
Born To Be Yours


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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26 Chs

۞ XXI ۞

"NOT YET," SHE CHUCKLED SOFTLY, PUTTING SOME SPACE BETWEEN them so she could look at him better, still caressing his hair. Why are his lips so charming? It makes it hard. "It was unpleasant, but right now I wish I still had the magic-blocking bracelet on, so I could kiss you." She took her hands of him, breaking the touch, as she felt her body in flames again.

I wish that could be possible too, "Me too, babe," he mumbled only for her to hear. "I also want to touch you. To kiss you. To love you," sigh. "But we couldn't even do anything before, we were blessed with that bracelet. I'm thankful for it. For having been able to give you all of me yesterday," even if she stayed with that bastards after I left. My memories of her will be tattooed in my mind and heart forever. In my body.

"It was as much of a blessing as it was of a curse," she licked her lips and her fire grew wider. Donna closed her eye and took a deep breath, trying to hold her hormones in check. Ugh, I wish he also had Hell Fire. It would make it easier, wouldn't it? Or would it burn both of us? "Here," she kissed her index finger and touched it on his lips innocently, when her magic was nowhere to be seen, "an indirect kiss."

Even though she did that, I can't help falling in love with her, more, and more, and more at each second. Lewis giggled softly and did the same. "I'll indirectly kiss you back."

They stayed like that until Raye and Grover came back with their food, the same for both. Barbecue of pork belly and ribs, boiled spicy rice with small slices of carrot, two bowels of spicy noodles with eggs and melted cheese and sliced checked breast, two jar of wine and a jar of rum. Plus two slices of blueberry pie with chocolate for each. "Dinner for ya and breakfast for the lil' cat!"

"On the house," Raye winked.

Donna gave them her brightest smile, "Aye, my soul will be forever grateful to yours for this!" Then she dove on the food, and Lewis followed on. Both attacking the food hungrily, though Donna seemed as if she had been starving for weeks in comparison to him. And he was the orphan on this equation.

In 20 minutes her food vanished and so did 60% of the alcohol, as Lewis took 10 minutes more than her to eat it all. Him and the Meadows wondering again, where the hell did all that food went to and how she was able to eat so much. By the time he was done, Donna was already in the extra bottle of wine Grover gave her. Last time she drank so much it almost ended badly, Lewis thought before he took the bottle from her hand and drank it in her place, gaining a satisfied grin from her. "Let's not drink too much tonight, okay?"

She nodded, "You're right, I just couldn't resist."

"Couldn't resist what, lil' cat? Yer alcoholism?" Grover mocked.

Donna rolled her eyes, "I'm not an alcoholic, okay?"

"Imagine if ya were. Gods' we would be outta alcohol stock in a night turn. Ya would drink all we have here, ma' love. The first step to getting' through yer alcoholism, is ya accepting that ya are an alcoholic!"

Lewis chuckled softly at Raye's words, "I think it's okay for her to drink, since she has to enjoy the time she has," even if she has to be with that motherfucker for that. Ugh. "Just not here, because she might lose it and burn it all to the ground."

She blushed, "Aye, you're right again. And I'm not an alcoholic!"

Grover turned to Raye, "Aye, poor lil' cat, is in the denial state!"

"Tsk, she'll never accept it!" Raye clicked her tongue.

Donna blushed harder and jumped from her seat, and instantly, Lewis' hand held her by her hip, "Be careful. Your leg is still wounded. Don't be reckless and put too much strength on it, babe." Does she has no love for herself? "Don't jump like this."

Raye giggled, "Lewis, ma' boy, she probably jumped from that hill again. This lil' seat ain't nothin'. Didn't ya, ma' love?" I know the kid as I know my own, and she's incorrigibly reckless.

She pressed her lips together, "That's my only way of getting here."

And the motherfucker? "Why didn't you come with the Knight?"

Donna frowned, "Why would I? Yesterday was because I was badly walking and I really couldn't come down here in any other way. But I won't depend on anyone. Furthermore, he stood guard all Knight for me and the healer, and they only fell asleep some hours ago. Waking him up, would mean waking Gabriel up, and I doubt any of them would let me get down to the village in the state I am," she rolled her shoulders. "So, that was the only way!"

Was he bad in bed? Raye questioned in her mind.

Is she embarrassed for sleeping with him? Lewis asked himself, as his thoughts ran free, his heart clenched in pain again. It's better that he's not here. "If you say so."

His words seemed weird to her. What's with him? What happened to make him act so weird like this? Lewis isn't like this. "Raye, Grover, we will be going now, okay? I have to talk to him and he seems to have stuff to tell me too. Do the best meal of your life tomorrow," she winked at them and turned to Lewis, intertwining her hand to the hand he has on her hips. "You come with me!"

Donna put her hoodie again and crossed the crowd taking Lewis away from there, and she only stopped when they arrived in a empty park, that also had a fountain like the one they were the night he confessed to her. She pushed him to sit down and stood up in the middle of his legs, crossing her arms over her chest. His heart running laps again.

"Tell me what's on your mind!"

Do I even have the right to be mad about this? Lewis clenched his jaw. Sitting on the very edge of the seat, he held her ass and brought her closer to him. "I don't know if I'm in the position to be questioning you about this!"

Now I'm getting anxious. "Whatever is it, I assure you, you are in the position to ask me, Lewis. We may not be labeled, but we are together. Ask it!"

