
Born of Frost : A Shadow Slave Fanfic

A strange man finds himself in an even stranger world. After finally coming terms with his predicament, he decides to try his hand with fate but little did he know that fate is not the only thing that is needed to survive in this harrowing world.

mollyql · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

A New Experience

Eli knew that the dragon was less than happy to keep him company, so after he injured himself, he only expected the dragon to spare him an indifference glance, ask what happened and then go back to sleep.

But to his surprise, the dragon was visibly shaken.

The dragon hurriedly moved its left hand above Eli and clenched his fist. Its sharp claws cracked the sapphire scales and moved deeper into its skin, making the massive creature bleed.

A silvery liquid slowly trickled down from the dragon's wounds, drenching Eli's hair and then continued to flow downwards.

The moment the liquid came in contact with the injuries on Eli's head, a cold sensation spread throughout his body, healing him and making him feel like as if he was floating among the clouds.

'I-Is this what being high feels like?' Eli thought to himself. 

Dying at the young age of twenty-one really left a lot of things up to his imagination.

After the euphoric feeling washed away, he was left with a dragon staring straight into his eyes with a weird expression on its face which Eli failed to understand... he didn't really have much of a chance to study the expressions of dragons before.

The dragon, after confirming that Eli's injuries were healed, sighed in relief. 

But immediately after, he spoke in an angry voice, "Do you have no respect for Thrym's final wishes?! Just keep yourself safe for six more damn months then you can kill yourself for all I care!"

The dragon obviously did not like the notion of Eli getting injured and it really didn't seem like it was out of affection or love, but rather because of a some other reason, like a deal or a promise of some kind.

But Eli didn't have time to linger in his thoughts because this was the perfect time to put his plan in motion.

"Thrym's final wishes? Who is Thrym? And why would I kill myself?!" Eli said, trying to make the most confused looking face he could make.

The moment Eli said that, the dragon's black-green pupils widened in shock.

"You... How can you forget him!? He gave up his life for you!!" With rage evident in its eyes, it swiped one of its hands, slamming Eli into the wall and knocking him unconscious.

As Eli's back hit the wall, he felt his bones crack and dig into his lungs.

The last thing he saw before passing out was the dragon smashing it's head into the wall, making the cave shudder.


Eli dreamt of a village.

It was a village full of giants.

They were all a little bit different from each other, some had horns, some were blue-skinned and some had four arms, but they all looked genuinely happy to be with each other, as if they were all part of one giant family.

But their happiness did not last long, for they were suddenly attacked by an army of thousands. 

It all happened so suddenly.

The sky seemed to descend as a barrage of arrows rained down on the village and pierced everything in site. The adults tried to shield the children with their bodies, but the attack was too fast.

Forced to do nothing but watch as their precious children writhed in pain and slowly lost their life to the poisonous arrows sent them into rage.

Luckily for the adults, their fully developed bodies mainly relied on Prana for energy, so no matter how many poisonous arrows hit them, it never circulated in their system since their blood barely moved. Even their vital organs were protected since the arrows were far too small to reach the organs of the massive titans.

People clad in brown leather armor holding longs spears and shields appeared out of seemingly nowhere and completely surrounded the village.

It was a gruesome scene, an army of at least a hundred thousand attacking a village of merely a thousand warriors.

But the giants still held on.

The main reason the giants were able to compete against the massive army of the humans was due to a single man keeping the majority of the soldiers at bay all by himself.

He was almost thrice the size of all other giants. Every step he took caused the earth to shake, his every scream destroyed his enemy's eardrums and every kick caused the humans to be blown away. 

But every individual strength always has it's limits, and even though he appeared as an unwavering mountain, slowly but surely, his punches were getting weaker, his kicks softer and his screams quieter.

The battle continued for a long time and with every passing second, it felt like the chances of the humans winning this battle were increasing.

Enemy reinforcements kept coming in as if they were endless and every giant was surrounded by hundreds of humans. The giants, drenched with blood, kept fighting and fighting until eventually, one of them fell.

Then another...

And another.

With the giants finally emptying their almost endless stamina reserves, the balance of the battle that was so precariously being maintained by the giants' boundless stamina and the humans' never-ending reinforcements finally broke.

The warriors of the Frost Giant Tribe started dropping like flies and it seemed that this would be the end of their journey...

Until their reinforcements arrived too.

Giant ice boulders dropped from the sky, crushing the humans and the night suddenly became a lot darker.

The moonlight was now blocked by an army of dragons which were descending from the sky at rapid speed, helping the giants fight back. 

The seemingly endless reinforcements of the humans finally slowed down, at the battle tilted massively in the favor of the monsters.

Every human was cowering in fear at the might of the Dragon Race and the Ice Giant Tribe and the battle looked as if it was going to end in a loss for the humans.

Then, as if trying to engulf the world, a ray of light erupted from the ground, blinding everyone that looked at it...

Then suddenly, Eli felt a euphoric feeling spread throughout his body, waking him up.

Getting up with a groan, his eyes widened as he remembered the events that transpired before he was knocked out.

He immediately flicked his neck around, trying to find the dragon that smashed him into the wall.

Luckily for him, all he saw was the figure of the dragon flying farther and farther away from the cave.

Then he remembered what he felt before he woke up. That feeling was no doubt the same one he felt when he was healed by the dragon.

Looking down at the spot where the dragon hit him, he could still see the some of the silver blood that was being greedily absorbed by his body.

'So first it heals me, then yells at me, then attacks me only to heal me again. Does it have a screw loose or something?'

Thinking back to the image of the dragon bashing its head against the wall, Eli just sighed and sat down again.

He tried to think about the actions of the dragon, but his mind kept being distracted by the dream he just had.

'What was that dream? No, it was too detailed to be a dream. Maybe the memories of the previous owner of this body? A vision of the future? But I haven't even seen any other dragons or giants yet other than that shit-for-brains lizard.'

Realizing that Eli would just get nowhere with random speculations, he decided to think about his situation with the dragon.

'It definitely doesn't want to kill me but then why did it attack when I asked him those questions? Does that mean that I won't be getting any answers from it? Then what even was the point of doing all that? And am I going to have to starve until that idiot brings me food? I really just want to leave this prison as soon as possible.'

With nothing better to do, Eli walked to the mystical line of runes and began working on his new plan of digging a tunnel underneath the invisible barrier and then escaping. He was ninety-nine percent sure that this idea of his would not work, but slaves don't earn their freedom by just sitting still, do they?

Even the snowstorm outside had stopped and he could see a faint green line far in the distance, which he assumed were trees.

Although digging a tunnel through a barren ground with nothing but your hands might've been an impossible task for a human, Eli was now in the body of a giant. Unfortunately, this also meant that he had to dig a tunnel wide enough for a giant to fit in.

As Eli began the painstaking task, he sensed the dragon approaching him.

His body reacted on instinct and he made a beeline for the wall next to him, clinging to it as if his life depended on it.

'I'm not getting tossed today.'

These were Eli's final words as he was tossed away.

Even thought Eli had the support of the wall, he was standing too close to the entrance of the cave trying to dig a tunnel and the winds caused by the dragon's landing were also much stronger today for some reason.

Once again, with a face full of dust, Eli muttered to himself, "My revenge will be so hellish that you'll be having nightmares once I'm done with you!" 

Fortunately for Eli, the dragon species did not have advanced hearing capabilities.

Your reviews and ideas are greatly appreciated :)

Also let me know if you spot any grammatical errors and I'll try to fix them as soon as possible

mollyqlcreators' thoughts