
Born With A Divine System

This story follows the journey of our young lead, Zephyr Everwood, who was chosen to be the reincarnate of the fallen deity who watched over creation. How will he fare against fallen angels, the undead, monsters and demons alike.Then what would his system be like? What will it give him and what will it want in return? Finally, what sort of relationships will he form with those around him as all hopes of a normal life are ripped away by one tragedy after another. The path to greatness will be a long and arduous one, and he will face many struggles, but the question is will he be able to reclaim the glory/divinity of his past self or will he fall at the cruel hands of what appears to be absolute power.

CRSTALking · Fantasy
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43 Chs


In the beginning, the world was a living tapestry of unparalleled beauty and harmony. Lush, verdant foliage enveloped the landscape, with towering trees whose branches were heavy with vibrant, succulent fruits. The air was filled with the heavy scent of blooming flowers, their colours a reminder of nature's brilliance. Crystal-clear streams meandered through the expanse, their waters sparkling in the sunlight and providing a soothing melody of gentle ripples.

Birds of every type flew through the firmament, their songs bringing life to the empty skies. Exotic animals, unafraid and at peace, roamed freely, their coats gleaming under the warm sun.

Everywhere you looked, life thrived in perfect balance. It was not just a place, but a living, breathing paradise, a sanctuary of eternal tranquillity and untouched natural splendour.

At the centre of it all stood a single individual, an entity known to all mankind as the father of humanity.

Under a towering tree atop a hill, he stood tall and statuesque, his muscular frame a testament to both strength and grace. His skin was a rich, warm brown, glowing with vitality. His eyes, a striking shade of grey, held a depth and intensity that captivated those who gazed into them. Ebony hair, thick and flowing, framed his face, highlighting his chiselled features. His jawline was strong and defined, giving him an air of both ruggedness and refinement. His very presence exuded an essence of primordial beauty and strength.

This was Adam, the first man, and God's image.

He rested his back on the tree, biting into a fruit as he stared into the distance, watching over everything. Then he sensed a disturbance in the air as space began to contort, revealing a small golden portal.

He looked at it with interest but his eyes showed no emotions.

Out of it came an angel with majestic wings of silver and sapphire; he had a serious expression as he exchanged glances with God's reflection.



That's all they said as they stared each other down.

"How is Chayyliel doing?" Adam asked.

"Your master is doing just fine, but there are more pressing matters ahead." Gabriel responded.

"Is there a problem God cannot solve?" Adam questioned.

Gabriel hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Yes, I suppose this is a problem he cannot solve by himself." He answered.

"Then I can assume, the two brothers have finally pushed each other to the limit." Adam said.

Gabriel simply nodded.

"That's why we're gathering the mortal kings, and what are they without their strongest member?"

He then bore a smile, hoping that the strongest mortal would join their cause.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Adam said rhetorically.

"I thought you'd like to say your goodbyes before leaving."

Gabriel said while pointing at a silhouette a distance away.

"Well, I never knew you were so thoughtful." Adam joked.

He then walked off to his significant other, indicating that he won't take long with a simple hand gesture.

"Hmm, my sister was never one for manners; I guess that also rubbed off on him aside from that lust for battle." He said to himself.

Adam ran through the lush forests and grasses before finding her. Eve was on her own, picking berries for a midday snack when suddenly something heavy tackled her to the ground with a gentle hug.

"Adam, why are you suddenly so clingy?" She yelled in protest and embarrassment as her face turned red.

"Well, I'm going to miss you while I'm gone." He said in a sly tone.

"Don't tell me you're leaving again!" She said visibly annoyed.

Instantly she got out of his grasp, standing up and walking towards berries she gathered. Adam stood up, looking slightly dejected.

She picked them up before throwing each and every one at him in a fit.

"Why, why, why do you always have to go?" She said with tears in her eyes.

He had never seen her like this before, but it made him uncomfortable, instinctively he didn't want to ever see her cry. So, in an act of passion, he quickly embraced her, placing her head on his chest while stroking her long dark hair.

"Am I the reason you always leave? Am I not good enough to make you want to stay?" She wept in his embrace.

"You are more than enough." He said as he stared into her eyes.

"This place may be paradise, but what's the point of it if I'm alone? I'd rather stay under the watch of my teacher than return to an empty peace." He smiled as she had stopped crying.

"You are the only reason I come back every time, you are my paradise." He said with absolute certainty.

Her cheeks blushed as her expression changed to one of bliss and beatitude.

"Then promise me you'll come back."

She said as she bit her hand and blood began to spill.

"This is more than a promise, I will come back, because I am the strongest." He said with a cheer.

He then bit his lip, causing it to bleed before kissing her injured hand.

"This is the last time you will ever bleed as long as I live."

And thus, the pact was made with blood, such that if one faulters then the other will also bear the consequences.

"I have to go now." He said with a gentle voice.

"I can wait." She said as she watched him walk away.

Adam reached the hill top, saying all that he needs to with a nod of his head. Thus, they both enter the portal and disappear into the higher realm.

Just a moment later they both arrived within the celestial command centre. The room was vast yet bound by circular walls; it is adorned in shimmering, golden filigree that emitted divine energy.

A massive, round table made of purest crystal stood at its centre, covered entirely in maps of the whole cosmos. Surrounding the table were high-backed chairs, each carved from luminous white marble and inlaid with precious stones.

At the head of the table sat the Lord, his presence alone humbling those before him, as his eyes hold the weight of infinite wisdom. Around him, the archangels sat, their wings folded with reverence, waited for the last members of their army.

Then as the portal manifested the two came out. Gabriel immediately bowed before his father.

"Father." He spoke.

"You've done well my son; now we might just be able to avoid this catastrophe." The Lord said.

