
Born in the Darkness

In a universe of magic and forgotten technology, power teeters on a knife's edge. Countless races, from spatial manipulators to demons, live by the creed: only the strong survive. Deep within a forsaken abyss, a new being forms from countless tortured souls. This dark entity, driven by vengeance, begins to awaken, unnoticed by the world above. Vast kingdoms and powerful sects, obsessed with power, clash with swords and spells, unaware of the impending doom. Subtle disturbances hint at the approaching darkness—flickering stars, glowing runes, and dismissed prophecies. As the being gathers strength, driven by collective suffering, it prepares to unleash a wave of despair that will engulf the universe. Only a few wise beings recognize the signs and secretly prepare for the catastrophic upheaval. A paradise where none will suffer again will be forged, but despair, fear, and death must be spread, Believing that only through utter destruction can true peace and harmony be forged

wh173 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Purification and Revelation

The sun's first light pierced through the dense canopy of the forest, casting long shadows over the ground. Azrael awoke in his makeshift cave, the cool, damp air clinging to his skin. His white hair gleamed faintly in the dim light as he stretched, preparing for another day of relentless training.

For the past two months, Azrael had devoted himself entirely to his cultivation. After reaching Human Rank: Novice (Level 1), he realized that his progress was hindered by impurities within his body. Drawing on the memories of countless souls, he learned that the key to rapid cultivation was purifying one's body. These memories, filled with the wisdom of countless cultivators, had shown him the way forward.

As he stepped out of the cave, the forest greeted him with sounds. Birds sang their morning songs, and the rustling leaves whispered secrets carried by the wind. Azrael inhaled deeply, savoring the crisp, clean air. He could feel the subtle energies of the forest around him, and he knew that every breath he took was an opportunity to grow stronger.

Azrael's daily routine was rigorous. He began each day with intense physical exercises, pushing his body to its limits. The memories within him provided guidance, as if the souls themselves were speaking to him.

"Push harder. Only through pain can you cleanse your body of its impurities," a stern voice echoed in his mind.

He felt the burn in his muscles. Sweat dripped down his face, mingling with the dirt beneath him. Each drop felt like a tiny impurity being expelled from his body. He welcomed the pain, knowing it was a sign of progress.

Once his body was sufficiently warmed up, Azrael turned his attention to cultivating his energy. The sun had fully risen by now, its warm rays filtering through the trees. He found a spot where the sunlight was most intense and sat down cross-legged. The memories had taught him that the sun's heat was a source of yang energy, vital for his cultivation.

As he closed his eyes, he focused on his breathing, drawing in the energy around him. He could feel the heat of the sun on his skin, the yang energy flowing into his body.

"Feel the warmth, let it cleanse you," a gentle voice whispered.

The process was slow and meticulous. Azrael visualized the energy moving through his body, seeking out and dissolving the impurities. At times, the pain was excruciating, but he endured, knowing that each moment brought him closer to his goal.

The nights were equally important for his cultivation. The cool, soothing air of the night was rich with yin energy. Azrael would often meditate under the moonlight, absorbing the yin energy to balance the yang energy he gathered during the day. This balance was crucial for his cultivation, as the memories had shown him.

"Yin and yang, cold and hot, night and day. Balance them, and you will find true strength," an ancient voice advised.

During these sessions, Azrael's mind would often drift into the memories of the souls within him. He saw fragments of their lives, their struggles, and their triumphs. Each memory was a lesson, a piece of wisdom he could apply to his own journey.

One memory stood out more vividly than the others. It was of a powerful cultivator named Lin Xian, who had achieved incredible feats by purifying his body. Azrael watched as Lin Xian sat in a similar cave, enduring excruciating pain as he forced out the impurities. He saw the determination in Lin Xian's eyes, the unwavering resolve to become stronger.

"Remember, Azrael, the path to power is paved with suffering. Embrace it," Lin Xian's voice echoed in his mind.

Azrael followed Lin Xian's example, using the techniques he had witnessed in the memory. He could feel the impurities being expelled from his body, each one making him a little lighter, a little stronger. The process was grueling, but Azrael's determination never wavered.

After two months of this intense regimen, Azrael could feel a significant change within himself. His body was leaner, his muscles more defined. The energy within him flowed more freely, no longer hindered by impurities. He had reached a new level of clarity and strength.

One morning, after another grueling training session, Azrael decided to test his newfound strength. He found a large, solid stone nearby and struck it with his fist. The impact left a clear imprint, a testament to his enhanced physical power. He remembered trying to punch the same stone when he first arrived in the mountains. Back then, his fists had barely made a dent.

