
Born to be Wild

Careful and you might fall in pith of abyss cause of our greed and reasons. No matter what happen you have only have one chance to live.

Mojico · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

In the thick of jungles there'd many livings that lived within the forest, like beasts and monsters. But along of this living beasts and monsters, there's exceptional, a one human standing at the edge of the cliff, and he was naked except for his private area that is covered by leaves.

As he looked at the far horizons of the forest, the moisture in the air was a little foggy but he was still able to see the forest. After that he looked at the sky. He took a deep breath and he closed his eyes while spreading his hands widely. In a matter of seconds, he free fell at the edge of the cliff. The height of the cliff was around 500 yards.

He open his eyes, as the wind hitting on his face and also of his spiky hair. He suddenly heard an unbearable squeaking sound, he looked at his left side of his vision. And he saw two kind of monster coming out of the cave. The two monsters face like gargoyle, the head shaped like a charizard pokemon, and the body is the size of a gas truck, but twice as the heights of a gas truck. It has a long nick the size of one yard. 

They spread their wings and ready to fly off. They flew towards him at a speed of fighter jets. The man wasn't nervous, he waited for them to get near to him. As he approached the grounds around 300 yards left. And also the two monsters already on his side, he put a smiling face. 

150 yards left, the man suddenly transforming into the same kind of the two monsters next to him. They then flew upward as they glided on the winds. The 4 wing, the two wings infrant was swang up and then down but on the back his two wings did the opposite, instead of up and down, it was down then up.

While he waa flying up the sky, he looked at the beneath of the tall forest. He was able to see many king beasts and monsters doing their daily lifestyle. Somewhere relaxing, eating food, being chased by strong predators, or protecting their own kind or the infants. Also there's others waiting for the ambush. The life in the forest was natural and peaceful to him seeing this in daily life. No one butters them as long as you are strong or wise and flee from any danger. 

After staying awhile in the mid air, he decided to came down. He released a squeaking sound similar to the monsters used before to say good-bye to them. They started split up. He dove down and the two other one went on the left side of vision direction. He guessed they might decide to come back to their cave or find food near their home base.

As he glided towards one of the humongous trees than any other trees surrounding. One again he transformed into a flying squirrel like the emolga pokemon. After touchdown one of the mossy ling brunch of humongous trees he transformed oneform into his former human, and slid down while he was standing on his two feets. This time he heard a group of sound monkeys. He was getting near the hordes of monkeys in the play-grounds. At the end of the long thick brunches he saw vines along the monkeys.

Their feature was same as monkey but there is only deferent and that was their ears like a bat. He once again transform into one of them after jumping. He reached one of the vines that was dangling on the brunches. The monkeys only looked at the man who was transformed into one of them but they didn't stop playing around while grabbing different kinds of fruit. The man also grabbed fruits that were dangling on the brunch. The monkey continue going on wards of their direction. He was again decided to split with them.

After he came down on the grounds, he was once again transforming into his former human form. And he then continued running. And again transform into bunny, deer, and panther. As he nearly got in the exit of the forest. He was able to see the lights of the exit of the forest. He was running and running faster than before. He then jumps off at the end of bigger lumber, it was buried on the ground. As he knows what is the end of thoses forests. 

He transformed again while he was in mid air into human form. He curled his legs while hugging his legs with both hands. 


A sound of big splashed on the water, any kind of living in water got scramble because of sudden disruption of their leisure swimming or their daily activities. The man transformed once more in the form of hippocodile (hippo + crocodile). 

He then gets out of the water while carrying a fish in his mouth in the form of a brown bear. He tore apart the fish and ate it right away. This man didn't know how to cook or even make fire as he wasn't thoughtfully by anyone of his kind.

He been living in the jungles almost in his life. He don't know how to speak human weather don't know how to act to be. The only thing he can helped was his power to transform of any kind of beast and monsters. He was once adopted by different kinds of monsters and beasts who had been taking care of him and enough to learn how to hunt and survive in the jungles. Those monster and beast have a slightly intelligent. But those monsters and beast he call to be his parents was nowhere to be found. They were the protector of this jungle, but now they passed to him to be the protector of the jungles to make sure everything was in the balance and the natures in forest to continue growing in healthy way.

After eating his lunch he decided to stroll around the jungles. Checks everything alright, he then transforms into a deer that had an antler like a brunches of little trees. While he was strolling around checking every living on the jungles. No one dared to challenge him or fight him. They know what he was doing because they saw this every time,days, weekly, or even years of their life's. He also didn't disturbed them of there's activities. Because this is how it should be insides jungles to learn how to survive. 

Some of the goblins sometimes challenge him to fight or duel. But no matter how they challenge him they wouldn't be able to win. And this has become their tradition for the goblins who ever got injured will be the next chief of their village. The man didn't mind about this kind of challenge because he also needed to learn this fighting style using the form of goblin. Same also of the orcs, and any kind of demi-humans form either beast and monster. 

The sun was sitting, the sky started to change color into orange. It was time for him to go back onto his home base. He flew in the sky in the form of a small owl. His eyes are shaped like clocks except for the eyelids. 

Once he was in the home base, he never changed his form and stayed off owl formed while landings on the brunch. He first ate some fruits or mice for snucks. He had stayed this form fow while when he was sleeping. When he snores he makes owl voices. The home base he had was the previous humongous tree he landed before. He closed his eyes slowly and snored from time to time. All the living in the forest to let knowed that's time for nap.

While everyone was taking a nap or resting in their family members or alone, everything was once quiet except for those others who love to stay awake at night. You could hear cricket sounds, squeaking, or even the howling. In the far far end of the jungles or in the border of the jungles there's a group of campers sitting there and cooking for food or doing some activities or preparing something for tomorrow. They were either exknight or retired and also adventurers. They have a mission here, is to hunt something for making living money or have experience fighting in the wild. And this was humans and elf, they were taller than regular humans. 

"Boss, here is dinner" the man handedly a bowl of meat stew with some vegetables.

"Thanks Bobby," a woman voice who was now wearing a night-gown. With her sexy body and two plums that make man salivate if they seen this except for Bobby who was gobbling the food in the bowl stew. Her name is Lionaria, she was a lead of this group of adventurer for the mission of hunts. As for what they hunt, in her hand a piece of paper that was drawn was the face of a gargoyle, the head shape was a charizard, and four wings. She keep reading of their stat. The name of this monster dragonfly. This monster was the weakest of any dragon type but at the same time was slightly stronger to humans. 

"Bobby's everything prepared for the expedition tomorrow?" Lionaria asked.

"Yup everything was prepared, the tools had been sharpening to sharpness and the spell was already prepared in advance," Bobby replied.

"Good, before the dawn, we are going to leave right away, tell to the other."

"Yes, boss" Bobby left the tent and told everyone.

After reading the instructor and the hobbit of this monster's activities they go early and prepare for the bait. 

Lionaria was preparing to get sleep but first she had something to urge. At that night after Bobby said everything on the adventurer he returned toward the Lionaria tent he Knowsley what Lionaria wanted. They had a happy night with a howling in the middle of the night(even readers wanted to hear the details).