
Borrowed Goddess

Satomi has been turned to stone by Naraku until his death. Looking for her family, she finds one to call her own. Little does she know the family she seeks is close to the one she finds. A demon, teenage girl, priestess, half demon, demon hunter, and a woman who is possessed by an ancient god.

SJClements · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Satomi stopped singing and turned around as the light of the moon illuminated her features. Her energy had felt replenished, and she could feel her body transforming as it did before. It was not quite the full moon, one or two days away, and yet there was a surge of power flowing through her. Sesshomaru was looking at her intently, as her power started growing. She was as beautiful as she was powerful. But he was a demon and she was a goddess, a protector of man kind and he killed too many to ask for redemption. His father had protected humans, he started the opposite way.

He found himself drawn to her, finding that he stepped in front of her as she tilted her head waiting for a comment of some sort. Like the moon, she sent out this pull for those to do her bidding. Her spell was intoxicating. Her scent filled his senses, and for once, he found it hard to think about anything else but her. Reaching out to her, he touched her cheek and leaned down to her.

His lips touched hers as she melted into him. Moving with each other, she moved her hands to his armor for balance as his kiss left her dizzy and breathless. He didn't want air, it was a secondary thought compared to the woman molding into him. His hands wrapped around her to help with her balance before he parted from her. His breathing was normal while hers was rather chaotic. While she looked like the goddess, she was certainly still human. The thought made him oddly content.

"That was unexpected," she said looking at him with a deep crimson blush on her cheeks. "You must like this form."

"I don't dislike it, but I did everything else to you in human form," he reminded her as his lips went to her earlobe and bit, earning a small yip from her. She looked at him in shock, and he realized why. He was smiling.

"Well, uh… that may be true… but uh… I heard that your smiling is trouble," she stammered out shocked from both his comment and his smile. He was charming, if it wasn't so mischievous. He could have had any demon woman he wanted if he was even a few notches more charming. Oh hell, his position in the demon world would have anyone begging for him. A part of her wondered if he was just a lord of the land and she was a traveling entertainer, how that would have been for them. But then, she didn't see anything wrong with this either.

"You did? I suppose that assumption isn't wrong," he said loosening his grip on her and leaning down to her. Moving one hand to her thighs, he could feel them flinch under his touch as her gaze became wanting. "That look I'd say is even more trouble," he said heatedly on her ear as his hand found its way between her robes. Her skin was unbelievably soft as he was able to take his time. Her womanhood gave off the most intoxicating smell. She wanted him and he wanted to satisfy that need.

She gave a soft moan as his hand traveled to the apex of her thighs, the desire coiling up as she loosened her muscles to relax around him so his fingers could complete the journey. The sharpness of his claws surprised her, but they didn't hurt as he rubbed the pad of his finger tips along the opening circling around as she gripped at him to keep her balance. His other hand grabbed her lower back and kept her hips steady as his lips claimed hers forcefully. He growled into the kiss, her moans that echoed pushing him forward as he moved his finger inside of her, followed by another.

The slow rhythm didn't suit him for long before he sped up, leaving her nearly screaming with pleasure into his mouth. Her hips bucking even with his hand to steady her, he wanted her. In an instant, they were in his quarters at their host's estate. Standing before the bed, she didn't even ask what had happened before pulling him forward so the back of her knees caught the bed. His fingers came out as he tried to not fall on her, but she pulled him down with her on the bed laughing.

"You're such a demon," she commented as she put her hand to his cheek. "But you're a good demon."

"I'm hardly that," he said scoffing at the idea. He hardly did anything for good. Power was what mattered before, now while he did try to defend those he cared about, it was still new to him.

"You are, even if you'll fight tooth and nail to deny it," she said kissing him deeply before he could argue further. Her hands moved to the tie at his waist, she didn't want romance, she wanted to be satisfied. He took off his armor quickly as she finished with his ties of his hakamas. "Now, would you be a good demon and finish what you started?"

Without even thinking, he growled in acknowledgement and twisted her body around as he pulled up her dress. She was on all fours looking back at him as his erect member hit against her inner thigh. A thought crossed her mind on how much different it would feel now that she was in goddess form, but that was quickly erased as he thrusted two fingers into her. Pumping them in and out a few times, he brought them back out to coat himself. Leaving her even more wet.

