
Boruto Raiden

This story is sequel "Boruto - Remake"

Damin_Typie · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Boruto arrived at a small village and was surprised to see all the inhabitants dead

"Is everyone dead? But strange, it doesn't look like they were killed, there are no signs of injury, what is going on here?"

By this time, Ikamor had arrived in Konoha

"Another delicious souls" the demon stuck his hand up and began to absorb and eat the souls of the inhabitants

Suddenly, he was forced to stop eating souls because Sarada decided to attack him.

"So you are the demon who eats people's souls?"

"That's right, but I'd love to taste your soul"

Sarada activated her Mangekyo Sharingan "Don't think I'll let you do that" Sarada started attacking the demon

Ikamor blocked Sarada's blow, but it was so powerful that the demon took two steps back

"You're quite strong, but if that's all you can do, you won't be able to defeat me"

"Don't underestimate me" Sarada jumped away from Ikamor and then created a Chidori in her hand "Chidori Kusendo!" With a wave of her hand, Sarada sent powerful waves of lightning towards her opponent

"Not good, if this attack hits me, it could end badly" the demon thought as he flew into the air, then created a giant ball of energy which he dropped on the village.

"I can't let the attack hit the village" thought Sarada, activating Perfect Susanoo, then cutting the bullets in half with her sword.

Suddenly, Ikamor appeared in front of Sarada and opened his mouth and began to suck in Sarada's soul

"Oh shit..." Sarada was getting weaker and weaker with each passing moment until her soul was completely absorbed by Ikamor

"It was a tasty soul"

When Ikamor was enjoying Sarada's soul, he unexpectedly received a blow to the face that knocked him back several meters, Kawaki appeared on the scene

"It's impossible for anyone to survive. No, I can't absorb his soul" who is this guy, the demon thought in shock

"Bastard, don't make a mess in my yard" Kawaki activated Karma and Isshiki's doujutsu

"I think we can have some fun"

Ikamor started attacking Kawaki, the former member of Kara easily blocked the demon's blows and then launched a counterattack. Ikamor was thrown upwards by Kawaki's kick, suddenly a large cube appeared above the demon and Kawaki dropped it on Ikamor

At the same time, Boruto arrived at another village, where all the inhabitants were also lying dead on the ground

"Another village...what's going on here?"



"This is the work of a demon named Ikamor, he is currently attacking your village, you should go there as soon as possible"

Boruto clenched his fists upon hearing this and immediately moved towards Konoha "Damn, I have to hurry"