
Born With A Divine System

This story follows the journey of our young lead, Zephyr Everwood, who was chosen to be the reincarnate of the fallen deity who watched over creation. How will he fare against fallen angels, the undead, monsters and demons alike.Then what would his system be like? What will it give him and what will it want in return? Finally, what sort of relationships will he form with those around him as all hopes of a normal life are ripped away by one tragedy after another. The path to greatness will be a long and arduous one, and he will face many struggles, but the question is will he be able to reclaim the glory/divinity of his past self or will he fall at the cruel hands of what appears to be absolute power.

CRSTALking · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


 I opened my eyes for the first time after my death, expecting to find myself, my soul flung into the sea of spirits that have yet to move onto a higher realm but that is not the case. Instead, I'm in pitch black nothingness; an endless space devoid of light, matter and energy alike. It could be that each soul is given their own realm when awaiting passage, but I seriously doubt that. Then comes the question of how long I've been here? Days, years, eons; I could've spent any amount of time here. Then something happened; across the entire void ripples could be seen forming giving way to the first rays of light. The ripples appeared to form a multitude of the same shape, an oval.

Surprisingly the ovals seemed to move before opening? I didn't know what was happening as thousands if not tens of thousands of eyelids had revealed an array of multicolored eyes, with each one staring profusely at me before speaking.

"You know, I expected better." One eye said.

"True, if I had known that you'd die in such a pathetic way I wouldn't have bothered watching this world." Another eye retorted.

Zephyr on the other hand was just dumbfounded by what was happening. But regardless of the predicament before him he had to know if he had just run mad, and if not, if he could find a way back.

"Where am I?" He asked.

Then all conversations ended as they turned their gaze towards him.

"Oh right, you must be awfully confused now." Said one whose voice was more distinguished than the rest of them.

"While most of us are nameless you may address me as "The First Eye" and we as a whole are an existence that is unbound by physical and abstract concepts.".

Zephyr simply nodded and proceeded to speak again.

"That didn't answer my question."

The rest of the eyes remained quiet awaiting the response.

"My, my, my, why does your impudence know no bounds Zephyr, first against the living embodiment of death itself and now even ME!!!"

 He slightly raised his voice, but it felt like the entire realm trembled. Zephyr knew that if he had been in his body, it would have been pummeled into non-existence.

"Enough time wasting, if the story isn't gonna find a way to bring him back then we should intervene." One spoke.

"Hmm, not a bad idea." Another responded.

"Yeah, I'd like to see how strong he can become."

"Well, I do see his potential for growth in might and enlightenment." The first eye said.

"Is that even possible?" I questioned.

"What makes you think it isn't" The first queried.

It was then that Zephyr revealed what he had observed about death in his world; and whether his resurrection would be a good thing or not.

"From what I've seen no one is above death, I've seen first-hand that there is always a price to pay. The humans revived with rituals back on Earth became undead losing their souls in the process; the undead king as well lost most of his strength when was revived and, it even appears that the God of the heavens could not escape his own death either." 

"While you did take into account some peculiar incidents you forgot one thing." He stopped.

"And what would that be?" Zephyr wondered.

The first eye suddenly enlarged as it came closer to him.

"That in the face of ABSOLUTE power the concept of death is IRRELEVANT!!!" He roared as so did the others.

Then a pitch-black arm extended out of the void of eyes, itself still being covered in them, and out of it an energy sphere launched itself towards my soul. It came like a shooting star and enveloped me in a white aura as my spirit was transported back to my body. In an instant I felt it; my entire being was restored to its full capacity and then some, the power overflowed as I contemplated the thought that I could surpass death itself.




The Earth shook and rumbled profusely as mountains collapsed; magma from the deepest crevices of the core outpoured as the planets' surface finally gave way. The skies then began to thunder as massive storms formed across the globe. Then in an instant a silver pillar of light shot towards the heavens in a godly display. It reached beyond the heavens and engulfed the entire solar system in its glorious glow. From the base of the pillar a silver domain of pure uncontrolled energy released massive shockwaves to such a degree that it could be felt across the entire univ-, no across all realms, gathering the attention of all who could discern it. 

All this happened just a moment after Grim killed Zephyr. He turned around in shock at the aura he sensed and at the base of the pillar of light he saw a dark silhouette hovering in the raw energy. The figure then looked right at the Sovereign End.

