
Boss, Madam Is In Trouble Again.

Hannah got married to her step sister's boyfriend, No 1 Top Youngest CEO, Victor for the sake of revenge. News have it that the Young Master only has eyes for the youngest daughter of the Smith Family, Aurora Smith but only Hannah knew how much he disliked woman. Despite that, she vowed to make him fall in love with her. Amidst their arguments and conflicts, they began to slowly acknowledge and fall in love with each other. A misunderstanding occured between them and Hannah decided to leave his life silently. Three Years Later "Boss, Madam is at the airport with a little girl that looks like you" "Quick, drive to the airport" "Please come back, I will give you anything you want" "Okay, I want the latest Aston Martin Vantage" "Fill the garage with the latest Aston Martin Vantage " "I would like a painting of Karen's" "Call Karen, and tell her to bring all her paintings to my place" And lastly, his little princess who schemes with daddy to get them together.

Lil_Novela1 · Urban
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3 Chs

Get A Divorce

Victor looked outside the door and hung up the phone. "So, you were eavesdropping on my phone call. Was all the words you said at the car all a lie? Well, how could I trust the woman who replaced her sister on her wedding day".

Hannah was scared shitless and she quickly tried to stand up but fell again. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to listen to your conversation".

Victor looked down at her and walked away.

"He's such a meanie. I don't know what it will take him to help me up", Hannah tried standing up but twisted her ankle and sucked in a deep breath in pain.

She wanted to return to her room but she was so hungry as she didn't eat at the wedding for fear of being discovered. She walked down the stairs, slowly.

Victor was already at the dining table, eating.

"Do you think that you are the Missy of this house and so everyone has to wait for you before eating?".

"I'm sorry. My ankle....", Victor interrupted her, dismissedly waving his hands.

Hannah was extremely displeased but reined in her angry and limped to the dining table.

She sat down far from Victor. Hannah looked at the food table and her mouth began to water. She started eating with no care for etiquette. Her mouth bulging as she chewed her food.Victor looked at her in distaste. Hannah felt the increasing pressure on her back and saw Victor staring at her intensely. 

"Looking at you, One would think you have not eaten for a month", Victor wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up from the table. Hannah choked on her food and stretched her hands to take water , Victor passed his cup to her. Hannah hurriedly drank the water and calmed down before realizing the cup she drank water from was Victor's. To ease the awkwardness, she told Victor 'Goodnight' and ran upstairs.

"Young Master, I think Miss is shy because she drank water from your cup", Butler Shan said, smiling. 

"So", Victor stared at Butler Shan looking confused. 

"Ayy....Seems like the Young Master doesn't know that it is considered 'Indirect Kissing' to drink water from the same cup with someone", Butler Shan chuckled softly, shaking his head as he walked away.

"At least, I didn't kiss her", Victor shrugged, going upstairs. 

The servants whispered among themselves.

One of the servants said "Seems like Sir and Madam will soon fall in love".

"At least, Sir will finally forget Miss...", A servant said before quickly shutting her mouth, realizing she said what she shouldn't have. 

"Don't you have anything else to do apart from gossiping. Is this all you are paid for?" Butler Shan frowning at the servants whispering. The servants quickly dispersed.

"I really hope this girl will be able to make Young Master happy and forget her. She really hurt him", Butler Shan looked upstairs with a sad expression and walked away.

Hannah paced around the room, heart beating extremely fast. 

"Hannah, calm down. It doesn't mean anything. At least we didn't kiss", Hannah said, clutching her hands to her chest. Her phone rang and she picked it up without looking.

"Hello, This is Hannah here", Hannah held the phone with one hand. 

"How Dare You, Hannah. I never thought you could be this evil", The voice from the phone screamed loudly into the phone.

Hannah was scared and instinctively distanced the phone from her ears.

"Oh... Little Sissy, What's up? Thought you would sleep in and wake up tomorrow", Hannah smirked, sitting on the bed and playing with the bed covers.

"You.....Dad, see your good daughter, stealing her sister's fiance and even getting married to him", Aurora burst into tears. Hannah could hear

Hi guys. I really hope you enjoy my story. Have fun reading.

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