
Boss in School

Kaido Sugawa had always been seen in the eyes of others as the problem child or delinquent and unlike most stories, there wasn't any misunderstanding because thats exactly who he was. Doing bad, illegal and unlawful things felt the same way to him as a kid who had just gotten their favorite toy. He loved it and it excited him.

InfernoRage · Anime & Comics
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It was around the middle of the night at about 11 or 12am. Kaido was wearing black fitted pants with a matching belt, a black nike sweater with his hood on and wore a face mask that covered his whole face up to his nose. He grabbed the revolver off his desk and started loading the chamber with .38 bullets. He put it in his hoodie pocket while still holding it. He stared at the ground with a serious face for a few minutes before heading out. He was tired of the Black Bears thinking he was someone who could be easily ran over and it was time to show them who he really was. This was going to be a beneficial take out. Yesterday he received info from a girl in his clan who was associated with BB gang that their leader had got linked in with a bigger gang and that tonight he was going to collect something from them to sell and it was something better and more profitable that selling cigarettes.

Kaido was prepared to end this mans career before it started. He left his phone and technology at home and left out the backdoor. He walked with speed and caution as he stayed aware of his surroundings, watching out for police or anyone who may run their mouths to the police. He crept up through the small woods and bushes which was short cut to the park where BB and this unknown gang would be dealing at. He stopped when he saw some people at the park standing around with duffel bags. He recognized their leader and watched the interactions between the two people. They opened up the duffel bag and he saw many things which BB was being provided with.

Inside the bag was pills, crack, needles and other substances. There was also some guns in the bag as well. Kaido clutched his revolver before he popped out the bushes and started bussin at the crowd. He shot 5 bullets with 1 left still in the chamber. Everyone had got low and started running when the shots started firing. He had killed one member of the other gang who was shot in the chest, The leader of that gang was shot in the arm but he got away with the rest of his gang. 2 bullets hit and killed a female who was next to BB gangs leader who we will assume was his friend or sister. She got hit in the head and stomach and the leader of BB who was currently trying to crawl away because he got hit in the stomach.

"S-Somebody....Help!" he tried to get out but couldn't yell loud enough because of his wounds. He kept crawling away while crying in pain. Kaido ran up on the crawling dead man and aimed the gun at the back of his head. He squeezed the trigger and let out the final bullet before grabbing the bag that was on the ground and running off with it. Because of all the pumping adrenaline he was runner quicker than usual. He was running through alleyways and backyards, hopping gates and traveling under abandoned passages. Instead of going to his own house, he ran to his girlfriends house. When he got there, he quickly knocked on her door while still looking around and checking for cops.

Finally the door had opened and Kaido quickly came in. "Whats wrong, why are you here so late?" she questioned but Kaido avoided her questions by kissing her while re-directing her into her room at the same time. He slowly took off her clothes and her feeling the moment went along with it.


"I knew I shouldn't have trusted my property to some school boys who didn't know how real it was in the battlefield. Fuck all that, we gotta find the motherfucker who did this to my arm and took my product from those dead ducks at the playground. This war time now so make sure your strapped. If you find anyone who knows anything or has relation to that motherfucker then find out more about him and if they dont reply then beat it out of them. If they apart of his set then kill them, no hesitation. We can't let that son of bitch live and I mean it" Said the Leader of the Dragon Disciple gang Kazuya Kaguma. His eyes were full of rage and although the shooting had nothing to do with him, he took the situation personal.

Anyway I just felt like writing some cool gangster shit. This might be the only chapter I make since I was just bored but if you all show support in the comments and reviews then I'll update on chapter 2.

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