[Requirements for the breaking through have been reached]

[Understanding Death-Complete]

[Feeling Death-Complete]

[Surpassing Death-Complete]

[The 1st of 4 stages of enlightenment has been reached]

[Congratulations Zephyr, you are the first being in all of history to acquire this state]

[Linked skill acquired]

[The Eyes of Truth]

[Description: A skill which can only be gained by experiencing ones' own death and gaining understanding of the nature of reality. These eyes allow one to view the movement and flow of Qi within the universe to further their enlightenment. It is quite useful when facing one who leaks energy and uses it inefficiently while in battle.]

[Opening Character Profile]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 21

Exp: 82,427,255.515/1,969,336,636.40.

Rank: SSS+++-class







SP: 0

QI: 14,600(-5000)

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Regeneration(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, World Splitter(damaged), Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration(damaged)

Mission: Clear an entire Spawn field within the allotted time limit

Rewards- 1000exp, the active skill The King of Kings

Penalty- ....

Time Limit- 5hrs

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 1]

Out of the glistering light he came forward in a graceful and majestic allure. His white hair flowed seamlessly in the air and his might had been enhanced with the untapped power that surrounded this godly state. His emerald green eyes were once again reinvigorated with life, exuding an authority that could be surpassed by few. Then, as the pillar of light dulled and vanished, it did so with the display of a magnificent array of colors which condensed into his otherworldly aura, a beautiful mismatch of silver, red, and blue. 

There I stood as unimaginable power flowed through my veins, and with my fists clenched I turned towards the embodiment of death itself. Calmly I prepped myself to wield this might and complete this task once and for all.

Grim however was taken aback by the current happenings. He was fairly certain that the boy was dead after all, and who better to judge that than well.... himself.

"How is this possible? Your soul was released, your energy faded away so why are you still alive?"

I simply glared at him from afar and in an instant, I planted my foot into the ground and launched myself forward, leaving a massive canyon sized crater in my wake. As I propelled forward, I charged my newfound strength into my right arm. Without wasting a moment my aura condensed around my fist, and as it approached his skull with only the external energy of my aura he was sent back kilometers. The impact alone created a massive shockwave that shook the planet. There I stood with pure energy practically oozing from my fist as my heartbeat faster, adrenaline pumped through my blood; this feeling of exhilaration came over me instantly and it was intoxicating.

The "End of All Things" however wasn't so thrilled. The attack managed to do more than send him flying and actually broke his skull, leaving multiple clearly visible crack and chips. He was able to stop himself using his obsidian great sword to dig into the ground. The humiliation he suffered at the hands of a child was too great to bear and so out of spite he used a skill which was previously effective.

He raised his left arm and snapped his fingers and once again dark chains emerged from the very fabric of creation; with haste they drove towards an oblivious Zephyr who was still immersed in his astonishing strength. They bound themselves to his soul and stopped him from moving while inhibiting his Qi flow, or at least that's what he thought. Without effort Zephyr began to stride forward then he began running and afterwards sprinting towards the demon. The shocking part was that the chains were broken the moment his body started motion.

"Hmm, I felt like there was something binding me for a second." But he just shrugged it off as nothing.

"I-I-Impossible!!!" The Sovereign End roared as he raised his sword.

I bolted towards Death, ready to speed blitz him into the next solar system when I felt something off with the scenario. Suddenly I saw a red streak flash before my eyes. It all played in slow motion as a reddish smooth substance swerved from within his body and around his left arm before flowing to his blade. I didn't know what I was seeing but I knew there was reason it transferred to his sword. So, once I arrived before him, I raised my right arm in defense.

Just as he had suspected Grim was not as weakened as he seemed as he immediately grabbed his blade and swung it at full force point blank in an attempt to behead Zephyr. The great sword was however immediately shattered upon impact with Zephyr's arm, releasing a resonating chime similar to that of broken glass. Its pieces scattered around the battlefield as a shocking realization came upon him; the last attack was no fluke; Zephyr truly had become that strong. If the shattered weapon wasn't proof enough, then how about the lack of even a scratch on his arm. The weapon had been used in the first Great War and was forged in the heat of the All-Consuming Fires, and only a handful of beings from that era could even dent it.