Adam looked around the room before setting his sight on two very particular individuals.

One was a barbaric man with ragged clothing made of animal skin, adorned with decapitated skulls and bones. He had thick brown hair that flowed like a lions' mane. His physique was large and towering, as his hardened muscles were present for all to see. His pupils were amber slits, while his teeth were as sharp a blade; showing the beastly nature of the man. He was the strongest member of the warrior race known as the Thornshrades. He was Kael Thornclaw, the second strongest mortal king.

The other was tall and regal, with a mane of silver hair that flows like a frozen waterfall down his back. His piercing blue eyes, as cold and sharp as the winter winds, betray a depth of wisdom far beyond his years. His skin, white as snow complemented his dark blue armour that covered him neck downwards. His most notable feature however were his pointed ears, which would sprawl up endless myths referencing them.

He was the current king of the Frostvale kingdom, a world of ice elves. He was Aris Frostheart, the third strongest of the mortal kings.

The three of them knew each other well; they were students of the same master for decades and as such, no words needed to be said to show their respect to the other.

Gabriel took his seat at the left-hand side of the Lord, signifying the beginning of the meeting.

"Oi, where are the rest!" Voiced Kael.

"You three were the only ones that agreed to come." Said Uriel.

"EEEEH!" Kael shouted.

"Those bastards think they can run away from this? How about I go to every one of their planets and beat some sense into them!" He was clearly infuriated.

Why wouldn't he be? They are risking their very existence to defend the universe while the rest cower on their home worlds. It seemed like he was about to tear a whole space just to go back and find them. However, before things could get too out of hand an all-encompassing voice spoke.

"That's enough Kael, if they want to stay behind it's their choice. What point is there in bringing a frightened soldier to the battlefield?"

At first, he thought it was the Lord, but no, it was his right hand; heavens strongest soldier. Archangel Michael.

In an instant Kael calmed himself.

"Tis not time we begin this meeting?" The archangel spoke.

"Yes, it is." Gabriel responded.

He then tapped the table, as it began to project a three-dimensional view of a barren planet.

"This is where we shall wage war." He announced.

[Name: ???

Age: 67 billion years

Mass: 7.85x10^25kg

Composition: 79% Ashstone, 11% nickel, 10% iron

Atmosphere: 10% Oxygen, 5% Hydrogen, 85% Nitrogen

Gravitational Force: 4.88x10^5 times greater than the average planet

Moons: 3 present

Orbit: No star present]

"What makes you think they'll agree to our terms?" Chayyliel asked.

"Well, that's simple my dear sister." Uriel paused.

"Pride, Diablo believes he is all-powerful, so we'll use that to our advantage." He continued.

"Exactly as Uriel says, we'll deploy a majority of our forces to the planet and its moons, splitting them up into smaller more manageable portions." Gabriel explained.

They all listened attentively to the two geniuses, and none dared to contradict their plans as they were the architects of the very concept of a strategy.

They then both stood up from their seats, taking the initiative in the meeting.


The celestial army is divided into four types of soldiers; Spearmen, Swordsmen, Archers, and Heavy Infantry. They numbered in total 60 million units; however this was still only a tenth of the size of the demon army.

"To make up for the disadvantage in numbers we need to divide their troupes by dispersing ourselves as well." Uriel said.

"Then what formation will each unit use to be able to conquer opponents ten times their numbers?" Araqiel asked, voicing his concerns.

"I was just about to get to that." Gabriel said.

"Those at the frontlines will use a shield wall, with each infantry member being accompanied by a spearman by their side; thus creating an offensive and defensive foothold." He explained.

"The same formation will be employed all round the squadron, and at the very backend will be the archers. Right before them is a lineup of swordsmen, who will defend them in case the shield wall fails." Uriel continues.

The two brothers truly were in sync.

"So I suppose that means you plan to make the skies out of their reach." Michael deduced.

"Precisely." Both responded in unison.

"Then what of the generals? How do you plan on dealing with them?" Aris asked.

"How else? We archangels will hold them off for the time being." Araqiel said with pride.

"I'm not one for numbers, but aren't only four archangels prepped for war? There is one general extra." Kael said with his hand on his chin.

"Well, death is the weakest of the generals and the two of you are more than enough to handle him." Uriel said.

"Huh? But the three of us are going to battlefield." Kael said, still slightly confused.

"Oh for heaven's sake, Adam is clearly going to be a spearhead in this war." Aris said in annoyance.

"HUH!!!" Kael was flabbergasted.

"And why should I be stuck with the small fry?!!!" He roared in dissatisfaction.

"Well, the answer to that is very simple child."

A voice that had remained silent throughout the meeting suddenly spoke; and all eyes turned towards the head of the table.

"That's because my brother would kill you in an instant, that's why only I and a select few I've personally chosen will face him directly." A sudden perturbation came over the room.

They all knew that the Lord was a creation deity, not one engineered for battle like his counterpart. He lacked natural skill in combat and only had raw power in form of Qi, however that didn't make them forget that he is still the strongest one in the room.

"Well then, I believe this meeting is adjourned. I have some things to do before I arrive on the battlefield, so please make due till that time comes." The Lord spoke.

He stood from his seat before looking towards Michael, gesturing him to come along. Then the two left the room, leaving the others to begin their preparations to lead the army. So, the sparks of war had been lit.

(A/N): I know that all of them can't speak the same language, it's actually because they're in the heavenly realm which removes all communication barriers as they automatically speak in divine tongue. Celestial and demonic entities have also learned every language belonging to intelligent societies, so outside of their realms they can still communicate.

I know I dissapeared for a while, but there's a really good reason for that. I just wrote my finals and finished today, even though I still have one more exam left it's not something serious. So from now on I'll post every week like before, but it's not limited to only one chapter. Well that's all see ya

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