
Boruto: The Depraved

Chosen to be reincarnated, he bent fate itself, he fueled his fear into his deadliest weapon. Moros Incarnate, Indra subsumed, The uncrowned king of mortals...Boruto, The depraved. Disclaimer: I don't own Boruto/Naruto nor its characters, I own my OCs, nothing more nothing less. AU: There are many things that aren't in the Manga/Anime.

Nethersteel · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

The unknown

"Uchuu huh... Alright, it matches her pretty well"

"Her? it's a male"

Boruto had a puzzled expression after Hiashi confirmed that it was a male, he shook his head discarding his thoughts.

Hiashi went out of the room leaving Boruto and Uchuu alone, he took one last glance at the kitten before his body flickered away.

'I need to buy some rubber balls'

Boruto parkour-ed on the buildings, he stopped at a certain shop which was named 'Fancy store'.

He went inside the store and came back, although now he had 6 rubber balls in his hands.

His body again flickered away, in about 5 minutes he reached the backyard of the Hyuga estate.

'This is gonna be quite tiring, and that old geezer is probably spying on me'

Boruto's gaze swept the area around him before he focused on the task in front of him, he held a rubber ball in his hands and channeled chakra into it.





Just like that, 1 year passed, and Boruto now had mastered the way of the gentle fist, His arsenal of Jutsus also increased.

Hiashi was the one who provided the necessary scrolls for his development, and Hanabi was recently promoted to a Jounin.

Making her very busy in the past few days.

Boruto now mostly stayed in the Hyuga estate, he often spend the nights there itself.

Hinata was happy about the fact that her child now had a strong bond with her father, Hima, on the other hand spends most of her time with Naruto.

At the present time, Boruto was ontop of the Hokage stone faces, he watched the sun rise up.

His eyes were calm, beside him was a small kitten, it was Uchuu. you might be wondering 'why didn't he change even after all this time?'.

Well, to answer that question....Uchuu was, a little different, no matter how much time passed, his body never developed.

His body stayed the same as an infatant, It was....quite a unique situation.


Boruto's fingers slid through its fur, making it purr in pleasure, he retracted his hand and stood up from his position.


Uchuu climbed om his shoulder and rested his body there, Boruto smiled at Uchuu, he walked away from there.


A blue hologram lit up in front of Boruto's vision after he commanded.





"Name: Boruto Uzumaki/Hyuga"

"Doujutsu: Jougan"

"Affinity: Earth, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Water, Ying&Yang"

"STR: 35 [Low-Genin]"

"AGL: 44 [Mid-Genin]"

"STA: 90 [High-Genin]"

"DEX: 29 [Low-Genin]"

"INT: 30"

"WIS: 30"

"CHA: 400 [High-Chunin]"

"CHA CTRL: 97℅"


"Lightning Style: Over-Drive, Thunder Clap Arrow, Pure Lightning Kunai"

"Water Style: Water Clone, Water Wall, Purify, Gun-Shot"

"Wind Style: Gale Palm, Great Breakthrough, Assassin's Rush, Wind Sword"

"Fire style: Blazing Hands, Piercing Hellstrike"

"Earth Style: Mud-Wall, Solid Shuriken, Spear, Expanding Spike"

"Rasengan, Body flicker, Shadow clone, Body replacement, Clone Jutsu"

Own Creation:

"Boruto Stream, Nerve Extraction, Heightened Focus"






'I expected atleast Jounin level chakra, but I guess my genes aren't strong as Naruto's'


Boruto was now sitting on a bench in the park, it was around 5:30 in the morning, the park was all empty.

He was about to get off from the bench but a humanoid figure distracted him, he looked to his left and saw a kid similar to his age.

It was a girl, she had purple hair that reached till her shoulders, her eyes were also purple...but those eyes lacked emotions.

She was on the swing all alone, she seemed to be in deep thought, Boruto diverted his gaze from her and started walking out of the park.

'None of my business'

He started making his way towards his home, in about 2 minutes he reached his destination.

He climbed ontop of his house and then entered his room through the window, but what he saw wasn't something he expected.

Naruto was sitting on a chair with his chin resting on his palm, both of them stood there looking at each other.

Silence enveloped the room, Boruto slowly got down from the window and sat on the bed.



"You wanna come with me to Kirigakure?"


Naruto got up and patted his shoulder before exiting the room, Boruto entered the bathroom to freshen up.

He then dressed up, he wore the casual Boruto outfit but he now had Black fingerless gloves.

"Uchuu, I'll be back soon alright...don't cause trouble for mom when I'm gone"


The small kitty nodded and laid on bed, Boruto smiled before exiting the room,

He exited through the front door and saw Naruto along with Hinata waiting outside.

"Let's go, or we'll miss the Boat"

Boruto nodded at him, they both departed, Hinata waved her arm and said her goodbyes.

"So...why're we going exactly?"

"Well, they rebuild their whole Village...all the other Nations' representatives will be there, and I wanted to show you the Village myself"

Naruto flashed a bright smile and ruffled Boruto's hair, the latter just nodded.





[1 day later]

"We're halfway there"

Boruto muttered as he watched the ocean's tides, the cool breeze coupled with the daylight gave a nice atmosphere.

'I wonder...is it possible to create an ocean?....guess I'll find out when I reach that level'

Boruto sighed, he looked infront of the boat and saw mist covering the entire area, he narrowed his eyes when he saw a figure inside it.

'What the!?'

The figure soon disappeared from his vision, but what he saw made his eyes widen.

'That was atleast 1500 meters tall, I never saw something like that in the anime...what the fuck, is this a fucking AU!!?'

His gaze didn't leave the mist, he waited if the figure would show up again...but it didn't, it was like it was never there in the first place.

'Maybe it's a Godzilla....Nah....but the possibilities aren't zero'

He got lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice the black clouds forming ontop of him.




'Was that fucking black lightning that just destroyed a boulder?'

Boruto grew more and more confused after each passing second, he understood that the dangers in this verse were much higher than the original one.

'That fucking old geezer, he threw me into the unknown'

He suppressed his anger and went inside the boat, his blood was boiling, a seed of hatred was now placed deep inside his heart.