That make it worse, doesn't it? He tightened his grip on her ass, his palms deepening on her skin. "Will you be fully honest with me?"

A nod, "One hundred percent. I swear to you!'

Lewis gulped and closed his eyes, "Did anything happened between you and Goldsmith after I left?" It's out. I've said it out loud. "Did you… did with him what we did?"

Oh? OH? Did Raye and Grover believed I slept with that idiot and told him? Is that it? Donna giggled and slapped his shoulders softly, "Gods' above, Lewis. Here I thought it was something extremely serious. You were just jealous."

His eyes darkened, "It is fucking serious to me, Donna. I feel like ripping the bastard apart. Killing him and leaving him in tiny pieces."

Why does that sounds so damn hot? Donna grinned, surrounding her arms around his neck, using all of her willpower to control her magic, "Are you angry?"

"Angry is an understatement, Donna-Annika Geneva!" He hissed, and as his hands deepened even more on her ass, he felt his cock hard. Then he slowly held her thighs and opened her legs, making her straddle his lap, wrapping her legs around him, and when she didn't break the touch, and neither erupted in flames that would kill him, he brought his hands to her ass again, grabbing it hard, gaining a soft gasp from her. "The truth. Tell me, Donna."

She close her good eye and inhaled sharply, loving his touch way too much, and concentrating to hold her power at bay. "No."

"No?" He arched his eyebrows. "No what?"

"No. I didn't do anything with the Knight, Lewis," she whispered, feeling her body burn, her pussy get soaked, and her nipples get hard. "No. No, I didn't sleep with him. I didn't kiss him. I didn't let him do anything."

What? She didn't? But Raye- "Tell me what happened after I left. All of it. Be clear, Donna!"

And the fact that he wasn't asking, turned her on even more, and she kept her eye closed, using all the drops of will power she has not to lose her control and kill him. I can't kill him. I won't kill him. Not Lewis. No. I won't kill him. I'll stay on his lap, and I won't explode. I'll keep feeling how hard is cock is for me, and how soaked I am for him, and I won't- She jumped from him and fell on her ass, burning. "Fuck."

Lewis put his feet up on the seat, as her Hell Fire not only covered her from head to toe, as it also spread through the empty park, freezing the fountain in the center. Shit. Did I provoke her too much?

"Fucking hell. Ugh. Look, I didn't do it. After you left, Raye and Grover left us alone. The Knight made a move, tried to take me to his bed, but I pushed him away. He said some bullshit about how he wanted me, and how he was better than you, but I shut him up. I didn't let him speak his shit and especially not badmouth you to me. I wouldn't do that to you, Lewis. We may not have a label, but I'm loyal no matter what! Yes, he isn't ugly or anything. But he's not necessarily my type. You are more than he could ever be. And I'm with you. What we are having is beyond physical, though the physical part is quite strong," she pointed at the fire around her. "There are feelings on this tray, and I feel absolutely nothing for that stupid fucker. I will be loyal to you until the Devil takes me away from this world, got it?" When she opened her eye again, it was glowing. Glowing brightly.

Fuck. How am I ever suppose to get over this woman? That will be fucking impossible. "Donna…"

"I'm serious, Lewis," she began to undo her braids to ease her anxiety that was taking over her. "As long as I'm on this world, I'm yours. You have me. Not some stupid brainless Knight like him. I put him on his place, you don't have to worry. You can give him a beating after you become an official Knight, if you still feel bitter when that happens. But I would never do that to you. Raye and Grover probably thought that would happen and left us alone so I could use up my little time, or whatever. However, I wouldn't do that even if I wanted to, and I didn't. I don't. I won't. It's a promise I make you. I'll be loyal to you until the Devil takes me away. Until I'm gone. Until then, this," she pointed from her to him, "will be sacred. I would never let a dumbass like him taint it!" I may not love him, but I am in love with him.

When her fire disappeared, he got on his knees in front of her, as she was still on the ground and hugged her with his arms around her neck not to hurt her back, and she hugged him back. "Sorry. I got anxious. And I felt… inferiority," he kissed the top of her head. "Because he's a Knight. He's older. Has a better life. Has more to give. Seems powerful, and-"

"Don't. Don't do that, Lewis. He ain't nothing of that, okay? You have absolutely nothing to feel inferior for. If you had talked more with him you would know how much of a deepshit he is. You are light years better than him, babe. You are handsomer, smarter, more responsible, has a more enticing voice, has more charm, a purer heart, more magic, more potential to grow and be even more of a powerful Knight than he'll ever be. And I do not compliment anyone for nothing, so don't you dare to think that I'm only saying this to you, because it's you. Because we have this relationship."

"Aren't you bothered with our age, Donna?"

Donna put some distance between them, took his hands to her hips softly and held his face with her hands, making him look in her good eye, "You are 17. I'm 20. He's 23. We literally have the same age difference from each other, Lewis Cornelius Van der Horst. In our society we reach adulthood at 16, you are 1 year past that. In our society, people get married at 16 years old. We are past that. We are both adults in marriageable age. And even though I won't live in this world enough time to that, it doesn't change the fact that we are old enough to do all of what we did yesterday. My mom married my father at 16, I'm 4 years older than she was."

He licked his lips, "So, you have no problem with it. 100%?"

"One hundred percent, idiot!"