

Boruto Time travels to the past. A crack fic.

Legios_96 · Anime & Comics
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Blast to the past

Have you ever found yourself squeeze like a dirty rag cloth and washed over and over? The same experience increased tenfold is being experienced by me.

After being assaulted by the god fucking thunderbolt, I lost all my senses and felt like being sent to oblivion.

Amassing all my strength I opened my eyes and welcome the scenery beside me. Strangely I was not lying down on a battleground. but was laying down on a soft bed with an uncanny familiarity with the old room of my childhood.

Getting up from my bed, I decided to do some light exercise to loosen my muscle which got stuck like a junk car kept in a garage for ages.

Noticing the certain difference in my movement, immediately dashed toward the nearby mirror.

'What the bloody fucking'...

No. I am not shocked on seeing my every-looking perfect and charming face which could be seen as the epitome of manliness and perfection. But the figure that looked back from the mirror was a version of me that has faded long ago in the sands of time.

I went into overdrive and began contemplating to give proper reasoning but hardly come up with anything useful.

With a heavy sigh, I mumbled to myself' what should I do? even for a ninjutsu it is highly efficient. Despite the fact they hardly work on me abynire"

Pinching my nose as a stress buster was quite effective.

" Geez Sarda and class Prep would have been more useful in the search and info gathering than a think musclehead like me"

A lone tear escaped from the corner of my eye upon remembering the last moments of my loved ones.

Sometime later/..........

Stepping out of my room or room alike, as I had got too bored being remained idle. The whole structure of my current abode was almost identical to his old house except for a few key differences.

Entering the areas I noticed the presence of two females. One of which dark blue-haired beauty who gave out a comforting aura beside her was sitting a little girl of 8 years who could be said to be a miniature version of the older woman if you exclude whisker-like markings on her cheeks.

Every theory went out of the bus, every plan made crashed in an instant. My voice got stuck in my throat. Before me were present my late mother and little sister.

If this was trick played by his captivators to torment him. It was working fabulously.

"Ah Boruto, are you ok, did you need something dear?" Her mother as always asked him in a gentle and concerned voice

" wha.. yeah where is Dad"

"Well Naruto has left early in the morning due to some important work in the Hokage tower" Hinata replied

"oh I see"

Hinata upon sensing his son's uneasiness tried to lift his spirits.

"Boruto I think you should get ready to go to shikidai house for playing with your brand-new console. Your friends would have arrived already"

giving her a curt nod, I turned around and tried to get as far as possible without arousing any suspicions which could give out catastrophic results.

Reinforcing my legs with a small amount of chakra, I immediately jumped over rooftops for better mobility.

My thoughts were completely jumbled upside down

' Am I really traveling to the past or some alternate universe? If then why and how and what happened to the original owner of this body?'

Sitting at the top of the Hokage mountain, a thin smile crept on my face upon witnessing once again the peaceful and calm atmosphere of konoha.

No deranged building, No uprooted forest, and clean air, and every other person whether a shinobi or civilian were working in peace and harmony.

'' It looks like I am in the time period of one month before the opening of the academy.

It is too good to be true, but still meeting old friends and allies would be really eventful. Short yet playful banter with Sarda, petty arguments with Iwabe, engaging conversation with Denki, and much more.

Life would be all good and settled if not for the fucking cursed mark or karma of Momoshiki still present on my left hand. I thought eliminating that horned bastard for once and all would get rid of my problems but unfortunately, it only elevated them further.

A soft breeze flow around me and my eyes were glued to the sunset across the horizon.

"Whether it is a curse or boon, I will not let anyone to even destroy a strand of hair of my loved one's ".