lets get over with it God gave me a skill reborn in boruto at first I protested but after 'persuation' ▪︎cough▪︎ beating ▪︎cough▪︎ I relented after reincarnation what I see is a guy with mohawk hair style putting his hand in a pot with some fluid and pipes attached to it and that was when I know that I funked up
He was in the dark room again
standing in front of him was a dark silhouette
Indra didn't say anything just stood there glaring at him
The dark silhouette shifted
" Mmm... so can you say anything " The silhouette said Awkwardly
" Fuck you... that is what I say now explain " asked Indra annoyed
" Okay so let us get to the beginning I placed your soul in the body and the previous soul should have merged with yours " said silhouette
" so what got wrong " Indra asked confused
" The soul was equal to yours but the soul didn't have much memories compared to you so it god subdued but when he saw something the soul emerged forward I didn't know that the soul was just like you " said The silhouette
" Can you like throw it out " asked Indra
The silhouette shifted Awkwardly
" So ? " Indra asked annoyed
" Well you will lose control over the body and its unique traits "
" What ? ... calm down calm down sigh " Indra calmed himself
" Okay so I will have to fix this mess too Okay now send me back " said Indra clutching his head
The dark silhouette nodded
and flicked his finger
Indra woke up in a white room his upper body was naked with many wires attached to him
in the back a sound of constant beep was heard
" Get these fucking lights off my face " Indra yelled mustering enough strength he kicked the lights away . the light fell of with a crash
. Indra sat up clutching his head
" Ah the pain fuck fuck fuck " Indra gritted his teeths the pain racked his body every part of his body hurt
Indra slowly opened his eyes then he quickly pulled the wires out of himself
Indra shifted to the edge of the bed slowly he tried to stand up his legs buckled and he fell face first
" Ah mother fucking floor " Indra groaned
slowly he tried to stand up but failed
again he tried to stand up but failed
Indra slowly used his arms to pull up gritting his teeths
" FUCK I WILL NOT GO BACK " Indra shouted his voice ringing through the room
he activated the Karma slowly with the added boost he stood up leaning on the bed
the door opened
a spectacled man appeared with a white coat
" Who the fuck is thus it is a hospital stay the dam quite..." The man shouted but then abruptly stooped looking at him in horror he was frozen
The man was a veteran in the fourth ninja war a medical nin so he had seen Madara
and to him now the boy looked just like Madara two red eyes gleaming through his hair with three tomes swirling around
" Ma..madara ...MADARA UCHIHA " he yelled and exited the room
he ran way yelling " UCHIHA MADARA "
Indra lined out of the door
" " Shut up you Son of a Bitch before I rip that throat of yours " Indra said with a horse voice his mood was already bad with added pain and bitterness in his throat he was on the hunt
Indra picked up a hospital robe
It was a good day for me . I was just going to casino when a Dr katsuna came to me running franaticly he told me something about ' Madara Uchiha " in the hospital
at first I was mad someone might have pulled a prank on Dr now the traumatised Doctor came to her running like a headless chicken
I had grumbled to go to Sakura but she was on a leave
and now I have to cheak this nuisance
After five minutes Tsunade found him near a water dispenser . The boy from behind looked just like Madara long black flowing spiky hair
at first I too was scared of the past but when I checked again I saw that the frame was short too short to be him
" Oi Brat What ate you doing here scaring people " I asked annoyed
The boy who was lifting a large water bottle turned around
The boy's face was covered with his hair that looked like Madara's his right eye was only visible a red orb with three black tomes in eye rotating madly
My body froze at the eye. That eye had appeared in her dreams for a long time with a moon behind the person
The person holding a large Gunbai standing on a large rock
Indra was staring at the woman with yellow hair and large assets
Indra the moment he had locked eyes knew who it was
( Boss music)
" Eh you said something, granny " Indra asked ignoringly.
