
Born To Be The Strongest

once every couple years a genius will come and shake the world where greatness to day we are talking about a world class martial-artist named Wang lei well that's not important because he is dead yea in his last fight his rival used some illegal tactics to beat him. " wait what that mother fucker cheating to trying and win but even cheating cant beat me hahaha " I say as I have a shit eating grim on my face. but as I look up I see some thing that makes my grin wider I se the legend, ogre the strongest creature Yujiro Hanma

yami_ · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Zhang Wei pokes my eye and kicks me back while I was stunned he claws and punches me in the face then he sweeps my leg I hit the floor hard and it hurts.

Wang Lei " ( I think I'm just going to give up I mean he can have the belt ) " I think, that as I begin to close my eyes.

But as I'm about to close them I remember my past I remember as a five years old I was curious always jumping, running and playing around normal kid stuff but in a shaolin temple its not normal one day I was running around and I bumped into a strange man with a black robe he looked cool he walked past me but I followed him.

I hide behind a wall and watched as the guy started to do some weird cool moves he sees me and comes towards me and said.

Ping hao " young master how are you today " he said, with a smile looking down at me.

Wang Lei " I'm doing fine what are you doing that looks cool " I said, while trying to copy what he was doing "

Ping hao " its tiger style of shaolin kung Fu do you want me to teach you a move young master " he said, holding out his hand to me.

Wang Lei " yea yea I want to be cool like you wait what's your name "

Ping hao " my name is Ping hao young master "

he takes me to the centre of the circle i get into a tiger stance like Ping hao and he teaches me tiger strike and we talk about life in the temple its the afternoon when grandpa comes out of around the corner.

grandpa " my grandson what are you doing with ping hao " as he chuckles

I turn around surprised I run up to him and hug him.

Wang Lei " grandpa grandpa ping showed me how to do the tiger strike look " I said, that as I do the tiger strike "

Grandpa " ho ho ho good word a bit sloppy but good Wang Lei do you want to learn kung Fu " he said, as he analysed my move

Wang Lei " wow really yes yes i do "

and that's where my training started to become the greatest in my first group training at ten I meet two people Chao-Xing and Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei is a boy with sharp looks even at a young age short brown hair wearing orange clothes he looks like noble with the way he is standing arms behind his back and his chest puffed out.

but on the other hand Chao-Xing is a cute and some what beautiful young girl with short black hair that looks silky smooth her eyes are like green emeralds and rosy red lips and cheeks she was so cute wearing the same thing as Zhang Wei.

Wang Lei " why am I wear I'm some thing different to them right Grampa said stand at the front and wait " I said, this as I'm walking to the front

as I'm walking I stop and turn to walk over to Chao-Xing and start to talk,

Wang Lei " hello what's your name mine is Zhang Wei " I said smiling and bowing

Chao-Xing " hi my name is Chao-Xing nice to me you what style are you picking because I'm picking snake style "

Wang Lei " picking? I'm doing tiger style and going to do leopard style in a two years "

Chao-Xing " wow you must have started training early we didn't because we heard that its very hard " she said, with a surprised face

Wang Lei " huh its not hard well at the start it is but it gets easy late- "

Zhang Wei " hey stop bothering Chao-Xing now or "

Wang Lei " like i was saying its not hard but my grandpa did say i have some thing where my body is more adaptable and i can comprehend thinks better "

Zhang Wei " are you ignoring me "

Wang lei " yes yes i am "

Ping hao " ok lets start line up "

as we line up I go to the front with my hands behind by back.

Zhang Wei " why is he at the front of us "

Ping hao " because he is the strongest out of all of you and is the grandmasters grandson "

Wang lei " ping why did you say that "

Ping hao " what they need to know young master "

and with that six years pass I'm with grandpa playing chess talking,

Wang lei " grandpa I have learned a lot here but I want to learn more I want to explore the world and fight "

Grandpa " life isn't about fighting its about look if you come back to learn the other styles I will let you go but you have to come back every year ok "

Wang lei " yea yea thank you grandpa your the best "

Grandpa " yes yea I know and checkmate grandson and before you go travel you have to fight Zhang Wei "

Wang lei " wait why do I have to fight him "

Grandpa " because you have to so me your skills and training before you go "

1 month later

as me and Zhang Wei stand in the circle we get in to are stances to fight his is leopard and mine is tiger.

Grandpa " START !!!! "

I run towards Zhang Wei striking first aiming for his neck but sweeping his legs he jump up and kicks me in the face a role back and get up to see Zhang Wei running at me I throw a punch the he parry's but I knee his stomach and do a tiger tail kick while he is stunned I use a leopard technique the forward elbow strike/mash.

He recovers and does a The Low-Line Crescent Kick i block with my foot and kick towards his stomach and he falls when he gets up i do a knee strike he falls on on knee and i do a leopard fist and he out cold on the ground.

Wang lei " I guess I won "

four years passed as Wang lei trained like crazy to leave the temple.

Wang lei " I cant believe I'm leaving "

Zhang Wei " just go and never come back " Zhang Wei said, as he is mad that I beat him

grandpa " my grandson be safe out there "

Wang lei " grandpa are you crying "

grandpa " no no I'm not crying "

as I go through the giant doors and walk down the stairs Chao-Xing comes running at me and jumps in to my arms,

Chao-Xing " why are you leaving you can just stay with us "

Wang lei " I'm sorry viper I have to go I will come back every year so don't worry "

Chao-Xing " ok wing lei don't forget about me tiger " as she give me a kiss on the the cheek and runs away blushing.

