
Borrowed Goddess

Satomi has been turned to stone by Naraku until his death. Looking for her family, she finds one to call her own. Little does she know the family she seeks is close to the one she finds. A demon, teenage girl, priestess, half demon, demon hunter, and a woman who is possessed by an ancient god.

SJClements · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Sesshomaru could feel her powers returning as the night continued. Sitting on the window sill overlooking the city with his back pressed against the side, he would close his eyes from time to time to think. Rin was now long asleep along with everyone else he was keeping tabs on. The only one unable to sleep was himself. Hour after hour, he contemplated his role in this battle. The role she now had was on par with his own. She was the deciding factor they needed, but now she could very well overwhelm him if he so let her or rather if she so wished it. Her power was immense now, even if she used a good portion in the first few minutes. A slight adjustment period and he knew that no one could challenge her fairly.

All his life, he searched for someone with power to challenge. Now that he found someone worthy, he couldn't think of harming her. Rather he would do anything to protect what she was. As a human, she was stubborn and strong. As a deity, she was cunning and elegant. Now as a goddess, he could feel the two finally become one entity.

Wondering if she was remembering the little memories he knew she didn't realize had happened between them, would she turn away from him? The thought made him rather put on edge. He never really cared what women thought of him in either case, but somehow, she made him falter. Not wanting her to run away, he became agitated suddenly and had to take a small walk to clear his mind.

'Hmph,' he grunted as he stood and walked out of his room. But as soon as he did, he regretted it. Her scent hit him like a wall and he felt dizzy from it. It wasn't strong, but it was unavoidable. Calling to him, he found himself opening the door to her room. A slight glittering aura surrounded her as her power continued to rise. The moonlight was touching her hand as it lay outstretched, but the rest he could see perfectly fine with his vision.

The woman was reckless as she slept, one arm one direction, and the other across the bed. The blankets twisted around her legs and her waist as her yukata was opened just enough so he could see the line of her cleavage. And suddenly, she was looking at him, as if dreaming. However, he knew better. Her heart beat had changed and her eyes were becoming clearer by the second.

Saying nothing, she rose to sit up and looked at him curiously.

"Sesshomaru? Are you here because you were worried?" Tilting her head to the side, she awaited his answer. It was neither a question that faulted or praised him, he just wasn't expecting to be taken off guard.

"You should rest," he said simply as he turned to walk out of the door. But then he felt her hand on his as it touched the door in an instant and his eyes widened. Looking down at her, her sleeves were off her shoulders now, but she was oblivious to it or she was more of a vixen than he thought.

"I do not wish to rest," she said as if she was confused about what she felt. "I would like company."

"I doubt I am the best company," he said never being one for small talk.

"But I want your company, or is it truly that horrible what I am now?" Her hand glided over the fabric of is haori sleeve to his shoulder where it rested under his armor. Her eyes watching as she did so as if she was measuring. Her eyes closed for a moment and when they opened, they looked up at him with an emotion he didn't recognize. A kind of pain and yet there was hopefulness.

Turning his body to face her, he took her hand at his shoulder and brought it in front of him. She was asking him for something, and yet he could not put a finger on it. Taking a moment, he took a subtle sniff in the air. Her body was… wanting. The slight musky smell that told of a woman's arousal was without a doubt from her. He could find her anywhere with her scent and adding this to it made his own bodily demands want to be unleashed. Looking to her eyes, his own widened as she moved to his face. He did nothing to stop her as she reached up to pull his head down to meet hers as their lips touched.

She was completely aware, he was hesitant to believe it and as her eyes closed his soon followed. Aware, wanting, and beautiful…. What had this woman done to him?

Satomi had woken up feeling eyes on her. Sesshomaru had been watching her, and it felt like a dream yet. In her dreams she could live out her desires. In her dreams she could touch him… kiss him. Dreaming, it had to be a dream yet. But his hand let go of hers and wrapped around her. In her dreams, this is when she woke up. In the court yard, at his estate, and when they were on the road… they all felt like far off dreams and yet this time she wasn't waking up.

She deepened the kiss wanting to test the limits before her eyes would open and he would no longer be there. His mouth opened for her as her tongue entered and softly prodded as her hands tangled in his silver hair. It was so soft, a demon trait of being perfect perhaps? Hearing a soft groan from his throat, she stopped and opened her eyes.

This wasn't a dream.

As she breathed slightly heavier to regain her breath as her hands rested on his chest, he seemed completely unphased except his eyes that were confused and widened slightly. What to tell him? He wasn't a dream Sesshomaru that disappeared and left her wanting more. He was here and not leaving from the looks of it.

"I'm sorry, I…" she started but not wanting to apologize. Not truly.

"Sorry?" He asked as her head shot up to look at him rather shocked. They looked like this was familiar, and she was the one acting odd. The dreams… were they real?

"This isn't our first time, is it?" she asked as her face turned bright red. His silence confirmed her suspicions.