Seeing my chance, I gave him an uppercut which sent him sky high, and immediately after, I put my hands together and bashed him right back down to Earth. With a smirk plastered on my face and my energy overflowing I reached the Earth before he did and powered up a kick that'd put any baller to shame. He accelerated downwards and just before impact I kicked him with enough force to send him to the moon. The attack released a powerful burst of energy that lit up the area and within the fraction of a microsecond he crashed right into the celestial body greatly damaging it in the process.

"Hmm well let's finish this." 


I said before pushing Qi around my body to provide upward thrust, and with one hell of a push-off I propelled myself towards the satellite just as fast. It was actually amusing as I zoomed off past light and visibly out sped it. Eventually I'd be too fast to be able to see in battle so I gotta learn another way of sight, but I'll worry about that later.

The moon was in shambles as almost half of it was reduced to rubble. I was able to stop myself right before crashing into the weakened demon. Then a cynical idea had come to mind, so with my arm outstretched a purple orb manifested within my palm. A hundred purple spheres of energy manifested themselves behind me; linking up with one another they formed the pattern of a highly complex magical circle. The violent energy emanating from each one could destroy multiple large planets, neigh the solar system tens of times over, and in an instant the structure was contained, shrinking down to fit in my palm.

"No, you damn mortal don't you dare or risk the entire ecological collapse of the Earth." He said smugly.

"Huh, true, but I can always make a new moon, but no one's gonna make a new you." I blatantly said.

This struck into him a feeling he thought he'd never experience again, fear. The last time he was this powerless was against those monsters on the battlefield, yes, he remembered them all; the "10 Mortal Kings", "The Right Hand of God" Michael, and "The Angel of The Flaming Sword". Granted Zephyr still is weaker than them but the authority and potential they had was present within him.

"Enough of this farce, if I cannot beat you with my strength then my techniques shall bring you to your KNEES!!!" He said as he outstretched his palm and within it a heart appeared.

Zephyr then suddenly realized what skill he had used, but it was too late.

"CARDIOSTASIS!!!" Grim roared as he squashed the heart within his palm, but nothing happened.

"N-No, this isn't possible, no matter how hard you train your body, mind, or spirit internal organs even if more durable will never be on par with the rest of the body. It is impossible, impossible!"

"That is true, so I suppose you are so far below me that even my organs are beyond your grasp."

This truth shook him even more, how could Death be weaker than a mortal's organs, his great strength not even being able to scratch them. 

Following that Zephyr unleashed the attack in a maelstrom of destruction. It only took a moment for it to engulf the beaten skeleton and if his screams were any indicator the power was truly incredible.


"Shit I'm running out of oxygen, better take this back down."

I grabbed him by his skull, and only then did I realize how battered he was. He was barely conscious, missing body parts and most of his mass gone. He looks no different than a human skeleton at this point with the only contrast being his single obsidian horn. Then I planted my feet unto a chunk of moon rock nearby and prepared to rocket back to earth and with a single jump a stream of energy could be seen transitioning from the now shattered moon to the Earth in a glorious multicolored flame that only increased in beauty the closer to Earth we got. Midway through the trip I decided to do some damage control.

[Hand of God Active]

With a few gestures the telekinetic abilities of the hand of god were able to forcibly compress the moon back to its estimated original size. I also placed molded the battlefield back to a descent state, but its original structures and outlines would be forever gone. Finally, I placed a telekinetic force field on the planets' surface to cushion our impact. In an instant I arrived on the surface and in the process slammed the skeletal demon unto the crust as dramatic flair. The impact it left was far more than dramatic however as an ultrasonic boom soon followed suite with a Hiroshima sized blast that eviscerated the landscape I had just molded into an ashy wasteland.

"Yikes, I really should learn how control my AOE one of these days." He chuckled.

(A/N): Area of Effect, like the range in which his attacks can be felt or have great impact on the environment. 

I looked over to the smoldering remains of the demon and there was still a dim flare in his eye sockets which impressed me with his resilience.

"Well, it looks like I've been bested by you, and after seeing your strength and fighting style firsthand I can confidently tell you this." He weakly spoke.

"Go on." I urged him to continue.

"You are nothing compared to Diablo, he easily outclasses the mortal kings and even their weakest members could put you on your knees." He chuckled while saying so.

"And he has only gotten stronger over time, so I can rest well knowing that once he regains his motivation, he will finally enslave all creation."

