
BORN RULER: The Heavens are just my subordinates

If the heavens do exist, then I'll make them my servants. If they are the law makers, I'll will turn them upside down. I'm am me, and If there is destiny, I'll make l become it's destination. If there is creation, then I'll become the creator. Find out the unique taste of a new writer in the writer's world. Like,vote comment and have fun. ~brightbrain~

BrightBrain256 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Mission Impossible (3)

A man came in running hurriedly as the man the continued to explain himself.Looking at the man, Lau paid no hind to him and pointed the man kneeling.

" Continue..." Lau's voice sounded.

Looking at how he had been ignored, the man was forced to shut his mouth and wait for the other party to finish.

" I doubted the part of another explosion so I changed through the whole process and found gun powder at the gate making me believe we had an intruder. I quickly ran and notified the supervisor about it immediately. That's all sir." the man said as he bowed his head.

When the man had finished explaining himself,another person came in running hurriedly but found his brother kneeling down. With a confused expression, he could only watch so as not to make a mistake and make the young leader angry.

" Okay. Lock him up with his brothers until he is found innocent." Lau ordered.

" Thank you young leader for showing mercy. "the man bowed down thankfully before he was carried away.

Lau then turned to the two bandits that had just entered the hall.

" What had made you two fellows run here so quickly? "Lau questioned indifferently. His mood had been slightly disturbed by the former's comment.

" Well... young leader... "the young man was quenched in fear.Looking at the other person, he looked at him with a pleading expression.

" Can you quickly speak up before I lose my patience?" sounded Lau in his feminine sharp voice.The voice sounded fine and harmless but caused many to feel cold sweat in their backs.

" The two leaders and many of our brothers have been tied hostage by a young teenage boy." the man cried as his head was buried in the ground.Tension grew in the hall as a great pressure was released in the hall making it hard for the weak ones to breathe and finally fainted.

" I'm going to skin that bustard." one of the leaders shouted.

"I'm going to show him that the Blood Drinkers faction is not a place for kids to play from."

" We the Beast Brothers faction shall not stand ceremony."

" Let's fight to the death."

" We shall die with leader."

" We shall die as brothers."

Heroic shouts rang throughout the hall as the two factions joined hands to fight the common enemy.

" Stop there."a voice sounded throughout the hall.Len who rarely spoke finally made a move as he looked at the lousy leaders furiously.

" So you are going to fight to the death.What is the situation that you are going to fight?Who is your opponent?Have you thought about it or are you running out there like sheep ready for the wolf to slain peacefully and effortlessly.How do you lead your brothers?By leading them to death without preparation?What do you teach them as leaders? Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?Your brothers are being held hostage but here you are running to find to the death?Fight to the death with what?With who? Answer me."an angry roar sounded throughout the hall making it hush with no sound or whisper.

Listening to the small lecture, the leaders felt ashamed of themselves. They had no answer to the questions they had been asked.All they could do was lower their heads in shame and guilt.

" Since you have no answers, can you please sit down and formulate a plan. Stop it with your guilty expressions and think of a way to head out of this situation. " having said that Len matched out of the hall.

" Where are you going cousin? "Lau asked.

" To meet the intruder." Len answered without turning back and headed out with his saber.

Looking at the leaders, Lau smiled slightly and followed out.

" We shall be relying on you.Best of luck."

" Young leaders." the leaders cried out bitterly as the saw the departing backs of the two young men.

Outside the hall in the training grounds, a group of about three hundred bandits was tied onto metallic training poles with spikes on the them and beside was a young man seated as he ate a bowl of beef noodles with Immortal wine. Each of the bandits was tied in air with a rope pulling him as it prevented them from falling onto the metallic pole with spikes.If the ropes was cut or anything happened to it,it meant instant death to a bandit. A few moments later, two young men walked into the training grounds.Upon seeing the situation, their hearts ultimately skipped a beat.

" You rather came late.If you had come earlier,you would have saved about two hundred bandits.Too bad, I think they are now meeting the Netherland king." Hedrick said with a sigh and then continued eating his meal.

" Who are you and why are you doing this to us." asked Len.

" You are really astonishing. Your first question was about what my aim is and my identity.i expected something like 'Where is my father?' and followed by that would be ' If dare lay a finger on my father,I promise to make you wish you were not born.' But it was quite the other way."

Listening to the statement, Lau's heart skipped a beat once again. If Len had not spoken, that was exactly what he was going to say.Hedrick then turned his head towards Lau and with(the bewitching smile) 'The Laugh of the devil' said.

"Am I right, little Lau?"

Looking at the smile(The devil's laugh)cold sweat appeared on Lau's forehead and back. It was as though he had no secrets to hide from the young man before him.


" Okay, no need to be scared. I'll explain everything once those old men come up with l pool

mething interesting. I'll play with them till I'm satisfied." Hedrick said with a smile.

The expressions of the two young men completely changed. A feeling grew within them that they were in a game and this game was completely under control.It was though they were just chess pieces that couldn't change anything however much they did.