"That time you spent away was… from me?" she asked looking to his chest not really knowing what to do. She felt so embarrassed as the pieces finally came together. But then that meant her human form appealed to him in some way. Again, his silence was a general answer of yes. "I'm an idiot."

Leaning her head against his chest, facing down she suddenly saw her cleavage and gasped as her hands went to fix it before his hands stopped her. Now that she was a few inches away, her eyes started to well with tears thinking this was the worst. Not knowing where to begin in wondering what the worst part was, she was shocked when his lips came back down to hers once gently. The kiss was quick, and she wouldn't be sure if it happened but her own eyes witnessed the action.

He didn't say anything, he just put a hand behind her head and brought her forward to him once again. This time their lips continued where they left off before as she took a sharp intake of breath before moaning quietly against his mouth. Months of frustration and memories she thought were nothing but a dream suddenly being shattered, it made her power surge without even realizing it.

The surge in her power made his own demonic power surge along with it. His arm went to the small of her back and turned them so she was against the wall next to the door. His body close to hers as he bent down slightly to grip her upper thighs, never breaking their kiss. Bringing her up to his level, he used his body and the wall to keep her in place.

He felt a smile emerge from her against his lips and that made him swell with pride. Her body was perfect against his, every curve worthy to remember. The yukata she wore left little to the imagination now as the opening was now at the apex of her thighs as her legs wrapped around his waist. The warmth of her core made him erect with need. Her hands found their way to his chest and arm armor as she untied them with haste. His mouth found her neck and nipped at her pulse point enjoying the gasps and moans that escaped her.

She was his now, he would make sure of it.

Never before had she been so happy to be familiar with intricate battle armor as she was now. Untying the armor as he had his way with her neck and collar bone nipping and licking the wounds as the slightest hint of blood would show. His claws dug into her lower back, pushing her to him even more as his armor dropped with a metallic thud against the floor. The ties around his waist were significantly easier for her after dealing with the armor she could actually feel what he was doing to her.

His body was unwavering and strong as she sensed no hesitation with her body writhing against him out of instinct. The coldness in his eyes was no longer there, just the desire to satisfy and be satisfied. The muscles under the material of his clothing was tight and solid. Lean muscle that made her want to see it all and feel every inch of him. The growing arousal that was now apparent that the ties to the rest of the outer layer of clothing was done was set firmly against her pelvis. The thought of him inside of her made her even more wet than her body already was. If she wasn't ready for him, she didn't know what ready was.

Suddenly, he stopped and let her feet back on the ground. Looking at him confused, he used his lightning fast speed to swing them to the bed as the frame buckled a moment from the impact. Her eyes were wide for a moment before realizing their new location. He was now on all fours above her as she was laying there with her kimono only held together loosely by her obi. His silver hair falling around their faces as he brought a hand to her obi and his eyes to hers.

It took her a moment to realize he was asking her permission to continue before it escalated further. Nodding, her face turned red as she watched him untie the last piece that kept her hidden from him. Reaching for him she took the last of his ties to hakamas. Everything fell slack as he pulled the last tie of her obi and his robes fell around him. His body was perfect, and she was the one who was able to touch, taste, and see him for all his demonic glory.

Pulling him towards her, she took him by surprise enough to get the upper hand. Her yukata hung at her elbows as his top was parted completely and his hakamas were showing off his perfectly sculpted 'V' leading to her goal. But in the meantime, she wanted to explore. Leaning down over him, she ran her tongue along his neck to where he had on her. Feeling him shudder lightly under her, she took the opportunity to gently bite his ear lobe. What emerged was a growl from the back of his throat. It was almost hard to remember he was a dog demon when he was in human form.

Letting her tongue and mouth glide along his skin, she touched his arms and sides with her hands. His skin was this unmistakable wooden scent, warm and welcoming to her. He was undeniably the most handsome being she ever saw, and she knew the next part would be the most enjoyable. She just never experienced it herself. The courtesans at the mansion she lived at for a time told each other their stories and she overheard on many occasions. In theory she knew what to expect, but then none of them ever pleasured a demon.

He let her do as she wanted, sensing her anxiousness rising as she went lower. Knowing she had never been claimed by another, it was something he was looking forward to. To make her his own and to reassure her that there was no one else like her. Even if she had just remained a human woman… or maybe he was drawn to her because of her divine qualities. Obviously, humans and demons didn't seem to do it for him.

Suddenly, she rose up on her knees and he was finally able to see her. Damn beautiful he thought as she let her yukata finally slide off her arms completely baring herself to him. Seeing the debate in her mind to cover up or not, he reached forward to her pulling her so she was once again under him. His actions shedding the last of his clothing as well. Taking a moment to look at her breasts as they rose and fell to her chaotic breathing. They weren't large by any means, but they were hers. The slim curve to her hips and finally her heated and soaking core. He could see the moisture and scent was intoxicating.

Lowering his head, he could hear her protest before falling fully to the bed and arching her back as he ran his tongue along her opening. When he reached the most sensitive part, she jerked her hips under up and moaned longingly. "Don't stop." That was all he needed to hear, continuing his onslaught he nipped and licked until she was begging for him.