"This is the result of a body without impurities," a voice praised within his mind. "You have done well, Azrael."

Azrael smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. The memories were right. The purification process had significantly enhanced his physical abilities, and he could now channel his energy more effectively.

"You have achieved this in such a short amount of time," another voice added, filled with admiration. "Your body constitution is truly extraordinary."

Azrael's heart swelled with pride. The praise from the memories was a reminder of how far he had come. But he knew there was still a long journey ahead. His ultimate goal was to regain his original strength, the power he had lost when he escaped from the darkness.

As he continued his training, Azrael discovered another important aspect of his cultivation. Through the memories, he learned about the nature of yin and yang energies. Hot things, like the sun, contained yang energy, while cold things, like the night air, possessed yin energy.

"Cultivate under the sun for yang energy," a wise voice instructed. "And under the moon for yin energy. Balance them, and your cultivation will progress swiftly."

Azrael took this advice to heart. He spent his days absorbing the yang energy from the sun and his nights meditating to gather yin energy from the moon. The balance of these two energies was crucial, and he could feel the difference in his cultivation speed.

With each passing day, Azrael's strength and abilities grew. The memories continued to guide him, offering insights and techniques that helped him advance. His body, now free of impurities, absorbed the energies more efficiently, and his cultivation progressed at an astonishing rate.

Despite the progress, Azrael remained humble and focused. He knew that he still had a long way to go. The mountains held many dangers and challenges, and he needed to be prepared for whatever lay ahead.

Two months had passed since Azrael began his journey in the mountains. His physical and mental training had paid off, and he felt more powerful and confident than ever. But he knew that he needed to test his strength against real opponents to truly gauge his abilities.

One day, as he was resting in his cave after a particularly intense training session, Azrael felt a deep curiosity about the cultivation system of this world. He closed his eyes and delved into the memories, seeking answers.

"The cultivation system is divided into several ranks," a knowledgeable voice explained. "Each rank represents a significant increase in power and understanding. The first major rank is the Human Rank, which is divided into four levels: Novice, Apprentice, Expert, and Master."

Azrael listened intently, absorbing the information. He was currently at the Novice level, the very beginning of his journey. The voice continued, explaining the subsequent ranks: Earth Rank and Celestial Rank

"The Earth Rank follows the Human Rank and is divided into three subrealms: Pillar, Fortress, and Monarch. Beyond this lies the Zenith, where cultivators begin to touch the heavens. Each subrealm within the Earth Rank comprises only five levels. However, the journey doesn't end here, as the most important rank still awaits: the Celestial Rank. This rank represents the pinnacle of martial arts and is unique due to its divisions: Celestial, Ethereal, Astral, Mystic, and Immortal. Each division is further categorized into low, middle, high, and top tiers, based on how close a practitioner is to ascending to the next division. Typically, a middle-level practitioner has an advantage over a low-level one," the voice explained.

Azrael found himself fascinated by the complexities of the cultivation system. Each rank required immense effort and determination to progress, but the rewards were unparalleled power and mastery over one's own destiny.

As he learned more about the ranks, Azrael's resolve only grew stronger. He was determined to climb the ranks, to regain his original strength and surpass it. The memories provided him with techniques and methods, but it was up to him to put in the hard work and dedication.

The following days were spent in a blend of physical training and deep meditation. Azrael focused on refining his techniques, using the wisdom of the souls within him to guide his every move. The forest became both his sanctuary and his training ground, a place where he could push his limits and grow stronger.

Azrael continued to train tirelessly, absorbing the yin and yang energies around him and purifying his body. His progress was remarkable, and he could feel his power growing with each passing day. The memories within him served as both mentors and motivators, urging him forward on his path to greatness.

Despite the solitude, Azrael never felt alone. The voices of the souls within him provided companionship and guidance, their collective wisdom shaping his journey. He knew that he was on the right path, and he was determined to see it through to the end.

As the sun set on another day of training, Azrael sat in his cave, his body and mind at peace. He had come a long way since escaping the darkness, but he knew that his journey was just beginning. With the knowledge of the cultivation system and the guidance of the souls, Azrael was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

He closed his eyes, letting the memories flow through him, each one a stepping stone on his path to power. The journey was far from over, but Azrael was prepared. He would continue to train, to grow, and to ascend the ranks. His destiny awaited, and he was ready to claim it.