Just as I was about to speak an unforeseen backlash struck mercilessly as I suddenly got weakened. My silvery aura, once overflowing with strength began to dissipate as the air around me crackled with the residual energy. My body began to betray me as it faltered under the strain; muscles contracted violently resulting in the ripping apart of muscle fibers. In mere seconds blood vessels succumb to the overwhelming force, bursting under my skin and within my flesh. Even my bones yielded under the weight of the unleashed power, fracturing multiple times over.

Falling on one knee I breathed heavily but soon my irregular breath was restored as an all too familiar skill activated.

[Regeneration Active]

*Inhales deeply*

"Huh, it's finally over, but it looks like I overexerted myself a bit."

Then a system message appeared.

[The host has completed the mission]

[The host has received 1000exp for completing the mission]

[The host has received 500,000,000exp for slaying Grim, the death of all things]

[Skill collection from Grim...… complete]

[The system has been updated with new attributes]

[Active skill Fission has been added to the records]

[Active skill Fission has been unlocked]

[Description: This technique better known as Qi fission is a skill which when used on any material breaks down that substance into its simpler particles which are then broken down to release pure mortal Qi.]

[Active skill Soul Tether has been added to the records]

[Active skill Soul Tether has been unlocked]

[Description: This is a monstrous skill that allows the user to bind the soul of any individual weaker than them with chains made up of pure energy which prevents the flow of Qi in their body.]

[Active skill The King of Kings has been unlocked]

[Description: One of the greatest skills one could have, only capable of being used by higher ranks of the celestial/heavenly realm, it allows the user to summon up to a hundred thousand great warriors from the abyss of non-existence, each with individual strength matching up to 1% of the hosts' power and all are under the direct control of the host. A noticeable drawback is that the soldiers are limited and cannot be replaced as a limited number were created in the abyss, they may only regenerate lost limbs or damaged body parts by consuming the hosts' energy at a rate of 0.1 per healing.] 

"That's more than descent; this skill is outright broken. With an army by my side beating Diablo will be a lot easier, especially if they are trained."


"They are trained right?"

[I'll proceed to teaching them the basics of divine martial arts as anything too advanced could result in their destruction. Everything else such as battle tactics and the use of weaponry has already been taught to them]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 21

Exp: 582,428,255.515/1,969,336,636.40.

Rank: SS-class







SP: 0

QI: 400

HP: 60%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Regeneration(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, World Splitter(damaged), Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration(damaged)

Mission: Complete

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

[The host has acquired the Demon Orb]

[Breaking down its components to release energy]

[+7000QI gained]

[Repairing damaged items using the workshop and energy]

[The host has acquired the obsidian horn of death]

[Incorporating its demonic energy into the World Splitter]

[Incorporation Complete]

"I guess now time to finally go ho-"

The Earth began to rumble ferociously, the skies crackled as space ripped apart and a large white portal opened up in the skies.

The scene switches to the happenings of the celestial realm and what may have caused them to reopen their gates. We see a rattled Uriel with short messy golden hair, bluish grey pupils and an oval face. His body was no different than any of the late archangels, being built like that of a Gods' which was technically true. He ran through the corridors of the Lords divine manor holding a golden case, and as he was heading towards the portal he was being escorted by hundreds of soldiers as an older looking angel with grey hair tried to speak with him.

"Uriel, are sure this is a good idea? Once we open the portal using the horn of war we won't be able to close it up instantly as the horn will deteriorate once it is used by another. It might take a few days or weeks and what will happen if Diablo decides to attack?" The angel asked worriedly.

"We weren't the only ones that sensed that power Circuitel, Diablo no doubt sensed the energy as well and is most likely on his way to confront the source. We cannot abandon our Lord like that, especially in his current state." Uriel responded.

"But still, the divine energy may have been to a great degree but there was also an undeniably large amount of demonic energy as well."

Uriel stopped in his tracks.

"And what does that have to do with anything? It does not matter what energy you wield as compared to what you do with it, and you of all people should remember his last instructions; "My children, return to the heavenly realm and take heed until you once again feel my strength" and that was the purest form of divine energy I've felt in millennia." He said before continuing to run then he spread his wings and flew rapidly.

(A/N): Time passes differently in the heavenly realm so a single day on Earth is comparable to few years there.

The old man following suite continued.

"I suppose you do have a point, well then should I prepare the codex?" Circuitel asked.

