
Born of Two Races

The Pact permitted scarce interaction between the three races of dwarves, elves, and humans, and to have a child of two races was considered an immoral taboo. Arlen Dove was one such taboo, and after being caught trying to survive on his own by a mysterious cop, his fate becomes sealed and becomes entwined in an escapade to save the world. Please enjoy and feel free to give feedback.

LittleItaly · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Confusing Beginnings

"Kid, I don't know what you're trying to do here with ears like those but get back to your own world before the cops catch you, I won't report you but you can't stay here."

"But I'm-," before Arlen could utter another word the door to the restaurant he had attempted to get a job at slammed in his face. If this hadn't been his 17th attempt at finding work he might've been upset or even surprised at the reaction of the manager, but he knew the truth. As he stared at the window of the door in front of him his unsavory reflection began revealing itself, a head of shoulder length hair slicked back and laid flat shone reflectivity off the street lights above him in typical elven fashion only for it's hue to be midnight black, in deep contrast with his near sickly pale skin and emerald green eyes, and most prominently of all ears pointed at the tips, resembling arrow heads pointing to the top of his head. Although shorter than your average elf in both ear length and height it was unmistakable what he was, or half of what he was.

Born to a human mother and elf father Arlen Dove hasn't had a home or money in the 17 years he's been on his own, and it seemed it would remain that way for the rest of his life. Turning away he put his hood back up to cover his ears and trudged away from what would have been his employer toward the sidewalk of the sparkling human city he called home. Walking down the sidewalk, skyscrapers stood gleaming with the pale moonlight reflecting from sheen glass windows, water from recent rainfall coated every inch of the ground creating a gloss that only nature can procure that radiated into the surrounding atmosphere. Maybe it was his elven half but the streets he had walked countless times never ceased to amaze him with their beauty.

While mesmerized by the beauties of the human world Arlen ran head first into the back of a man, and subsequently fell to the ground taking the stranger with him.

"Hey! The hell you think you're doing!?" The voice boomed over him. Slightly dazed Arlen turned to see that the man he had bumped into was standing over him with his hand on his waist, and also that he was in fact a cop. Now thoroughly alarmed Arlen scrambled to his feet, while also scrambling to find his words he sputtered out, "I-I-I didn't mean to I-I'm sorry," as he backed up skittishly.

"What the hell are you doing here this late? Are you intoxicated? Take your hood down, let me see your eyes."

"I-I can't do that I'm sorry, I haven't done anything I swear!" with that Arlen pivoted on his heels and bolted down the sidewalk as fast as he could, the cop shouted after him, "Hey! Get the fuck back here!"

Arlen didn't look back, he weaved past pedestrians and bolted into alleyways, he wasn't sure whether or not it was his elf blood or just natural talent but he'd always been faster than most, he felt as if the breeze itself was pushing him forward, as if each puddle he stepped on assisted his stride, and having turned down what must have been his fifth alleyway, he no longer felt the presence of the cop chasing him and was opened up with a lush green park that he had never seen before.

Arlen was convinced he knew every spot in the city but to his surprise, apparently, there was one spot left that remained untouched. Trees of lush green swayed in the slight wind and dazzled with a fine coating of after rain dew, the grass was a swarm of emerald needles, slightly churning in the breeze; he was stunned by the sight before him. As he walked through the park he came across a bench placed between two sturdy oaks, providing a gentle shade from the moon. Recognizing a potential place to rest his head, the days events washed over him, drenching him in thorough exhaustion as he laid down for some sleep.

He felt himself slip into a dream, standing motionless in front of him was an elf in an empty void. The elf was picturesque, standing tall with shimmering near snow white hair and ears slightly curved toward the rear end, he faced Arlen silently, looking determined.

He spoke, "Son your fate has been crossed, I figured you safer in the human realm but I was mistaken, seek the dwarves they will assist you, you need to find a man titled the Tooth Wrangler, he will help." Arlen attempted to speak but his mouth felt numb, he was at a loss.

"Son I have faith in you, an old storm brews and he plans to destroy everything that was built. Go now, I've run out of time." Arlen made a last ditch effort to move and scream out to his alleged father, but was left with nothing, just an empty void. He felt whatever ground he was standing on give way, and he fell into a free fall until jolting awake, in a cold sweat.

"Well good morning, gave me quite the workout you track-star wannabe." Arlen was still laying on the bench, only now his hands were cuffed together, and over him stood the cop he had thought he gave the slip to. What was somewhat more confusing to him though was his surroundings, the previous lush park was dead, the two oaks were withered and the grass resembled splinters of a long rotten tree.

"You listening to me kid? elves aren't allowed here unless you're in the embassy and this rotten old park bench doesn't resemble any embassy I've ever seen before."

"Do I look like an elf to you?"

"What was that? Don't sass your elders; now get up I'm sending you to where you belong." Arlen wasn't alarmed by the cops threats, he had heard them before. Portals to the other worlds couldn't be created anywhere other than police stations and embassies. Now that the park was back to it's original state he knew where he was, and that the nearest station was 5 blocks away, plenty of time to slip away. He wiggled a little as the cop lifted him to his feet, to test the grip strength of his captor and to his surprise, it wasn't as weak as your average cop who tried to arrest him, in fact after trying a little harder he couldn't move at all.

"Nice try kid, hey do me a favor," the cop grinned wickedly and pulled a red orb from his pocket and chucked it at the floor, a circle about 3 feet in diameter opened where it hit, "Say hi to 'Tooth Wrangler' for me."

"Wha-," before Arlen could finish he was shoved face first into the glowing red circle, his last images of the human world being the two withered oaks and the cop, grinning wickedly with teeth too sharp for a human, and then everything was black.