Her body couldn't take anymore, his tongue was hot against her opening as he continued to manipulate her to just about find release only to back down to build her up. The cycle went on until she was almost crying from the frustration of it all. Her legs spread wider for him on instinct when he brought one hand to touch her breasts. It wandered from one to the other, as he lifted his head from her apex and moved his hand there instead. Minding his claws, he pressed against her opening and she gasped as he covered her mouth with his.

Moving in and out of her, his finger was slowly building her back up as his thumb worked on her sensitive spot. Slowly rotating his thumb around and around, she was about to be driven insane. She could taste her own essence which only seemed to heighten the pleasure. The musky smell and taste made her wonder what else he tasted like.

Wrapping her hand around his wrist, she stopped him before he could completely finish her off. "My turn," she said simply as he raised an eyebrow and the slightest hint of a smirk graced his features. Leaning him back, she looked at his body and blushed. His erection was proud, and he had every right to be proud of it. Touching the skin with her finger tips, he hissed in pleasure in response. Velvet steel under her palm as she took the full grasp and did a full pump up and down. He was graciously thick and long, ready and waiting for her. Continuing her movements, his hands went up to her face where he pulled her forward and kissed her passionately. Moving her mouth down his body as she continued, as her tongue reached his navel, she knew what she wanted to do.

Stopping her hand, she took her tongue and swirled it around the head. Salty residue coated the tip of her tongue. Gripping further down on his shaft, she had heard of what to do with a man in this situation. Apparently, he was not disappointed thus far. Taking him in her mouth, she slowly descended upon him half way before going up and then down again. He moaned and arched under her as his claws burned poison into the bed on either side of them.

Touching her hair, she stopped and looked up at him curiously. Was she not doing it right? However, his eyes were lust filled and need. He was ready, was she? In theory, yes. Moving her up she wasn't expecting him to stay below her. Did women take the top? Usually she heard no, but she didn't have time to think as his throbbing erection was at her entrance. He waited for her to descend. He was letting her decide.

Her body going down, she could feel her insides stretch to accommodate him as her soaking wet core took him in willing as there was only slight discomfort as they reached further inside. When there was nothing left for her to take it, she felt so full she could burst. Touching his chest, he looked at her with eyes she'd never seen before.

"You're mine," he said he ran his hand through her hair that fell around her and on the bed. His remark made her blush and he wasn't ashamed of it. They stayed joined like that as her body adjusted, but soon he wanted to thrust into her with the power to make her beg for him. However, she seemed to understand the need as she grinded her hips against his. Guiding her hips with his hands, he could feel her grow more comfortable with the more pleasure she was feeling. The moans and cries he heard were more than evidence enough of that.

Raising his hips, he met hers which made her cry out as he went even deeper inside of her. Feeling her body start to tighten, her movements were more chaotic, he wanted to take her. Flipping her over and not missing a beat, he spread her legs and she wrapped them around his waist as he entered her fully. Taking himself almost all the way out, he thrusted inside of her hard and stayed. Her gasp was the only the beginning as he continued taking himself almost all the way out before thrusting hard. Over and over before she was crying out in pleasure.

Moving so he was on his knees, low to the bed, he moved her so she was resting just above his knees. Plunging into her, he put one leg over his shoulder and thrust over and over until she fulfilled her release. What he didn't expect was his own. His own erection pulsing, he could feel her body drink his release in. Buried to the hilt, he didn't want to let go.

Her leg moved down to his side as they both were covered with a thin sheen of sweat and breathing heavily. Taking himself out of her, he laid there on his side as he watched her remain on her back. He could tell she was thinking as she rolled over to face him. Her face was turning red again as she looked at him.

"You blush easily," he commented as he moved a hair out of her face.

"You just noticed." Her face looked irritated, but her bashful smile proved otherwise. "What did you mean by 'you're mine'?"

The question took him by surprise. "You haven't laid with anyone else, so you're mine." He thought it was an obvious thing, but her face just turned a brighter red.

"How primitive," she said with a laugh. "What if I find someone else?" His eyes grew possessive as he grabbed her wrist. Moving over her, his eyes shown with some feral need.

"You won't." It wasn't threatening. It was a promise that no one could do what he just did to her.

Going back to his spot, he pulled her to him he wrapped his arms around her. "Now would you rest, woman." Hearing her laugh quietly before she grew quiet, he pulled the blankets over her. The moon was now being replaced by the sunlight as the last remaining hours of night passed.

Getting up, he quietly dressed as he looked at her one last time before walking to the door. His sleeping goddess. She was just as reckless now as she was when he first walked into her room. As soon as he got up from the bed she sprawled out, no doubt Rin would run in here soon and want to see her. Thinking about that, he thought it best to dress her. That proved easy, this woman was out cold. He wasn't ashamed of taking her, but there was her modesty he supposed.

Leaving the room, he had business with Kaito this morning.