"Be careful what you ask for, goddess, I won't take it easy on you," he said as a promise as before she could say anything, he pushed his head against her entry before holding her hips into place. The calm before the storm as he pushed into her slowly until he was buried into her to the hilt. Filling her, she panted from the feeling. It made her want everything he had to give her. Moving her body back onto him, he stopped her as he dug his claws just ever so slightly into her hips as his other hand went to her shoulder to bring her up to him.

Kissing her deeply, her body twisted to meet his as hand moved to her breasts, massaging the soft flesh and pinching her hard nipples before moving out of her and thrusting in as her body grew used to him again. Switching breasts, he leaned down so she would be on all fours and his chest was barely above her back. Thrusting a little faster, he could feel her body embracing him as she moaned into his movements.

"You're going to make me explode," she said between moans and suddenly he completely pushed himself into her. Giving a soft jolt and stifling a scream, she looked back to him but couldn't see his face from this angle.

"That's the thought," he said and she knew he was smiling. His voice was almost play like, something she had never heard before. Go figure, it took fucking her from behind to do it as she was a goddess. Sometimes this dog demon was just cruel.

Holding her hips tightly, he took himself almost completely out. Massaging her lower back for a moment, she could feel his penis pulsing as only the head remained inside of her. Unmoving, she relaxed as she slowly moved back to urge him inside again. Well, he took the hint.

The thrust was hard, but he didn't care and neither did she as he took her and took her hard. Over and over, he pounded into her as he felt her release over him happen again and again. After the third time, he filled her with his seed, the cum deep inside of her as her release consumed it. Her inner walls drawing him in.

Staying like that for a moment, they were both breathing heavily. He pulled out as some of his release followed. The animal in him thought it was a shame, he wanted her completely full of him and only him.

"Well, I did say for you to finish what you started," she said as she moved her body to lay down on his bed. The pooling between her legs was warm and arousing as proof of what they did. He was still on his knees before her on the bed as she moved her hand to beckon him closer. "Lay with me."

He obeyed her as she looked at him with those wicked eyes. "I want you in my bed."

"I am in your bed, my lord."

"From now on, you stubborn woman."

The comment took her by surprise, she expected the banter just not the proposal to go with it. He wanted her with him every evening. "You mean to satisfy your needs?"

"If it calls for it," he said indifferently.

"Even just to lay with you?"

"Is that so bad?" he asked looking at her face confused as she flushed a bright red.

"Well… no," she said reaching out to touch his arm. "I'm just surprised is all. And the timing with the war is probably not the best. Wouldn't want them thinking you've lost your touch." Blabbering seemed like the one thing she could do with her mind spinning.

"That won't be a problem," he said plainly as if it was as easy as taking a stroll. This demon's ego knew no bounds.

"If you say so," she said with a sigh as she closed her eyes. Not exactly tired, but she didn't want to think of the complications. Now that Rin wasn't the only human he had in his life, if they came after her it would be easier. However, now that she was a target, they knew how much the girl meant to her. Bringing them back to square one of protecting Rin to protect themselves. Dealing with demons was exhausting business.

Noticing her breath change, he looked to her as she slept. He could protect her, protect Rin, and win this war. It would just be messier than originally planned. With a sigh, he stood up and dressed. He would need some help at least. As much as he hated to admit it, his half brother was the one person he could truly trust. His wife, Kagome was also an asset to the cause. No doubt there would be injuries and her abilities could help with Satomi's as well. A priestess could help her hone in on her own powers. There was no telling what she was capable of and this could help narrow it down. He had to know what he had to work with on this field of war.

Walking into the night, he could already feel a familiar presence not far off. His half brother was practicing it seemed. Following the scent of Tessaiga, he remembered a time when he was dedicated to owning that sword. Such a long time ago it seemed like and yet it was only a few short years. The power he found on that journey though with the Bakusaiga was worth it. There was no point in regretting how he got to this point, everything lead up to this. All of the acts he did, he would have done them the same. He wasn't one to dwell on the past in regret.

Coming up closer, he could hear Inu-Yasha's heart beat and breath as he wielded his sword. It was far from graceful, more like a butcher compared to the art of other bladesmiths. However, he tended to win quite a bit, so he had something going for him. Luck, stupidity, and the stubbornness of an ass.

The clearing was useful as Kohaku's Kilala was there as well helping it seemed. Smart little fire demon, Sesshomaru thought with admiration. For being a beast, she was intelligent, and he admired that. She stopped Inu-Yasha and nodded her head in Sesshomaru's direction.