"Yes, you should just in case."


Uriel arrived towards the edge of the heavenly realm and blew the horn, disintegrating it in the process. It released a wave of Qi with bore a hole in space-time, creating a wormhole to connect two very distant dimensions. Flying through the portal he and his escorts made it towards the other side, the mortal realm.

He peered down upon the ashy landscape before heading downwards towards the only living being he could see. Landing before him on one knee he spoke.

"My Lord, it has been too long."

This released ash into the air causing Zephyr to cough profusely while gasping for air. He quickly used his Qi to purify the air around him and get clean oxygen. 

"A-A-Angels!" He yelled out before stepping back.

Zephyr's entire demeanor shifted. It was as though the interaction revealed a scene etched in the deepest recesses of his mind. The setting materialized vividly, the same café from that day, laughter in the air as Zephyr and his friends were joyful. The once warm and heartfelt scene turned cold as the atmosphere darkened.

Suddenly, a blood-red portal tore through the fabric of reality, opening in their midst. The portal ranked one on the chaos scale, allowing only a single being passage. And through it emerged a fallen, donning his darkened armor and a purple aura enveloping him. A smirk played on his lips as he pointed his index finger towards them, charging up a Qi blast filled with destructive energy.

Yet, this time, the memory unfolded with more cruel details. Zephyr's sister and mother were also present in the café. Zephyr himself was in his new form, but despite this transformation, he remained powerless, unable to stop the impending catastrophe.

As the angel unleashed the devastating Qi blast, the world around them disintegrated into chaos. The café was reduced to ash and cinder as the blast consumed everything, leaving behind only death and destruction.

In the heart of this maelstrom, Zephyr found himself seated amidst the wreckage. In his arms, he cradled the lifeless corpses of his mother and sister. Tears streamed down his face, and the gut-wrenching sobs of a broken soul echoed through the desolation. He wept uncontrollably, at his own powerlessness and the tragic demise of his loved ones.

The agony of that moment, frozen in time, lingered in the depths of his consciousness. He had failed to protect them once again; the weight of that failure was too heavy of a burden. 

Then, as abruptly as it had begun, the haunting memory released its grip on Zephyr. He snapped back to reality, the scene leaving him breathless, but he managed to regain his control.

 "Tell me, who am I to you?" Zephyr said imposingly.

"What was I thinking? Of course, you wouldn't remember; you my Lord are the reincarnate of the Keeper of the Light of Creation, the First of the Two Primordial Gods."

"That's a joke... that's a joke, right?" Zephyr said while staggered at the news.

"Alex, this isn't true right?"

[It is the host is reincarnate of the old God]

"So, is that the major secret you've been keeping?"

[Yes, though there is more]

"Are you fu-"

[Danger Sense Active]

[Error] x1000

[Multiple failed attempts at measuring the statistics of a single entity]

[I do not have the capabilities to measure the strength of this entity]

[The host whilst having surpassed death is still able to be erased from existence if their soul is destroyed; especially if he faces this opponent at his current stats]

[I request-

"Alex, mute." The system instantly fell silent as he commanded.

Then skies above fractured with an otherworldly tear. From there a crimson red portal in the fabric of existence emerged a singular being. I had never encountered him before, but one thing was certain. This was Diablo in the flesh.

Through the blood red portal, he descended upon the earth as lightning bolts painted the skies. His presence, marked by an aura that could only be described as malevolence, sent shivers through the very fabric of reality as it vehemently reacted to him.

Diablo's appearance was an embodiment of allure. Raven black hair, short and silken, framed a chiseled face with an almost unnatural precision. Blood red pupils gleamed in his eyes that could be seen even in the abyss. His skin, a flawless canvas, seemed untouched by the passage of time, and the grace of his muscular form could not be matched.

Clad in a dark suit reminiscent of a count from a Gothic nightmare, Diablo made his descent. Every movement spoke of an unshaken confidence, as if the very concept of power itself was amusing to him.

As he touched down upon the earthly realm, the ground seemed to recoil, as if reluctant to bear witness to the footsteps of an entity so steeped in darkness. Diablo's arrival wasn't just a descent; it was a proclamation, that there were none here that could harm him.

"Oh my, it is very true indeed, I knew it the moment I watched over your first battle."

His voice alone released a pressure that could make most drop to their knees, but those before him were no weaklings. 