I smile and keep going on my way no noticing Zhang Wei looking at me with a death glare.

as I'm on my travels I learn many different martial-arts like boxing, karate, krav maga, kick boxing and others. as the people go wild I punch my opponent in the face I get in to a bow stance and get ready for my opponent to attack me he does he try's to kick me but I parry and elbow him in the face drawing blood.

I then sweep his legs and start to ground and pound I hit him in the ribs breaking some I thing and I the face defiantly breaking his nose I give him one last powerful hammer fist and he is out for the count.

the announcer " and the winner is Wang "the strongest creature "lei "

as I'm in the looker room my manager hands me a letter in it said


young master Wang lei I'm sorry to say that you grandfather has died young master the funeral will be held in in three weeks but if you can come in before two weeks miss Chao-Xing wants to see you so please come quickly.


i get up from the bench and start to punch the punching bag.

* BANG *

* BANG *

* BANG *

* BOOM *

the punching bag bursts open then I start to punch the wall but thanks to my iron hand training it cracks but I keep going until I start bleeding my team hears what's happening and and rushes in to see me crying and punching the wall they come stop me and calm me down they read the letter and helped me.

as I'm at the temple grandpa is being lowered into the ground Chao-Xing comes and hugs me and leads me the manner.

wing lei " no it reminds me of grandpa lets go to the place "

we go a in the place in the woods and sit near a small waterfall I hug Chao-Xing.

Chao-Xing " its ok tiger you just have to do some thing to mind of the grandmaster "

Wang lei " Chao-Xing I just I I jus- "

Chao-Xing " its ok he was like my grandpa too " she said this as she starts to cry too

I look up to see viper crying I wipe her tears away I stare into her gem like eyes and kiss her she's surprised at first but kisses me back as we are kissing a large amount of killing intent I directed towards me by Zhang Wei.

One year later i have got over grandpas death by reading manga and watching anime my friend on the team suggested it to me I like it but my favourites are Baki, Kengan Ashura, the worlds strongest disciple.

Two years later my ring name is my title like Yujiro Hanma but can beet the USA's army me and viper are going to get marred soon so I promised that this is my fight

Wang lei " team so who is my last fight no make it a surprise "

six months later

Wang lei " wait did you say Zhang We "

jack " yea why "

Wang lei " no nothing "

as I got in the ring as if I could call it a ring it was like a stadium just like the Kengan Ashura fighting arena.

Wang lei " its like Kengan ashu- "

announcer " now introducing the Ashura, ogre, the legend Wang " the strongest creature " lei "

Wang lei " OMG its just like Kengan Ashura did she call me the ogre like Yujiro and the Ashura like Ohma yesssssss "

announcer " and for his opponent the taboo descendent the champion Zhang Wei "

we walk closer to each other

the referee " now the rules are you cant kill and you cant use weapons ok "

Wang lei " yea "

Zhang Wei " yea "

the referee " ok are you ready lets do this fight "

Wang lei " hey why are you fighting me you should be at the temple? "

Zhang Wei " I could handle you two dating because you would breakup but I'm going to kill you for stealing her from me "

Wang lei " wait wha- " I try to say but he runs at me

He try's to use tiger strike but I dodge.

Wang lei " ( what he knows tiger style what the hell ) "

I elbow his nose and kick his stomach he does a spin kick and I move out of the way but he punches my knee my knee is tough bite he grabs it and bites my leg that makes me fall to the ground he starts to punch my face I block and headbutt him that hurts I kick him of me.

I use white crane beak to hit his pressure points but he headbutts me and kick my face my then punches me a lot I'm bleeding from my nose and mouth and pokes my eye and kicks me back while I was stunned he claws and punches me in the face then he sweeps my leg I hit the floor hard and it hurts.

Wang Lei " ( I think I'm just going to give up I mean he can have the belt ) " I think, that as I begin to close my eyes.

as i replay my life I look at the tunnel and see Chao-Xing she mouthed " i love win for me " as I see that I look at Zhang Wei he has knuckle dusters in his hand and the ref is smiling at me with a shit eating grin I get up but I hear Zhang Wei say.

Zhang Wei " when I kill you I'm going to take that bich for my self "

My hart stops for a couple seconds but then it starts and its really starts I can hear my hart beating so fast I look at my hand its red I see veins popping and my muscles bulging I see thing in slow motion I scream and run a Zhang Wei and duck under a punch I go around his body punching his face chest and stomach but he punches back and it hurts a lot my eyes site is getting blurry.

Wang lei " ( it kill or be killed ) "

So I grab him slam him to the ground and start pummel him his face is destroyed I grab his arms and snap them them but I pick him up and put him in a head lock and squeeze and couple minutes later he dies when it ends the people in the stands are silent Chao-Xing runs up to me and cry's next to me.

Wang lei " it ok viper I will always love you "

Chao-Xing " stupid why did you do this to your self " she says, this as she kisses me on the lips

As I die I think " its been a great life ",

" wait what that mother fucker cheating to trying and win but even cheating cant beat me hahaha " I say as I have a shit eating grin on my face.

but as I look up I see some thing that makes my grin wider I see the legend the ogre the strongest creature Yujiro Hanma