
Boruto: As hajun With Xiao Power Of Genshin Impact.

Nerfedqt · Anime & Comics
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Chapter I: Radiant Eight vs Fallen Champion

[This is not the actual death Scene Of Hajun it is self created, I tried to do research on my own to find his death but I couldn't find It, I am repeating again this Is not the actual story Of Hajun. If you don't know who is Hajun? you can search It In google]

In the world of Arion, a realm filled with wonder and danger, a formidable adversary loomed on the horizon.

Hajun, once a revered hero, had been consumed by the darkness, transforming into a malevolent force that struck fear into the hearts of all who dared oppose him. He became known as "Hajun, the Fallen Champion."

But hope still flickered in the hearts of the chosen ones—the Radiant Eight.

Each possessed unique abilities and unwavering determination to stand against the Fallen Champion and save their world from the grip of darkness.

Habaki Sakagami, the valiant swordsman with a heart of justice, stood at the forefront of the Radiant Eight.

Rindo Koga, the master of arcane arts and a playful spirit, lent his cunning and wit to their cause.

Keishiro Kyogetsu, with immense strength and stoic determination, was a rock for his companions.

Sakuya Kyogetsu, Keishiro's twin sister, wielded powers of elemental control, protecting and empowering the group.

Sojiro Mibu, the swift and agile ninja, slipped through shadows like a phantom, always one step ahead.

Shiori Kujo, the brilliant tactician with a keen mind, devised intricate strategies to outwit their foes.

Yako Madara, mysterious and fierce, was a force to be reckoned with.

Ryusui Mikado, whose soulful melodies held a power beyond comprehension, inspired the group with his ethereal music.

Together, the Radiant Eight embarked on a perilous journey to confront Hajun, the Fallen Champion.

They faced numerous trials, tested not only by external challenges but also by their internal doubts and fears. However, their bond and mutual support strengthened with every obstacle they overcame.

Finally, the Radiant Eight reached the heart of the Fallen Champion's domain. The skies were shrouded in darkness, and an eerie silence hung in the air.

Hajun, the Fallen Champion, clad in ominous armor, exuded an aura of invincibility that sent shivers down their spines.

"You dare stand against me?" Hajun's voice boomed like thunder. "You are insignificant mortals, destined to be crushed by my power!"

Habaki Sakagami stepped forward, his blade ablaze with determination. "We may be mortal, but we stand together as one! Your darkness will not consume this world, not while we still draw breath!"

Rindo Koga smirked, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Oh, but you see, we've got a few tricks up our sleeves!"

With that, the Radiant Eight sprang into action. Keishiro Kyogetsu charged head-on, clashing blades with Hajun, while Sakuya Kyogetsu summoned the elements to shield and support her comrades.

Sojiro Mibu weaved through the battlefield, delivering swift and precise strikes. Shiori Kujo analyzed Hajun's tactics, devising counter-strategies on the fly.

Yako Madara's eyes glowed with an eerie light, unleashing a barrage of energy that rattled the very ground. Ryusui Mikado's melodies resonated, bolstering their spirits and fortifying their resolve.

But Hajun, the Fallen Champion, was a formidable adversary, swatting away their attacks with ease and retaliating with devastating power. His attacks seemed relentless, and it felt as though their efforts were futile.

As the battle raged on, the Radiant Eight's faith in each other wavered. Doubt gnawed at their hearts, and the darkness threatened to consume them. But in their darkest hour, a realization struck them—they were stronger together.

"Remember why we fight!" Habaki Sakagami's voice rang out, rallying his companions. "We are the Radiant Eight! United, we can overcome any darkness!"

His words reignited their determination, and their bond strengthened once more. They synchronized their movements, their attacks becoming a symphony of power and precision.

Keishiro Kyogetsu and Sakuya Kyogetsu combined their elemental prowess, creating an elemental storm that engulfed Hajun. Sojiro Mibu's swift strikes were enhanced by Shiori Kujo's tactical genius, exploiting Hajun's weaknesses.

Yako Madara unleashed the true potential of his enigmatic powers, and Ryusui Mikado's melodies infused the Radiant Eight with a harmonious resonance.

Rindo Koga's arcane arts intertwined with the rest, magnifying their combined strength.

Together, they unleashed a final, awe-inspiring assault on Hajun, the Fallen Champion. Their attacks converged, forming a cataclysmic explosion of energy that shattered the darkness that surrounded their foe.

Hajun wavered, his resolve faltering. For the first time, doubt clouded his eyes.

It was in that moment that the Radiant Eight struck true, delivering a blow that sent Hajun crashing to the ground. But he didn't collapse though he was in critical situation.

Everyone looks exhausted so, Sakagami Habaki took his blade and stepped forward alone using the power which might risk his life, standing resolute against Hajun risking his life.

The air crackled with tension as the two former friends faced each other once more, their paths diverging into darkness and light.

"I never wanted this," Sakagami Habaki spoke softly." But you've chosen a path of darkness, Hajun. I can't stand by and watch you destroy everything we once fought to protect."

Hajun's lips curled into a sinister grin, his voice tinged with cold malice." The weak cling to outdated notions of justice and compassion.

I have risen above such feeble ideals. Embrace the power I offer, and together, we can reshape the world as we see fit."

Habaki shook his head, his resolve unshaken. "I will not yield to your darkness, Hajun. I will stand against you and the twisted path you've chosen."

The clash began, and the two warriors unleashed their formidable abilities. Each blow sent shockwaves rippling through the realm, and the earth trembled beneath the weight of their power.

It was a battle of titans, a collision of contrasting ideologies.

Hajun's attacks were relentless, fueled by the dark energy he had embraced. He sought to crush Habaki, to prove the superiority of his newfound strength.

But Habaki refused to be swayed. With each strike, he countered Hajun's malevolence with unwavering determination.

Their battle raged on, the skies darkening with swirling storms of energy. The echoes of their clashing blades reverberated through the very fabric of reality.

It was a struggle not just between two individuals but between opposing philosophies.

As the battle reached its zenith, Habaki's heart wavered. He recalled the memories of their friendship, the camaraderie they once shared.

But he knew that the darkness had consumed Hajun, and he couldn't afford to let sentimentality cloud his judgment.

With newfound resolve, Habaki channeled the strength of his convictions. His attacks intensified, and he fought with a passion that emanated from the depths of his being.

In his heart, he still believed that there was a glimmer of the old Hajun left within the antagonist, and he fought to rekindle it.

Hajun, too, felt a flicker of doubt amidst the torrent of darkness. He remembered the camaraderie they once had, the shared dreams of a better world.

But he ruthlessly pushed those memories aside, convinced that his path was the right one.

The climax of their battle arrived, and Habaki unleashed a final, desperate attack.

It was infused with the purest essence of his beliefs, a plea to break through Hajun's corrupted heart. In that moment, the veil of darkness seemed to waver.

As the attack hit its mark, Hajun staggered back, his defenses faltering. He wavered between the abyss of darkness and the light of redemption.

Habaki reached out, offering a glimmer of hope to his old friend.

But before he could reach him, the darkness swallowed Hajun whole. With a chilling laugh, he disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind only echoes of his malevolence.

Habaki stood alone, exhausted yet determined. He had failed to save Hajun from the darkness that consumed him.

But he knew that he had to press forward, to protect the world from the malevolent force his old friend had become.

As he walked away from the battlefield, he vowed to never forget the friendship they once shared. With every step, he carried the weight of their memories, the hope that someday, Hajun might find his way back to them again.

First Novel, Please go easy on me and don’t forget to give advices and your thoughts.

Nerfedqtcreators' thoughts