
Born To Fight

Wilson has a dream to become a pro-wrestler. he goes against his mom's wishes to follow his dream, and he will do anything to become a successful fighter. He does not get into the academy but gets caught in the scandal of various nobles. Then he joins the revolutionaries to rebel against nobles but soon realises he can't give up his dream. Note: This novel is definitely not one of those cultivation type of books the MC is some OP dude, with girls flocking around him and the likes. cos it is simply not one of them. He makes lots of impulsive decisions and is understandably naive. He will only grow stronger as the novel progresses. So, if this doesn't look like what you prefer, at least do not post some annoying reviews. Thanks for understanding.

Mich14 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
143 Chs

Chapter 75- The plan.

"Song, estimated time?" King asked, whipping his head in Song's direction.

"t minus three minutes." Song answered.

"Alright. Everyone, listen up! Wolf leaders are prolly the most dangerous leaders because of their innately strong sense of....well, brethrenhood.." Kong started, his awkwardness when he said 'brethrenhood' made Lee chuckle. He continued."The late Great Jerry Chan's research states that they usually have telepathic or psychic powers. Or both. I can see thirty or so auras but they could very well be actually more or less, if there happens to be a clone ability there. There are snakes and birds but there are mostly quadrupedal beasts in their midst. Them having a wolf as their leader ensures that their ability to cooperate will be way higher than ours. So, the main goal right now is less about resistance and more about survival. We stick together and protect one another. No one goes farther than one and a half meters from the nearest person. One more thing, no matter what, everyone has to stay within seven meters radius of Busty over there. Got it?"

"Got it!" The other five members in Kong's team shouted in response. Joel and John synonymously nodded.

"But what about these other people?" Wilson could not help but ask.

"They were never our problem. Now, more so than ever." King answered with a shrug.

"Not to mention that they were all being disgusting, infuriating dickheads." Joel said.

"What about the people with me?" Wilson asked. There was a five second pause.

"At this point, they are your problem. You could choose to stay with us or you could be with them. It's your choice. I know that you are at most an acquaintance with that family. So, I would advice you to stay where chances of survival are higher." King said with a shrug.

Wilson thought it through. How was that better. They were the ones at the forefront and Jim and the old man's family were way behind, panicking and fidgeting but not leaving their position even though the other people in the crowd were running amok.

"I know what you are thinking, but most predators would rather hunt the weak ones. It's less stressful." John explained after seeing Wilson look back at Him and the family.

"They are berserk now, which means they will be trying to kill everyone in the vicinity. So, they will most probably face those running away first. We will use that chance to retreat till we are out of their territory." Lee explained.

Wilson looked at them in shock. Not anting to protect unappreciative people, h cold understand. But, such a sinister plan was actually at play in the background? They were actually using the crowd as cannon fodder. That was some twisted... what was the word Jim used again?...sh*t.

Wilson shook his head and hurried back to join his friend, Jim and the family they travelled with. They at least were more trustworthy. Who knew what the hunters had planned for him after they retreated?

"In truth, it was great to have him in the team earlier even though we barely knew him, but now, I feel better that he left." Zoey said.

"Bummer. He was really my type." Busty said.

"He left with my armor, shoes and knife." John complained. Lee burst into laughter.

"They are here." Song said and the hunters immediately spread out with Busty in the middle and Kong at the front. Joel and John flanked his sides, both blazing with red and blue fire respectively. Spiky-haired Lee stood at the back a meter from Busty and Song stood a meter and a half behind him. King looked at Wilson running away and stood beside Busty. He would be in charge of keeping her safe. Her safety meant everyone's safety....mostly. Zoey, on the other hand.....disappeared.ggg

"Guns out." Kong yelled. "Fire at will. Be careful not to be too threatening and you won't be a compulsory target." He commanded. A compulsory target was a term used to describe whoever or whatever beasts saw as a threat and must be killed to ensure their safety. This usually occurred when a hunter had and or used too much firepower or bloodlust on him or her.


Wilson ran towards Jim, rudely shoving and pushing whoever ran into him as he moved. He needed to at least, get close enough to tell them not to blindly run away.

"Wilson, what is going on?" Jim asked.

"Are the one-eyed beasts really coming?" the old man asked right after Jim spoke up.

Wilson had difficulties making out what Jim and the old man were saying amidst all the noise, but although he could not grab what Jim said, he did manage to hear the old man's question. And so, he nodded.

The worry and panicky expression on the old man and his family's faces instantly became visible.

"We need to run." The old man's teenage grandson said, eyes shifting around uneasily like a petty thief who was almost busted.

"We have to wait for him." His father replied after glancing at Wilson and his father, the old man. The teenager was very uncalm and was very worried.

"But the beasts....." He tried to argue.

"And how long do you think you can survive for without any help?" The old man cut in with a question. That shut the boy up.

Wilson finally arrived in front of them and stopped so abruptly that re sharp, cold end cut at their faces.

"Now, young man, tell us. Why can't we run?" The old man asked.

"Running away will only make the beasts come for us. At least, that's what the hunters said. The berserk beasts will usually want to kill everyone so they will most likely attack the fastest runners first." Wilson explained.

"So what do we do? We are not fighters and we do not have any abilities." Asked the middle aged man.

"Ummm..." Wilson felt lost. He had no plan. He quickly turned to Jim for help and Jim being who he was... spoke up.

"Well, if we want to have a shot at survival, we will have to find a balance between looking weak and looking strong."

"Uhh?" Everyone looked puzzled but it was Wilson himself that exclaimed.

"Look, we know if we run, we are toast. But, if we stay, we are also toast. So, why don't we try to twist all urges to run for our lives while making a retreat? We will do our best to stay off their paths while slowly leaving their territory. In simple English, we avoid them while they are running and probably attacking others around us and gently sneak away while none is looking."

"And that will work?" The teenager was skeptical.

Jim simply shrugged.

"Oh, it is one of those 'we won't know unless we try' kind of plans. Great!" Jim said gloomily.

"Of course, Wilson will have to defend us against any beast that chooses to attack us." Jim added.

"Uhh?" Wilson looked puzzled. Then he nodded his head and said; "I will try."

And just then, the first of the one-eyed beasts became visible in the distance with the others appearing soon after.

When the mammoth crowd saw the number of beasts. They went into a frenzy, running for their lives in several directions, pushing whoever was in their way and trampling whoever or whatever was unfortunate to have fallen in their path.

"We are toast." Jim,who was supposed to be the morale-booster was the first to say it.