"So, you're Diablo, the bastard that caused this mess." Zephyr said angrily.

Just as he did the squadron of angels that escorted Uriel raised their guard and their weaponry. They were the legions that retreated from the war, so they had to know the might of Diablo, yet they still stood with vigor. I suppose not all angels were created equally.

"What business do you have here Diablo?" Uriel asked.

"Hmm, well I suppose I'm here for the same reason as you are." He retorted.

"And that might be?"

"To ask him to come and serve by my side of course." Diablo smugly said.

This sent a wave of shock throughout all those present. Diablo then proceeded to walk towards Zephyr and looks right at him.

"Will you follow me or them?" He asked as his face remained stoic.

"How about NEITHER!!!" Zephyr yelled in response.

Summoning the last bits of his energy Zephyr transformed back into the first stage of Nirvana. His Qi swirled around him as the bright silver light faded; then he reeled back his clenched fist and increased its strength to the utmost peak.

[Fist of God Active]


The unmistakable, sickening sound of tearing flesh couldn't become any more daunting as blood splattered all over the ground. Everyone's eyes widened in horror at the scene before them; Diablo's arm had pierced right through the core of Zephyr. The limb coated in blood was effortlessly withdrawn from the hole bored in Zephyr's chest. The demon lord seemed ecstatic at the thrill of the moment before he revealed his true emotion.

"I expected a bit more from one who just defeated a general of chaos; but I suppose he was excommunicated a long time ago." The stoic expression revealed that he truly was bored with the outcome.

This was followed by Zephyrs body gushing out large amounts of blood, wetting his clothes and the ground with its warmth. His eyes went blank, his heart stopped beating and his energy leaked away as he lost his divine glow, collapsing to the ground.


The archangel Uriel was beyond shocked when he pulled out his blade.

"This shan't be tolerated Diablo." He yelled as the angels charged.

Diablo simply glared at the army and the force he emitted sent them crashing into the dirt, all except Uriel. He viscously attacked Diablo with multiple strikes and slashes and managed to keep up with his suppressed base form, which was to be expected. Just as the battle raged on intensely something else came from the portal, it was the old man and before him was a piece of celestial machinery. Its design was strange to say the least. It was a single larger cube being hovered around by 4 smaller cubes, each having transparent sides and encrusted silver plates on its line edges. Within them was a single crystal radiating energy. 

This piqued Diablo's interest and so he gave Uriel a backhand that sent him flying towards Zephyrs body.

"Well, if it isn't Circuitel, the greatest tinkerer from above. What is that contraption?"

"Hmm, it's nothing really, just something I cooked up to harness the power of light of creation." He nonchalantly said.

This statement even made the great demon king flinch.

"Even if that is true, I know you wouldn't dare to fire it as that would destroy the entire mortal realm." Diablo retorted.

"Wanna bet." Circuitel said unyielding certainty.


"Very well, have it your way, I was just about leaving anyway." He said as he ascended towards the red portal.

"But know this old man, one day I'll become so strong that even your technology won't be of use against me."

But unlike his elderly appearance the angel was quite immature in his manner of conversing, always wanting to get the last say.

"That's why we have him." Circuitel responded; while pointing towards Zephyr and also getting the last word."

Diablo had then left while the angels quickly rushed the body of Zephyr into the portal to the heavens, disappearing for who knows how long.

(A/N): To anyone who is wondering why Zephyr would be ballsy enough to go against Diablo despite all the warnings here you go. Diablo was the one whose war resulted in his fathers' death. Diablo also created a world so unsecure that Zephyrs mother got murdered in broad daylight, in front of him and they were never caught. The fallen angel that killed Arvin, whose fault was that? You guessed it Diablo. So I doubt he'd realistically stay calm as not only did he get a new power up which inflated his ego, he also didn't feel any Qi from Diablo.

Most characters leak/waste energy while moving or fighting which results in their aura (something our hero is very used too) so he can estimate their strength from that aura as it releases pressure on the world. Extremely skilled warriors do not waste energy in a battle and thus have no aura, unless they get very emotional/get an adrenaline rush and lose control of their Qi flow. So, with no aura Zephyr thought he could get a cheap shot on someone who wasn't tapping into their power. That's basically it.

Hope ya'll enjoyed the chapter, and please remember to review the book cause that'll let everyone else know that it's good. Thx for reading, bye.

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