" N- No ....WHAT DID YOU CALL ME , TWERP" SHOUTED Tsunade angrily
" G-R-A-N-N-Y NOW CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW" Indra shouted as if she had hearing problems
" You ..you ..sigh what are you doing here scaring people and turn off that Sharingan it is intimidating " Tsunade sighed
" What Sharingan? " Indra asked confused
" look in the mirror " she replied leaning against the wall
Indra dropped the bottle and looked in the mirror in his room
" HOLY TITS , where the hell did I get this " Indra exclaimed then ran out
" hey granny did I rip someone's eyes out when I was unconscious " Indra asked
" No I don't think so " Tsunade said tookup a bottle from her scroll
and took a swig
" Here you want some " asked Tsunade showing him a bottle
Indra who was in meditative state to try to turn off the Sharingan took the bottle and took a swig
Indra had now gotten familiar with Sharingan and now was thinking how he had gotten these eyes
" Hmm.. I can't just get these eyes out of nowhere I might have a ancestory but I had a father and a mother too . Mother died in front of me and Father was killed by me ... I can be my grandfather or Grandmother...or It can be that I was adopted....hm but it can also be that The father that I killed might be my step father... green eyes and sharingan ....maybe green eyes from Sakura and Sharingan from Sasuke? That is just too absurd it can't be ... and I dont want to be related to Mrs Useless don't know what defect I may get from her like Sarada's Sharingan with spectacles....Now who was this body... and who is my Father " Indra took another swig and emptied the bottle
Passing the bottle to Tsunade . she took the bottle and tilted to the ground only a single drop came out
" Empty so fast, Brat do you even know how expensive that shake was it was from the land of Honey " sniffed Tsunade
" Dont worry, granny ... Hic ... I will give you a more expensive one later on" Indra said drunk
" Really.. hic.... ah you are so cute don't call me granny ..hic... call me big sis " Tsunade said Cheerfully
" But..hic...you are older than my mother so how...hic....you can be my sister " said Indra leaning back his green eyes twinkling in amusement
" Yes, granny I will head your command " Indra stood up straight and saluted
" Yes, more like it let us go get some sake " Tsunade said brightly on the brightly
she stood up and was about to fall when Indra caught her
" let's go , Granny on the holy crusade of finding Sake " Indra boasted
" Yes , minion let us go " Tsunade said as they left the room
" TO INFINITY AND BEYOND " yelled Indra as they continued their journey
After some hours
Sakura returned from the work to hospital to cheak on the patients she had informed if it was a emergency to go to Tsunade sama
Sauke too was coming with her to meet the boy who had Sharingan
As they entered Sizune came running to her
" Sakura sama It's lady Tsunade she she" Sizune said panting
" What about her what happened toTsunade sama ?" asked Sakura in hurry
" The boy .. Madara ...in cafeteria "
Sasuke looked at Sakura and they hurried to the cafeteria they called Naruto and others
What they saw was the cafeteria was fully trashed in the centre was a ship made of tables with a white pirate flag in the centre
Indra was standing on the the top most table which acted as a deck
Indra was looking around as if searching for something
" I found the one piece, captain Indra " Tsunade said saluting to Indra
to what they could see that they were both drunk
" We don't need it we are selling for Gum- Gum fruit , Tsunade " Indra shook his head
" What happened to , Indra dattebayo " Naruto said hurriedly as they entered the room
following behind Kawaki, Sarada , Mitsuki and Boruto
" What is this, Dattebayo? " asked Naruto shocked
Indra looked at Naruto then narrowed his eyes
" ZORO... LUFFY " Indra shouted as he jumped from the deck towards Naruto and Sasuke
" But can't swim, Indra . the sea is your weakness " yelled Tsunade towards Indra was jumping
Indra was grinning madly as he was cannon balling towards Naruto and Sasuke
Sasuke shifted to the left
and Indra fell on Naruto knocking him back a few step
while Indra's head hit the floor making him loose consciousness
" What the hell was that " Naruto stood up rubbing his head
" GUM- GUM KICK" Indra muttered unconscious kicking Naruto in the crotch
Naruto's face turned to horror
and fell down screaming
Sakura who recovered from this started laughing hard
Kawaki was clutching his sides to stop himself from laughing . Boruto on the floor was banging his fist as he laughed
Sasuke also had a smile
Tsunade who came down from the 'Ship' came near Indra and crouched down and started shaking him
" Wake up, Captain we found the One piece " as she tried to wake up Indra
Everyone started laughing harder
" Ah there faces when they see themselves on camera " Said Naruto clearing away a tear from under his eyes
Indra Sat down for a moment
Everyone froze as they looked at him
" DATTEBAYO " he screamed and again fell asleep
This time they were laughing so hard that they were clutching their stomach
while Naruto
" What's funny about that huh" he said seriously
Author's note: was in the mood to have some funny event
so tried to have a laugh