"Yeah I smelled him coming," Inu-Yasha said as he put Tessaiga in his sheath. "What do you want? If you didn't notice I'm in the middle of training and you're interrupting."

"I noticed," Sesshomaru said stepping closer. "The war is coming, and Satomi needs your woman's help. Satomi is… learning how to deal with her powers."

"That's it, huh? Compared to your usual lofty demands, this one is not half bad. Kagome's powers have grown so much since the battle with Naraku. No wonder the jewel feared her as much as it did. Even you do. Guess you're lucky your brother is so charming."

"You flatter yourself too much. Her power is strong, and her abilities are passable. How she ever chose you is beyond me, but then I hardly care about that much."

Inu-Yasha reddened in the face and was about to yell back when Sesshomaru started walking away.

"Hey, I'm not done yet!"

"I am."

"Bastard, always being so dismissive," Inu-Yasha said with a sigh. "Screw it, I'll ask her in the morning. I'm sure she'd like to be around Satomi more anyway." Kilala came up beside him and nudged him in the shoulder. "Well, back to another journey. You and Kohaku involved too?"

Nodding, he petted her head and she purred with content. Kagome had some pretty bad vibes about this guy from the North. Jiro was not one to be taken lightly. Perhaps joining up with Sesshomaru would help the process. He remembered hearing the story later how Sesshomaru wanted to ask for his help in a war against the Panther Tribe. He was cursed then by Kikyo to that tree. Now, it was different. Sesshomaru reached out once, and he was once again. Chances are there wouldn't be a third chance in this lifetime. He was too proud for that.

As the sun started to rise, he walked back to the village. Perhaps one day they could act like real brothers, but for now, he took what he could get without being told he was an idiot. As Kagome helped with Rin, he noticed things were better. Sesshomaru was probably grateful in his own way.

Kagome was just waking up when he walked in. He hadn't intended on being out all night, but he had a lot to learn yet.

"Training?" she asked without needing to.

"Yeah, sorry it was all night."

"You're okay," she said stretching in bed before sitting up. He approached her and kissed her gently. Pressing her forehead to his, they stayed like that for a moment. It was their morning routine to just feel grounded with each other. Since they both tended to be hot headed, this helped to at least keep things calmer for a few minutes.

"Sesshomaru wants your help. Or rather he is asking for Satomi," Inu-Yasha said with a sigh as he moved away and sat next to her. "To help her hone her goddess powers I suppose. It's hard to tell what they'll need."

"Of course! The village will be fine for a little while without us," she said with her eyes lighting up.

"I figured you'd say yes," he said with a sigh. "We can let him know later. They'll be here today since the generals are coming. I can smell the higher demons approaching."

"The air does feel different today," she noted as it felt heavier. "So much rides on Satomi, I feel bad for her. But I know she can do this. She's tough and the power I felt radiating last night for a moment and the day she transformed was intense. Maybe just to have her concentrate it, that may help."

"Training a goddess. Have I told you my wife is extraordinary," he said holding her hand and kissing the top of her knuckles.

"Well, I do love to hear it," she said with a blush. "Now, let's go eat after I get fixed up. I'm hungry and your child is even hungrier."

"Little beast," he said with a laugh as he watched her stomach. It was ever so slight and early yet, but never had they been so happy. Waiting to tell people was the hardest part. As much as he wanted to shield her from the war, they never did turn those away who asked for help. Well, rather she didn't, and he ended up going with it to keep her out of trouble. Some things never changed.


Sesshomaru had gone back to the room and sat in the window sill. Watching her sleep and the town below, he was watching the sunrise with a dazed look. When she would move, he would look in her direction until she settled. Even goddesses needed sleep he presumed.

The air changed and he knew the generals were there. Four of them from the smell of it. No doubt the meeting would be much later, but for now he would have to hurry up and wait. Not a strong point of his.

"They're here." He heard Satomi and looked to her again. Her eyes were open as she laid in bed.

"Yes, they are." Her voice had sounded nervous, as it probably should be. Here she had to prove that she was what guaranteed their victory. That going into the war would be a waste of time and resources. That it would be short lived. The dream of any war if there ever was one. She was the only chance they had now.

It all came down to this day.

Not a whole lot happening but I did want to add a bit more to Inu-Yasha and Sesshomaru's relationship. After all we will be seeing more of them together... and with Sesshomaru's little niece or nephew on the way! I'm so excited! Enjoy!

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