
Kill or get killed

The adventure party, was in very critical condition by seeing death of member, was in angry all attack to Shinto, Shinto was also in desperate condition to run, but after experience damage bymagic from them, priest give shield to its all member, the fact there power was bit low but Shinto make its poison breath everywhere it was like snow do fog but extreme purple colour fog with poison in that moment the Shinto power was increased somehow, Shinto was in near death condition but he see all adventure was fainted on that exact time the message appeared to Shinto, soul essence - Yes/NO. Shinto doest not know what that means he just say Yes. And all body one by one disappeared. On that Shinto realised something big is happened he say system to check the status on that he became fainted and didn't see his status at all, system error was happening and them message come evolve to saw scaled viper Yes / NO he in fainted voiced said yes and he when wake up his size was 3 m. His status was changed.The snake wall window appear and levels were higher, the first first magic was fire magic, blackmagic , earth magic, icemagic, self recovery, skill scale hunting, various skills for appeared and then Shinto check various skills appeared the soul essence appear to level 6