
Boruto - Reborn as Boruto's twin brother.

A boy gets reborn as Boruto's twin brother, with the same looks but with dark hair like Hinata's. That's all from me for the synopsis for now, I'll try writing once more after I write more chapters to this fic but anyway give it a try. He will have the Byakugan, another Dojutsu later in the story. if that's what you're wondering. The Boruto Anime & Manga is not created by me, the characters except my oc are not mine. Cover : Thank you SirRandom for this wonderful cover art.

Vedora_Tempest · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Team 7 and First mission

So, Eida has won the poll, and I actually wanted her to win. Not only because I'm a big BoruSara shipper, but also because most of the fanfics I've read use Sarada as their main female lead. I wanted this story to be more unique and different from the rest.

Oh, yeah, and I'm skipping the team reassignment fight that happened in the Anime, so keep reading.


Three months later : Nagato Age - 13

The graduation exams ended and teams began forming one by one, the last of the teams were on their former classroom after all the teams were assigned.

They had some combat experience compared to the others in their class, they had fought Shizuma and his gang from The Hidden Mist village and had acquired quite a bit of experience and valuable techniques.

"Uzumaki Boruto," "Uchiha Sarada," "Mitsuki," Shino-sensei called out the names, and the three of them raised their hands.

"You guys are assigned to team seven, with your Jonin sensei being Sarutobi Konohamaru," Shino-sensei announced. Konohamaru stepped forward to greet his new team.

However, there was a lingering question in the air. Among the students present, Uzumaki Nagato had not been assigned to any team. The confusion was evident on Nagato's face as he received a scroll from Konohamaru. He opened it and began reading its contents.

"Uzumaki Nagato, as a special case, you are hereby assigned to team 3 to supervise the three-man team and study alongside them. By the order of the Hokage..."

The message was clear. Due to limited space on other teams and Nagato's unique abilities, he would serve as a supervisor for team 7 while also continuing his own studies. Nagato nodded in understanding and moved to stand beside team 7.

Three months passed swiftly and graduation exam was over and teams formation was also over as of right now. Currently Nagato is thirteen years old. 

The news that Nagato would be joining them filled the three students with excitement. Nagato had already become good friends with Mitsuki during the past months, and there was a strong bond between Sarada and Nagato. Their friendship was particularly close, only rivaled by Nagato's relationship with Boruto.

This new arrangement seemed to be a promising start for Team 7, and they couldn't wait to begin their journey together.

"Let's go. In five months, there are Chunin exams, and I want all of you to participate in them," Konohamaru said as they left with him.

"Five months until the chunin exams? Sounds like a plan!" Boruto replied with enthusiasm, eager to prove himself once more. The team walked together, their shared goal of success in the upcoming exams driving them forward.

"Don't be too excited, Boruto. You still can't beat me yet," Nagato said with a sly smile as he walked alongside them, accompanied by Sarada.

"Aahh! Whatever! Besides, I'd be proud that you're my brother, ya know!" He yelled as Nagato smiled slightly, a subtle expression that only someone with great visual prowess would discern.

Like Sarada, and she did notice. Without a word, a small smile adorned her face too her best friend is happy so she was also happy, same with Mitsuki, his sun is happy so his is too.




"Konohamaru, this is your team's first mission, it's a bandit extermination, I trust your team."

Konohamaru looked at the Hokage in astonishment, giving his team a bandit extermination mission.

Bandit extermination is exactly as the name suggests. The team assigned to the mission has to kill all the bandits and is required to bring their heads to the village as proof.

Assigning this type of grueling mission to four freshly graduated genin, Konohamaru was shocked, wondering, 'What is Lord Hokage planning?' But he couldn't betray the trust placed on him and his team.

He reluctantly accepted the mission, not refusing a mission directly from the Hokage, he could never do that. "We accept this mission, Lord Hokage!"



Location: Edge of the land of fire.

Four shadows traveled through the forest at an impossible speed by normal means.

These four were obviously the newly formed Team Seven. Eager to successfully fulfill their first-ever mission as official Leaf ninjas, they were excited.

Trailing behind them was their Jonin sensei, Konohamaru. He was clearly not in a good mood, given that his team's first mission was to eliminate some bandits.

"You guys, don't hold me back!" Boruto's voice echoed as he jumped ahead of everyone with a smirk.

"Heh, as if! You're the one holding the rest of us back," Sarada retorted as she zipped from tree to tree with great speed, going ahead of Boruto and casting him a mocking smile.

"Huh!? What was that?" Obviously, Boruto couldn't let that slide at all. He jumped to another branch, moving ahead of her once again.

"Stupid Boruto!" She leaped ahead of him, and Mitsuki watched with a small smile as they continued their bickering.

"I still think they would make a good couple."

"No way!" both of their voices reached his ears, and his statement caused them to snap out of their bickering.

"Don't mess this up, you guys! This is the first mission, ya know!" Nagato complained as he zipped through trees with graceful and smooth leaps.

"That's right, you guys should take this mission seriously," Konohamaru said with a serious face as he caught up to them. "It's given to us by the Hokage himself, and that's because he believes in our abilities. So let's not betray the trust he placed in us."

"Sensei, this is a bandit extermination, right? So we would have to kill them, correct?" Mitsuki asked with an impassive look on his face. His eyes flashed cold for a second, a detail that only Nagato and Konohamaru noticed.

Sarada and Boruto were obviously shocked by this. Well, they had known it, but they weren't prepared enough. Mitsuki's blunt statement had a shock effect on them.

But they composed themselves quickly. They couldn't afford to falter now. They had chosen this life, and they knew the Shinobi life was harsh before they walked into it.

They quickly noticed the eeriness in the air as they neared the bandit camp. They split up and stood atop trees, communicating through the earpieces that the Scientific Ninja Tools Division had invented.

"I hope you guys are ready. This might be tough for your age, but don't falter when you see blood. Hesitating would give your enemy a chance to kill you," Konohamaru said seriously into the earpieces, taking a deep breath.

He could finish them off himself to ease the burden on his students, but he knew he couldn't do that. They needed to experience this themselves.

"First, we investigate the area," he ordered, and they nodded in acknowledgment. "Hai, sensei!" They whisper-yelled.

Thus began the first mission of the newly formed Team Seven, one that would change their mindset and force them to grow up quickly into adults.


Feel free to leave some power stones, and don't hesitate to provide constructive criticism and suggestions. your feedback will be appreciated! Leave reviews as well!

God bless you and good luck

  ~Your friendly neighborhood author.

You guys, look at the auxiliary chapter once more, I have completely restructured the status system there and also made some new changes.

Vedora_Tempestcreators' thoughts