked up to Min Jiangxi as if no one else was there. He handed it to her and said with a smile: "congratulations to Miss. Min for winning the 'big order' recognized by Shencheng city."

Miao Yun frowned and glanced, "what do you mean? Step on one, pull one? "

Lu Yuchi looked at it faintly, and there was no smile on his face. He said coldly, "if you know that pulling and stepping is boring, don't talk so much."

Miaoyun didn't expect Lu Yuchi couldn't get along with her, and there was no intention to give her a step down. Half of the people in the office went to class, but there were dozens of others left. She feel offended and said, "I kindly remind you that this is the office period. Don't turn gossip into business. And it's none of your business for me to talk to others. I need you to come out and talk about it?"

Lu Yuchi glanced coldly at Miao Yun sitting on the chair and said in a deep voice, "if you want to speak, just stand up and say."

Miao Yun was so angry that she suddenly stood up. "Lu Yuchi, pay attention to your attitude when you talk!"

Lu Yuchi just wanted to answer back, but Min Jiangxi dragged him around. The rest of the people had enough of the ridicule and tried to persuade him to make peace. The office area was full of gunpowder. No one saw when Hermanyi would come out of the office, but heard her say: "what happen?"

Miaoyun cries when she sees hermanyi. She cries and complains that Lu Yu has been complaining to her for two times a day. She is wronged.

Hermanyi looked at Lu Yuchi, who was standing next to min Jiangxi. She was so angry that turn to face and said: " Lu, this is our office time, there are things that should be solved privately. Even if there are things that can't be solved, You're new here. You shouldn't embarrass your elders. You shouldn't embarrass a little woman if you're a big man."

Lu Yuchi, a northeast straight man, really doesn't like to drill into the place where women get together if it's not for someone. His face is slightly red.

Without waiting for him to speak, Min Jiangxi quietly said: "Maggie, I didn't want to say something in front of everyone, but since you haven't avoided it, I don't need to cover it up for Miao Yun. Yes, I've been here for a month and lost eight customers in succession. I'm sorry that the big boss flew to dig up my sincerity, and I'm sorry that the Miss He helped 'me all the way, but this is not the reason why some people make me trouble openly and secretly?"

As soon as min Jiangxi spoke, everyone was surprised, including hermanyi, because this was the first time min Jiangxi openly 'resisted'. She was used to her good temper and even bullied appearance. She thought she was a soft persimmon and was covered by a big boss. Who expected that she would make it clear today?

Miaoyun was called to the roll. She was stunned at first, then choked and said, "what's the matter with me? Do you mean I make you trouble?"

Min Jiangxi looked at her, Expressionless way: "How many people have you told my many ugly things? I'm not stupid. I'm saving face for other colleagues. But I don't want to save your face now. Since you don't want to be nice to me, I'm too lazy to be polite to you. Today, in front of the Miss He and everyone, I warn you for the first and last time. If I hear any bad words about me from your mouth again, I promise to make you better than today Much more embarrassing. "

Min Jiangxi was tall, with drooping eyelids and a long face. She felt a strong sense of oppression that she couldn't say. She was so stunned. Miao Yun was stuck in his throat that she didn't dare to refute.

The huge office was suddenly silent. Finally, hermanyi broke the silence. She said, "well, it's all colleagues. If there is any misunderstanding, just tell me."

After saying that, for fear of Min Jiangxi's retort, she quickly added: " Miss min came to the office with me, and everyone broke up. That's all for today."

Minjiangxi secretly gave Lu Yuchi a look. As he Manyi entered the office, he said, "Miss Min, I'll save face for you outside. In fact, I don't agree with what you just did."

She sat on the boss' chair, her expression was not ugly, but she was full of the seriousness. This time, Min Jiangxi didn't just stand and wait for a lecture. She opened the guest chair opposite the desk and sat down. She said calmly: "I understand what your meaning. Try to make things smaller and smaller. If it can't be solved. There are you and the big boss."

Hermanyi's expression was lukewarm. "You know this truth. Just doing that, it was clear that you make problems for me."

Minjiangxi said: "although I have just come to "the Pineer" for a short time, I have heard that many about Miao Yun are trusted by you. Whether it is true or not, but she does often chew her tongue in the office. Everyone seems not to say it, and they have long been unhappy."

Hermanyi said, "I am not related to her. What they say in private is hearsay."

Min Jiangxi said, "I also believe in you. You take good care of new people like me. How can you allow others to pretend to be powerful behind their backs?"

Hermanyi didn't answer. She tacitly accepted it. In fact, she observed minjiangxi with vigilance.

Minjiangxi was also wronged. "I'm a newcomer here and don't understand the rules of "the Pioneer". I just heard that my new customer has a lot of background. I want to give it to Miaoyun. I'm afraid the customer doesn't agree, and the Qin family's little friend gets along with me."