
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 54 The Ordinary Young Master Jiang

"Senior, what exactly does the Propaganda Department do?"

 "Do you have a girlfriend, senior?"

"The senior's hometown is in the same place as mine. Which community is it in?"

In the process of walking from the general building to the second dining hall, the girls from the Finance Department surrounded Mr. Xu University asking questions, quite like a crowd of stars holding the moon.

At this time, a black Bentley happened to drive past them, slowly moved forward along Academy 2nd Road, and finally stopped at the main entrance of the 2nd Dining Hall, attracting their attention.

This car obviously had an unfamiliar foreign license plate, and logically it could not be driven in. However, the guard did not dare to stop it, and even the security guard riding a patrol car did not dare to go up and ask, so he just came in openly.

"That black car is so domineering. I didn't see the brand. What kind of car is it?"

"Just look at the wheels and you'll know that Bentley is the UK's top luxury car brand." Xu Junli said with ease.

Pan Xiu's eyes lit up when he heard the word luxury car: "Senior, what kind of car does your family drive? Is it also a top-notch luxury car?"

Xu Junli couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose: "A car like this probably costs several million. Ordinary families can't afford it. Although my family can afford it, there is no need to spend all the money on buying a car. This After all, it's just a means of transportation."

"The affordability is great enough, but not many families can afford a Bentley now." Song Qingqing couldn't help but praise it.

"It's nothing serious. I usually keep a low profile in school and usually don't reveal my family situation. I'm mainly afraid of being pressured by my friends around me."

Hearing this sentence, Ren Ziqiang, Cao Guangyu and Zhou Chao behind were so angry that they all wanted to stab someone with a knife.

 Are you still keeping a low profile?

 You have been talking all the way, and our ears are almost calloused!

And your wrist with the watch has never been put down. Doesn't it hurt if you hold it like this?

You say you are pretending, just pretend. Can you be generous and generous? You have to be arrogant and modest at the same time. You are really a bitch and you want to build a memorial.

But don't mention it, Xu Junli's rank is indeed higher than Cao Guangyu, and many girls really do this, so that there are a few more wows from the crowd, which makes Xu Junli feel a little happy, and the corners of his mouth can't help but rise. A lot.

"You see, this is the real tall, rich and handsome man, but he is much more elegant than those who pretend to be aloof even though they have nothing." Song Qingqing couldn't help but poke Jiang Tian again, with a smug look on her face.

As soon as he finished speaking, the left rear door of the black Bentley was suddenly opened.

In full view of everyone, Jiang Qin got out of the car, holding the door frame with his left hand and an advertising fan he picked up from the printing factory in his right hand.

Feng Nanshu wanted to go down with him, but he pushed her back gently with his hand.

"It's too hot at noon. Let Uncle Gong take you back to the dormitory directly. We can go out to play when it gets cooler at night."


Feng Nanshu responded briefly, glanced at him reluctantly through the car window, and then left in the car.

At the same time, a group of people standing on the other side of the road who were about to come over all stopped and looked at the back of the man who was fanning fiercely for a while, their eyes seemed to be frozen.

 what's the situation...

The person sent in by Bentley was Jiang Qin from their class?

 "What a coincidence, you are also here?"

Hearing Jiang Qin's voice, Song Qingqing suddenly felt suffocated. The feeling of being smothered in her face a few days ago resurfaced. She subconsciously held Jiang Tian's arm, as if she wanted to seek some sense of reality.

Jiang Qin walked over and looked at Cao Guangyu first: "The knife was only performed on Monday, can you get out of bed today?"

Cao Guangyu had tears in his eyes: "It's so exciting. It's so damn exciting."

"Did you feel very good after the circumcision? Is it true? I remember the doctor said that I need to stay in bed for half a month."

 "No, I mean your appearance is really exciting!"

Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao strongly agreed, nodding fiercely along with Cao Guangyu. ˆ

They had just been pretending to be yelled at by the man named Xu, and they had been holding back their anger. Then they turned around and saw Jiang Qin appeared in a Bentley, directly reducing the dimension and suppressing them, and they felt very excited.

 A Longines worth 15,000 yuan, three supermarkets and a hotel, it's all bullshit in front of Bentley!

It's so exciting, it's so exciting. The three of them never thought that watching their roommate show off in front of others could be so comfortable.

This pussy has no trace left, is natural and elegant, perfect score!

Jiang Qin was a little confused when he saw the expressions of gratitude on the faces of his three roommates: "What are you so excited about?"

"That Bentley belongs to you, right? Tell us about your family. How many supermarkets and hotels do you have?" Cao Guangyu deliberately spoke louder and glanced at Xu Junli next to him.

Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses.

 Damn it, this is Lao Cao's old habit again. He wants to show his holiness in front of others and hint that he cooperates with him.

He is not a bad person, but he has some weird hobbies. If you don't cooperate with him, he will be very uncomfortable today.

"Hey, let's stop pretending and let's show off our cards. Let's get to know me again, Mr. Jiang, a mediocre young man."

 Cao Guangyu suddenly felt relaxed and happy, thinking that there was a tacit understanding between brothers!

 The scalps of Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang were numb.

 The young master is just the young master, and the taste is too strong!

"Lao Jiang, if you have such a high status and join the student union and become the chairman, then the minister will not be worthy of you at all!" Cao Guangyu was cueing Xu Junli in every line of his words.

Jiang Qin didn't catch the innuendo. Instead, he said, "Why did you get out of bed? It turned out that you were going to the student union for an interview? Didn't you say you weren't going? What happened?"

Xu Junli on the side suddenly said: "It's not bad, the chance of passing is very high."

"Who are you? Are you in our class too?" Jiang Qin felt that the person in front of him was a bit strange.

"Let me meet you, my name is Xu Junli. I am a junior this year. I am your senior. I am now the Propaganda Minister of the Student Union."

Xu Junli took the initiative to say hello, behaved politely, and joked. People who came here in a Bentley are not as good as rushing to make friends while waiting for a meal. Networks like this will be useful even after leaving school in the future.

Jiang Qin suddenly realized: "Oh, you are that Senior Xu, you are quite a nice person."

"No, no, I just want to help. After all, you freshmen may not be familiar with it when you come to school. This is the obligation of student leaders."

Jiang Qin nodded to express his understanding, then looked at Cao Guangyu, Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao: "Do you want to go to the cafeteria to eat or go back to the dormitory?"

 "Let's eat, I've been interviewing all morning and I almost starved to death."

Jiang Qin nodded when he heard his roommate's answer: "Okay, you guys eat slowly. I'll leave first. Senior Xu, we'll see you when we have time."

Xu Junli nodded gracefully: "No problem. If you encounter any problems in the department in the future, you can come to me and I can help you solve them!"

"Jiang Qin, have you eaten?" Song Qingqing saw that he was about to leave, and suddenly she couldn't help but said, "How about you come to have dinner with us? I'll treat you to it!"

"Forget it, the food in the canteen is too cheap. After eating, it affects my mood in the Bentley."

 "Oh, okay..."

Song Qingqing looked at the fan in his hand, which said "Professional andrology, give you sexual happiness", but she felt that he was so noble at the moment that it was difficult to look directly at him.

"Qingqing, is this the contrast you were talking about? It's really an effective comparison. Now I finally know what an ordinary family is." Jiang Tian couldn't help but return all the strange anger just now.

Song Qingqing's face couldn't help but turn pale: "What he filled in was an ordinary family. I saw it really clearly."

 "Forget it, don't say it anymore, I will never believe you again."


Song Qingqing sighed, looked at the senior next to her, and found that the senior suddenly lowered her wrist that had been raised, and put all his hands into his pockets, covering the 15,000 Longines.

 It turns out that the real rich second generation do not leak any traces.